Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Days Gone By...

Why Ariealla was walking here, on the streets of the planet Denon, in her full purple sith robes, complete with all appropriate armour on her chest, arms, head and shins, escaped even herself. Something dark drew her here, despite having great need to continue meditating and building her power once more, something... she almost wanted to say 'kindred' in a sense. She just knew for one reason or another something was here for her, something she could use perhaps. Perhaps something to give a little more clarity on the galaxy, as oft was her goal. Even such a simple thing as that would benefit her recovery, as it was some time since she had began.

Regardless of why, she was here now, her lightsaber clicking lightly against her armour and her sword's tip just barely dragging against metal floors. This world was, oddly at peace for such a war torn galaxy. It was a shame, almost, she simply had to see what had brought her here. Where the darkness lie in such a quietly loud world. Her own pulsating darkness practically oozed into the ground as she walked, without her concealment capability it would be obvious she was there.

[member="Safiriel Bane"]
Safiriel sat in her apartments, she had somewhat moved into Denon following her studies of some of the archives contained her. She was dressed in simple evening clothes, a silken blouse and shorts as she sat on the sofa with a cup of tea in hand, gently sipping it as she relaxed in the candle illuminated darkness, letting the simple pleasure of it warm her body. She set the cup down gently on a coaster on the slim plexiglass table before her, then she reclined against the soft cushions.

It had been roughly a move since she had moved in here, following her meetings with Senator Ayumi, it proved quite the perfect place to return to, and create as a center for herself. Her apprentice, Maya, was off whereabouts, pursuing her own goals, which was fine to Safiriel, she was not after all the young Dathomiri's owner. She felt it, the appoach, and slowly opened her eyes. Had the sith finally come to kill her?

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]
It didn't take much time at all to find the location of the darkness Ariealla was seeking, no time at all. In fact, it didn't even seem to be hiding all that much, given that it was currently residing in what appeared to be a large apartment building. Strange, it didn't seem to be trying to leave. It didn't run, it simply, stayed put. Perhaps that was all for the best, she was not hunting tonight, she hoped anyways, as she had little need to stock up on... supplies. Though she was rather hungry, no, not tonight. She sighed and rubbed her temples in frustration as she stepped inside, ignoring everyone as she found her way to a lift. Stepping inside it, she rode the entire way up in silence, stepping out only at the floor she felt the presence of.. whoever.

Stepping onto the metal floors once more, she made her way towards their apartment, and paused outside the door. It only now occurred to her that whatever was beyond this door might yet prove to be an enemy, someone that she may be forced into sudden engagement with. She would not let such a situation unfold without being prepared, no no no... she groaned lightly at another spike of pain through her head as she unclipped her saberstaff, and held it in her right hand as she slowly moved to open the door. She knew not what was on the other side, and kept her saber ready, but the blade disengaged.

[member="Safiriel Bane"]
And then the presence stopped at her door. No shouting, no explosions. If she hadn't known better, she would have expected a friendly knock on the door. However, perhaps she was just being lured into a trap honey potted with a gentle approach, that was always the risk with the sith wasn't it? But what was she here for then? To kill her? She could think of few other reasons as to why, and she highly doubted this was one of the types of sith that liked to occasionally crawl into the Echani's bed. Perhaps it was just a guest though, to deliver a message. Courtesy had to be given to all, and so she slowly rose.

On bare feet, she walked across the smooth carpeted floor of the apartment, walking to the door opening it "Hello There" She said with a gentle, graceful smile as she opened the door further. She had no weapons carried on her at present, and her saber was on the rack with ehr armor in the bedroom, far out of reach. "Can I help you?"

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]
Ariealla didn't speak at first, as she simply... stared at the woman. She took in every detail of her features, every last minuscule natural wrinkle in her smile, the colour of her eyes, the sheer... calmness she commanded. For a moment, the human.. no.. not human, she was too calm and graceful. Any normal, or even most abnormal, human would be off put by her darkness. Something close though, with grace... She couldn't think of the words as more pain laced in her head. Cursed public transit combined with her medication, this was why she always joined a military. They never had to deal with this..

Ariealla slowly reached out with her left hand, hovering in the air right in front of Safiriel's face, as if trying to feel her darkside aura as a physical object, like some sort of viscous liquid one could dip a finger into. It was strange, and no less so when she slowly withdrew her hand, and the (short) woman cocked her head slightly to one side. At a mere 5' 1" she was towered in size by Safiriel, yet even so she seemed to contain just as much presence, perhaps somewhat more. "You... command great darkness. Like... Like a younger woman I knew. Who... are... you?" The words were soft, an almost singing tone given to them as they left her lips.

[member="Safiriel Bane"]
[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]

She saw her reaching out physically, and felt her reaching out through the force to feel her, to see whom she was, what she was. Just as easily, it could have been an attack, a telekenetic push or choke, but it wasn't. She had not struck this girl, nor turned her away when she could have, nor had this girl attempted to harm her. Safi felt curiosity from her slim, petite form. She wanted to learn about the Echani before her it seemed. To hear of her tale. Or perhaps, all she really wanted was a name. She opened the door all the way and held out an arm, inviting her in.

