Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Adventure (Serena Bouie)

[member="Serena Bouie"]

She looked at her and raised those eyebrows while pointing with her chin. "There are many ruins from the older species across the planet. My people can go to them and work the land around here." She was moving into the fields and there were creatures as some of the larger Am were floating nearby. Their white spongy bodies moving around like living balloons. The Del-Ya spoke more. "If you want we could fly to them."
"Fly? the air fly?" What other type of fly was there? Wren most certainly had lost her focus now. what would it be like to fly? Without anything other than, she looked over again at Serana.

This was definitely turning into the kind of day that she would remember, hopefully soon by nature things would become normal. But until then she wanted to live life every day as it was.
[member="Serena Bouie"]

"Is there any other type?" She had a small grin on her face though while she stretched her wings out and moved. "Come on... you can climb up. It isn't to bad just be careful not to fall off." There was humor in her voice while she was looking to the horizon and the horn on her head to show and clear space so she could run.

"no, there isn't" where else would one fly she asked herself, here's your sign Wren. Don't fall off, ok.. she thought. She hoped this was one of the things she had forgotten and would now remember. She slipped her arms around Serana's neck and shifted her weight up and over the wing joint.

She sat up on Serana's back well now this was a different view, "Ok I think I'm ready..."
[member="Serena Bouie"]

Serana looked back a little and she turned towards the open field. She started running down the trail as her wings pumped once then twice and suddenly her front hooves were up. while she rose into the air catching a gust from within the city. Serana flew higher itno the sky while the weight from the woman on her back didn't let her reach the levels of the others who were flying. ANother gust and Serana was going across the city while the large white tower created an updraft allowing her to get highed as the mountains in the distance were a beautiful view. Serana was gliding towards them on the winds while there were other creatures and Del-Ya doing he same thing.
Wren looked out ahead of them staring off at the horizon taking in the wonders that rolled out before them. As she stared upon the mountains that rose up from the flat of the land she wondered at how long they had stood there, had anyone or anything ever touched upon them before. What wonders lay beneath the layers of rock waiting to be revealed.

The lush green that led straight way to the cool white snow. Hoth wished it had a summer, and Ilum begged for sun when the creator looked upon this valley.​
[member="Serena Bouie"]

Serana kept flying and moving, as the mountains rough area's gave way to snow capped peaks and finally large ruins carved into them with twisting paths that went deep into the mountains or around smaller lakes and she was coming in towards one of the large temples that brought her to a gallop on the stone with the sound of hooves clacking. "We are here, these are the ruins of the Kala."
The sound of hooves on ancient stones was odd, thudding rather then the short clipped noise often made. Wren slid off Serana's back, "thanks" as she looked around at all that surrounded them.

She had this feeling again that she spent a lot of time among ruins, alone. Perhaps another reason why she was in her current circumstances.

"So who were the kala?"

[member="Serena Bouie"]

Serana looked at hr and was thinking best how to describe them. "They were an interesting species that came here and fought, eventually being run off but their ruins remain. Some reports they might be in the northern regions but that hasn't been confirmed." She kept moving and was shaking her head while moving her jaw and licking her teeth.
[member="Serana "]​
"What kind of species? Human? Non Human? bipedal? something else? I need more information to understand the ruins" That made her pause, why did she need to know more to understand?

That was odd, was it a flash of memory? Sometimes it was very confusing to not have all of your marbles neatly wrapped up.
[member="Serena Bouie"]

Serana looked at her and pointed with her horn as she spoke. "Humanoid for the most part, large with four arms, horns, three fingers. They were not the most pretty for a species but they were great as warriors and guardians. Made a living plundering and raiding the riches of the other temples." There were some crude images of them made but not much els while the pony was moving.

"Humanoid, interesting" Wren walked along looking at the ruins something was tickling at her mind something that she thought she should know or be aware of, but each time she reached for it she couldn't grasp it.

"Are you old enough that you have seen them?" She was trying to figure out if Serana lived a long time.
[member="Serena Bouie"]

Serana was looking at her while she shook her head. "No i am not that old, my species lives for awhile compared to some but everything dies out and they were here long ago." The smile she had though was full of teeth while she was walking and showing more history for the species. Their massive depictions of varies things from mating to war with some in between. Heroes of their species that rose up to the status of legends. "There might be some of them on their homeworld in the Unknown regions though. I have always wanted to explore around the galaxy but not much is made for a species like me to use."
Wren nodded yes she could see that not many ships were equipped to deal with, well horses. But if Serana is just looked at as a sentient rather than as a horse then perhaps accommodations could be made.

Wren just wasn't sure who would take on that task. She shrugged just then and went back to looking at the ruins as they walked.

She was studying the little details she enjoyed noticing tiny brush strokes but she also had to take the content into consideration.

"Warrior culture you think?"

[member="Serena Bouie"]

Serana knicked with her head as she agreed. Seeing the culture on the walls showed they were warriors of a high caliber if it was to be believed and she spoke. "Yes I believe so, they seem to favor it and tie it into their religion. An interesting thing but not surprising. The Go nagai, the original inhabitants of this world of this system sought out warriors to fight and conquer. Bringing another here to the world might have been a sign of what they were. I hope to see them and maybe these jedi with their mission of peace will one day bring that about. You never know maybe we'll meet again on some grand adventure across the stars."

"We might do that Serana some adventure off onto someplace we've never seen before. A Warrior race though, of people who strengthen their armies by remaining supreme, quite a concept actually."

Wren wished some of this made more sense to her.
[member="Serena Bouie"]

Serana looked at her as they were walking and the sight of it all... as well as the human interested her. She spoke with a grin on her face while she was walking. "Well then we shall have to go now and I have to say this... You seem happy looking at these walls. Almost glowing compared to how dower you seemed in the marketplace. If i understood humans better I might think you love exploring."
[member="Serena Bouie"]

Serana looked at her and gave a movement that could best be considered a shrug. "Ah we don't have to right now, there is still a lot we can explore and find who knows.... but yes I would love to travel. You fly the ship and I'll fly us around for adventure throughout the galaxy.... Though I might need some other equipment. Like a saber to use for protection and new shoes."
Wren turned and looked at Serana, "Sooo how would you use a light saber?" This she had to know would she hold it in her mouth?? Was that possible, considering how flexible someone had to be?

Would the force grant her that kind of flexibility??

So many variables...

[member="Serana "]

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