Keepin Corellia Weird

Ijaat looked out the window of the spaceship as he landed. Dantooine was a place he admittedly hadn't visited much. But it fit his needs. Ever since crafting the saber he now wore almost at all times on his hip, he had realized even in the peak shape he was working back into, he would not be a match for Jedi or Sith except on his best day and their worse. He needed a way to get the edge, before he let himself loose to wage war like he once had. The best he could offer now-a-days was inevitably a little slower than before, his reactions just a hairs breadth slowed by age.That is why he had decided to come to this backwater world out here in the Outer Rim. A friend of a friend of an associate had told him of a Force user here who made things. Could enhance things. Not like Sith Alchemy, using the Dark Side, but somehow similar, using the Light Side of the Force. Many of the things this guy made could speed your minds clarity, hone your reflexes. And that was what he needed. Physically he was more than a match for these Sith tooling around now-a-days. And he was only becoming more so. But he lacked the preternatural reflexes his youth brought that allowed him to match their kind.
Stepping off the dock of the transport as it hissed open it' ramps, Ijaat was acutely aware and grateful his armor was store in a rucksack on his back. The saber was safely wrapped in bantha hide on top of it. Only the crushgauntlets he had made, concealed in layers of wound wraps of coarse linen, were even remotely close to openly displayed. Covert had been his idea. He wasn't explicitly trying to conceal his identity, but he was trying to keep from screaming it, such as wearing the beskar'gam of a Journeyman Protector would have.
Otherwise he looked like a vagabond, maybe from a desert or arid climate, with a wrap around his face and a cloak over his pack with the hood pulled down over his face to hide the distinctive shade of amber-brown eyes and jet black hair, the slightly hooked nose and his trademark crescent moon scar. He rented a speeder bike at a nearby shop, not making a show of going for the best model, but making sure he wouldn't have to worry about it breaking down.
Swinging into the seat, he gunned the engine as soon as he was clear of town, heading to the coordinates he had gained from his contact. The Jedi, or whatever he called himself, would know to be expecting him, but hopefully didn't know exactly who he was. And if he did... Well that would be dealt with. For now, he tried to keep his mind clear, focused on the bike as he kept the throttle near red-lined and swooped in on his destination.
Arriving, he let the bike idle down to a low whine before turning it off and securing it, walking up to what he assumed was the main door of the place and knocking, perhaps more forcefully than he intended, but that happened with crushgauntlets.
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