Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Good to be True? [Jorus]

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya was master at being noticed, but she was equally a master of blending in. The sleuth provided her with a means of transport that didn't stand out from any other on her decent into Anaxes atmosphere, following the landing trajectory she had been given. There were two ways she could go about this, the first would be to be noticed, to land herself in a cell and speak to someone through the bars. Not an ideal situation, how many prisoners would offer up something like this in an attempt to save their own skin?

The second, was something more subtle. J.Q. Merrill was a name worth watching, a man who had his finger in many pies and didn't always seem to be to concerned with who he was sharing the pie with. His list of known associates was interesting to say the least. It was of course a possibility that Popo would speak to her himself, after all, they'd done business in the past, but she dare not risk it. Politics and Jedi corrupted, and it was safe to say her name was more tarnished with the latter.

Anaya found herself a busy cantina, ordered a drink and sat in a dark corner, hood drawn to conceal her face and waited for her prey. She closed her eyes, and visualised the room through the force, skimming over the auras in the room till she found a candle that was not so bright. A Jedi padawan. Lips moved, a silent spell whispered across the room and for a moment, the padawan paused in his actions, eyes glazing. He rose from his seat, and moved away from his friends without a word, heading for the door. His mission simple, find Merrill, tell him the Lady Apoleia wished to see him.It was possible that the spell would lose its traction once he was out of range, but even so, his teaching would tell him to find a master and tell him what had happened.

Either way, [member="Jorus Merrill"] would know she was looking for him.
[member="Anaya Fen"]

Twenty-three minutes later, a career spacer with a revolver strapped to each thigh slid into the cantina booth opposite Anaya. He blinked once; his eyes flickered with hyperlight. "Apoleia, is it? I'm Merrill."

He gave her a once-over, so far as he could see her behind the table. Every instinct he possessed didn't like her much, but that wariness didn't really extend to the situation. But who could know the future.

"If this is about my sister, lady, now ain't the time."

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya chuckled, a hand reaching to tug the hood away from her head. Red eyes glinted in the low light, her head tilting slightly as she regarded the man before her. "You must hold her in high regards if your first instinct when a someone like me comes looking for you, is that its because of her." She picked up her drink and watched him carefully over the rim as she took a sip. "Though when you sit on such opposites of a spectrum who can blame you. No Mister Merrill, this is not about Rave."

The glass found the table once more. "This is about something much bigger than that, probably the biggest problem you have. I'm here to offer my help in solving your problem."

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya lips twitched as she resisted a smile "I didn't realise Stri'agra had made it so far out of the Mandalorian Territories." She sat back hand closing about the glass turning it on the spot as she watched him "But then you do get around don't you. I would say think bigger, but I think the innuendo's might get out of hand." She smirked.

"What would you say if I told you I could, and have, infiltrated the One Sith?"

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Anaya Fen"]

"I'd ask you three things, to start. The first is askin' you what makes you different from the others that've claimed the same and tried to play us. The second is askin' you what you've got. Third is askin' you what you want."

Nisha Decrilla

"Three very good questions. Let me tackle the first for you. My true name, is Anaya Fen. You have absolutely no reason to trust me, in fact, trusting me is the last thing you should ever do. But, you are not a sith, therefore the likeliness of me stabbing you in the back is dramatically reduced. I am not a fan of large numbers of sith grouped together, not only is it bad for business is has terrible prospects for survival. I like chaos, but I like it to be on my own terms. So bottom line, absolutely nothing."

"What do I have? I have Darth Mieren believing I am an acolyte and hers to teach, and I can tell you that the One SIth are building a their own temple in place of the Jedi's." She paused for a moment eyes drifting to the rest of the cantina. "Its amazing, really, just how much symbolism a building can have." She blinked and looked back to the spacer. "As for what I want? That would depend entirely on how valuable a link into the heart of the enemy is to you."

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Anaya Fen"]

"Apoleia...there's a company called Apoleia, and I think I seem to recall it being owned by a Twi'lek with a reputation. When I was running Silk, we thought about partnering you for some entertainment stations, little things." He unfolded his arms, leaned back in the booth. "And here you are tryin' to strike a deal. You're the business type, I'm thinkin', so you understand that if you want the customer to ante up what they're willing to pay, they better be pretty well sold on your product bein' everything they want and need. And for that to happen, buyer needs to know what's bein' offered.

"Are you capable of smuggling out prisoners -- Jedi an' Republic personnel?"

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya passed a hand over her mouth, forehead creasing in thought. "Not directly, no. I can however, get you details for prisoner transfers, allowing you to the hit them when they're on the move."

Anaya was under no delusion that whatever she did would cost her. The dark lord did not look kindly on traitors, anything that tied back to her, would mean her death. End of the line. So whatever she gave away, had to be untraceable, and if she came face to face with the Republic while under cover, she could not hesitate to kill them as she would her own enemy.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Anaya Fen"]

"That could have value," he admitted, "but considerin' it's the sort of thing that could really, really easily be a trap, the payoff might not suit your tastes. Compensation's a slidin' scale, after all."

Nisha Decrilla

"Your concerns are understandable." She shrugged and leant forward, arms coming to rest on the table top. "It is early days, and they trust me about as much as you do. Give me time and more trust will be gained along with better security access. Between now and then I will feed you what little I can glean without expecting anything in it a goodwill gesture. If you're satisfied, we can reconvene to discuss the bigger picture."

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Anaya Fen"]

He smiled, and it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I don't like to owe people. You'll be rewarded if your tidbits check out, I'll see to that. Through your business -- I'm sure the concept of money laundering ain't foreign to ya. There's a retired infobroker on Nar Shaddaa named Seren Irreantum. Don't don't look at him too close, don't contact him aside from sending him whatever you find."

Nisha Decrilla

There might have been a time, when Anaya would have been bothered by the lack of sincerity in Jorus's smile, now though, she simply mirrored it. Eyes hardened slightly.

"No." There was weight behind the refusal, "No third parties. The information will come to you directly." She twisted slightly to reach into a bag at her side, pulling a palm sized spheres from its depths and set it on the table before him. After a moment it hummed to life repulsors lifting it from the table to come eye to eye with the spacer. "This is a gemini communications droid. When your ready, it will do a retina scan to finish the link up with its twin after that, only you can access it. The information I get will come to you through this."

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Anaya Fen"]

There was a risk to this. Any number of risks. Irreantum was one of his old worknames, but he suddenly didn't feel like blowing that one. Instead he took the droid and nodded, standing. "Works for me. Welcome back to the game, Anaya Fen."

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya chuckled "I never left, Mister Merrill." She raised her glass to him, before draining its contents "I was just waiting for the opportune moment."

Scooping the bag up beside her she rose from the table. "Perhaps, when all this is over, we can discuss business matters more to our taste?"

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

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