Alric Kuhn
Handsome K'lor'slug

Intent: To Create a melee weapon as well as an all purpose tool for the Sons of Titan
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Titan Industries
Model: Titan Tomahawk
Affiliation: The Sons of Titan/Saeva Incorporated
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Material: Phrik
Classification: Tomahawk
Size: One/Two Handed
Length: 64cm
Weight: 1.3kg
Special Features:
-Sharp Front Edge
-Serrated Back Edge
-Pointed back
-Entirely Phrik
The Titan Tomahawk as one might infer from its name is an incredibly simple piece of technology that has been around since the very beginnings of mankind.
The Tomahawk is just that, a simple hatchet with a long metal handle and a broad head. The weapon itself is completely and entirely composed of two pieces of phrik. One acts as the handle, simply stamped out of pure metal and let go, the other acts as the head. The two pieces are pinned together by a single metal pin also machine pressed into place.
The weapon is carried by the Sons of Titan for a variety of purposes.
The Tomahawk can be used as a weapon, a digging tool, a saw, and a way to combat against Jedi Lightsabers. To comply with all of these tasks the Tomahawk is designed in a very special way. The back end of it is shaped in a sharp spike capable of acting like a pickaxe, biting into hard ground and loosening it for digging, and or driving through armor.
The front edge of the axe is an intensely sharp blade made to cut through flesh and most light armor, the phrik blade holding an edge for a very long time and enabling little wear and tear. The back edge of the front is serrated, allowing the axe to hook and saw materials.
Lastly, the whole weapon is made out of phrik. This means that like an electro-staff or phrik armor, the Titan Tomahawk is capable of blocking lightsabers. Both the head of the axe and the handle are capable of doing this, though it should be noted that doing so taken an incredibly amount of skill, and more often than not the Sons of Titan simply use the weapon to bat away lightsabers rather than directly engaging in combat.
All in all this device is a simple Tomahawk designed to fit a few more roles than the average axe.
Primary Source: N/A