Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To err is human, to gamble divine


The enthusiastic ding, ding, ding of a slot machine broadcasting the lucky win of its recipient. The sweet, distinct smell of designer death sticks wafting from a velvet-roped alcove. The shuffle of various shaped and sized sentient feet on a muddy, brown carpet.

“This way Miss Tiin,” said an Aqualish representative of the Outlander Club, one of the most popular casinos in the lower levels of the Coruscant Entertainment District.

Briga Tiin, a Caprine mystic, hailing from the far off planet of Iktotch was on her first trip to the overpopulated core world. She had gone to visit the small Caprine colony on the ecumenopolis, and successfully converted a few of them to Ax’nosticism, the strict worship of the goddess Ax’no. She’d gone through some of the rites and rituals with her fellow species when Mr. Joko, a stray Aqualish hanging around the CoCo Town Center for Religious Freedom spied, Briga and her three maenadic handmaidens. He sidled up to them, making small talk until he got to the crux of why he had really approached her in the first place.

“If you have time to see more Coruscant sights, come with me to the Outlander Club. Everything will be paid for, including food and drinks for your lovely ladies,” he said, sighing and gazing longingly at the Asti Caprine adepts, including their Mother Goddess Briga herself.

“Of course,” the horned mystic said. “Maybe we can even… I don’t know, bet on some podracing?”
His obsidian pearl-like orbs opened wide at that statement. Mr. Joko chortled as though she’d shared a private joke with him. “Why you are reading my mind right now!” he exclaimed. “Your visionary powers are truly unrivaled.”

Of course, Briga knew that the Aqualish really wanted to make his own bets based on her gift of precognition, but having nothing better to do, and with the promise of all you could eat crab-stuffed creampuffs, it was an offer she couldn’t refuse.

A glass of champagne mysteriously ended up in her hand. Mr. Joko said, “It’s only around the bend here.” And as they rounded the corner, Briga saw the giant sports betting area, complete with panoramic monitors of the races and Twi’lek dancers.

[member="Trenchcoat Man"]

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