Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Lay a Foundation OOC

[member="Bethany Kismet"]

Much appreciate that my dear thought I just might as reckon it'll hopefully help or aid in sort flesh out character here. As there much about him that he's trying work thru and is in need of healers assist with.
[member="Scheherazade Roshanara"]

In a galaxy at war, there are always those who fall through the gaps.​
​The civilian casualties, the refugees, those without the ability or means to protect themselves. When great powers clash, there are always consequences, and so often that weight falls upon the people living in each new theatre of war.​
When armies clash and missiles fall, who is there to pick up the pieces?​
The Order of the Sacred Lotus is a Lightside faction dedicated to rebuilding, protection, peace and compassion. Open to Force Users and Non-Force Users alike, the Order promises to be there for civilians and others affected by the clashing of military titans.​
Located on Monastery, they utilize their central location to offer aid and succor across the galaxy. With a focus on Civilian Aid in times of War, the Order will:​
-Enter War Zones as Neutral Parties to ease the suffering of the populace and provide aid.​
-Accept positions of neutral observers or third party mediators where an impartial eye is needed.​
-Offer a safe place to refugees and those in need of protection.​
-Establish hospitals, medical centers, and refuges across the galaxy.​
-Heal not only the populaces, but the planets themselves that have been stricken by war.​
-Consider how their actions affect the whole, and strive to do good works while resisting the fallacy that 'the end justifies the means.'​
-Work to further the cause of peace in the galaxy without resorting to violence, unless required to defend the lives of themselves or others.​
Beyond these active goals, the Order strives for enlightenment. To find the balance, in themselves and in the galaxy. Adhering to an older version of the Jedi Code, they do not believe that the path of utter detachment is sustainable or wise. Rather than denying the inherent emotions that are part of living, the Sacred Lotus focuses not on these emotions, but that what is done with them that matters.​
Beyond joining The Order of the Sacred Lotus, the faction is available for other faction's RPs.​
If you need aid workers, mediators, medics, or sanctuary, OSL is available and waiting. The Order is neutral in the political game, concerned with the care and rebuilding of those who do not have a say when armies sweep across their lands.​
"We only see one tiny fleck of reality, and that fleck is fake. The idea that we are independent of each other is deep and pervasive and so easy to be taken in by. After all, that's what it looks and feels like, doesn't it? Every one of us alone, moving through this galaxy in a billion random directions. But this is false. There is no 'us' and 'them'. The illusion of separation is just that- an illusion. It goes beyond the idea that we are all connected, though that is how many Jedi interpret it.
There is no separation.
What we do to another, we do to ourselves."

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