Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tiro Vanek

NAME:Tiro Vanek
FACTION: Undecided
AGE: Twenty Seven Standard Years
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’2”
WEIGHT: (W/ Armor) 255 Ilbs (W/O Armor) 232 Ilbs
EYES: Dark Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian (Tanned)


* Goal Oriented – When Tiro has an objective he’ll set out to do it to no matter the odds.

*Athletic – Being trained since he was a child, Tiro has a very athletic and healthy body. In his line of work a nimble mind just won’t cut it.

*Blaster and Vibroblade proficiency.

*Brief knowledge of the Teräs Käsi fighting style.

*Light-Hearted – Tiro knows when to take a joke every once and a while. This would be considered more of a social strength.

*Sincere – Tiro says what he thinks, no matter how harse or true his words may be.

*Merciful Hunter–Tiro has allowed a handful of his “kill only” bounties to fake their deaths and flee. It’s good for the hunted but is it also good for the Hunter?

*Too Trusting/Loyal

*Easily Anxious – He hates standing around when there’s a job to be done. Come on, GET MOVIN!

*Greed – In the Vanek family, greed seems to have It’s place. It is difficult for Tiro to ignore the urge to gain more, or to do bounties only for a large credit stick.


Tiro is broad shouldered and wears an athletic build. Underneath his beloved helmet Tiro’s face gives off signs of approachability and fatigue. He normally keeps his hair trimmed at short length along with a stream of stubble that covers his chin and jawline. Tiro also bears a small scar behind his left ear.



Tiro was born on the planet of Coruscant, living in the dingy crime infested lower sectors. Tiro’s father was actively involved in gang activity. His father would often neglect him, seeing that Tiro wanted nothing to do with him in the first place considering his awful and evil line of work.

But one day, Tiro’s father would perish. His greed for illegal substances would sent him down a road he couldn’t stray away from. And he was eventually killed after attempting to flee from a Hutt’s “debt collector”.

Although the man was dead, his debt would shadow over to Tiro. Unfortunately he was kidnapped and imprisoned. At the age of eight, Tiro was to be sold as a mining slave at an underground slave auction. A man covered in a suspicious cloak won the bid, paying over 6,000 credits for the child.

This man would be known as Dilton, an Ex-Imperial Officer whom deserted the empire. Dilton did not wish to keep Tiro as a slave, instead he wished to bring him up in his image. He saw the chance to build up something that was once weak into something strong. And he didn’t hold back. Dilton was also the co-leader of a Mercenary group known in the underworld as the “Red Hand”.

As a young adult, Tiro would often go on raids and paid tasks given by contractors with this Mercenary group. As years past, Dilton was terribly sickened by a mysterious virus during a raid on Taris. With the death of Dilton, the Red Hand soon broke apart. Many of its members became solo contractors, some went on to live “normal lives”. Tiro on the other hand, pursued the high-risk occupation of a Bounty Hunter.

For eight years he’s survived through the thick and thin as a Hunter, learning from experiences that proved to be both good and bad.


Starfeld ZH-25 Questor – “The Boma”

Custom Equipment(Brief):

-Thick Hull Armor

-Two Heavy Blaster Cannons

-Deflector Shield

-Concussion Missiles and Plasma Torpedoes – Limited amount

-Proton Torpedoes

Current Ship Problems

Weak Underbelly

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