She did not fear this girl, though the ancient powers inside of her weaved and spun around Safiriel's mind teasingly. "That is a simple enough question, though I can tell you have many more. You may call me Safiriel, though most taken to shortening it to Safi." She shook her head, a gentle smile still on her lips "Would you like to come inside? To share tea with me?" She invited, looking over at the cup she had set on her table. She could always make more.
"Tea..." She repeated, her left hand pulling all the way over her heart, staying there loose as she thought. Safi...riel? A strange name... ah... yes. An Echani styled name, that was the word. Blessed be her moments of clarity during such stunting headaches, they truly were what kept her sane. She glanced back up at the woman, having turned her head downward somewhat, and gave a short nod to her as she invited her in. "Tea is... lovely. Do not attempt much... however." A warning, though poorly worded, to not attempt to kill her via some low handed poisoning. It was, while a frequent tactic she employed, rather underhanded to the point of being despised. There was no honour in such a killing, after all.

The woman stepped under the much taller echani's arm and stepped onto the fabric of the carpet. Now the sword at her hip, fully visible, went from scraping metal to leaving a defined trail in the carpet as she went into the main room, wherein Safiriel had left her tea. The saberstaff was released from her hand, and re-clipped to her belt with very well controlled telekenisis, something one had to admire somewhat. She unsheathed her sword and sat down on a chair, placing her sword down away from herself on the ground.

Proof of her own peaceful intentions, even if she still held onto her lightsaber. "... Why the darkness? You do not strike me as Sith."

[member="Safiriel Bane"]
Safiriel remained quiet, letting the simple silence of the dark room envelope them again as the door closed. The dark was so much more peaceful than the blinding, dazzling light, or so she had come to find. She did not answer the question right away, instead, preparing the tea she favored. It was black, somewhat strong but, with the barest hints of fruity extract. A few minutes of waiting for the pot to warm later, she poured the boiling water over the tea itself, letting the flavored drink drain down into a simple clear cup.

When this was done, she placed it upon a tray, complete with some sugar and cream, she did not know how her guest took it, and carried it back into the living room, placing it before the dark presence, before resuming her seat gracefully. Her movements were smooth, and fluids. The dexterity and ease of her movements was far beyond human, on a level that most would require force augmentation to use, yet, it was clear this was all natural to the Echani, not a single spike of force powers visible around her, besides her own aura.

She smiled at the girl's question "There is much that lurks in the dark beyond the Sith. Things far more terrifying, and things far gentler than could be found in the greatest light. When one stares at the sun, is one not scoured away by the heat? And in turn, when in darkness, is one not surrounded and comforted by it?"

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]
"The sun is what creates the shadow, in the end the sun still comforts the eyes it scorned. In all things a balance..." It was half muttered as she looked down at the tea given to her. It floated up to her hands, and she took a small sip, testing its flavour, before being a bit more, generous. "AS for what lies in the darkness... there are yet darkness-es even the mighty Sith of this era have never known. There is very little that can out pace the darkness created by the Sith, save that created by the Jedi. Amusing, is it not?" A giggle escaped her mouth, though it was off pitch, almost sick sounding. How long had it been.. nearing that 24 hour mark for certain by now. There was very little active medicine in her veins by now, mostly residual, which gave her some time. Some time...

"Not-Sith.. Echani. I must ask then, by what mantle might garner your... title as it may be. IF we are to partake in tea, I would know with whom I am sharing it." Another sip, as she looked up at the woman once more. Such a tall, well designed woman. It almost made the sith smile a little bit, almost. It didn't, of course. She had other... attachments to be more concerned with.

[member="Safiriel Bane"]
She listened to the woman's words, agreeing with many of them. Did she hold with the order? For technicalities sake she was now among them, though in truth any connections or loyalties on to organizations were convenient at best. Her loyalties lay, of course, to herself. For purity of self was the greatest power one could achieve. Once one had mastered one's own body and mind, there was no challenge that could not be overcome. With it, it was possible to ignore pain, endure fatigue, to break the barriers of humanity But such a state was hard for most people to achieve, let alone advance in.

She fought, because it was something she was good at. She taught, because she had the means to. She lived, because she wanted to. Life was a collection of cryptic truths and simple lies. And the faction, Sith and Jedi both, would attempt to deceive themselves into believing there was only one way to attaining perfection.

"The Galaxy is full of contradictions and amusing hypocrites, but without them....who knows just what might have been uncovered?"

She wondered out loud with a small, devilish grin.

"As for what you may call me, Safiriel. I hold no great ties to titles, no matter how many are placed upon me. I am also called Bane, The Shadow's Sage, the Blade's Shadow, She of the Night's Wind....but what are these all? Hollow words to try and describe something that cannot be contained in mere words"

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]
"Bane? No relation to the Darth I would assume." She chuckled and sat back further, closing her eyes a while. She couldn't deny that this woman was intriguing.. to say the least. One had to wonder what secrets she held, and what she might yet find out this night. Who knew, she had to wonder. There was much left to find, after all....

<Insert fading to black and onto "Darker Tendencies">

[member="Safiriel Bane"]

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