Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

Kyra's Workshop

"When was the last time she had a tune-up?"

Kyra stood admiring the vessel for the second time that day. Her speeder had been safely tucked back into its bay in the garage, allowing for the rest of the large area to be taken up by [member='Illeana Croft']'s Red Sparrow. It wasn't the biggest ship she'd seen, far from it, but even so it dominated the workshop. She was lucky that Kyra had purposefully commandeered one of the larger warehouses for her little repair shop, else they'd have to have taken it to the starport and Force knew she didn't like working away from home. It was always nice to have access to her own equipment.

"You want anything to drink? There's a caf' machine just over there, and a kitchenette just through the door to your right. Should be something cold to drink somewhere in there."

Aurum was warmer than most worlds, a tropical paradise that many struggled to acclimatize to at first. Especially after weeks in space. Had she not lived on Jakku for over ten years Kyra might have struggled herself, and while the humidity had knocked her on her ass a few times she was glad to say she was comfortable. Even when working the forges... Which was an achievement in and of itself.

Stepping up to the vessel she rested a hand against its hull for a moment and smiled. It was good to be back doing what she loved most, without needing to worry over stupid things such as the Force, and Sith, and making other people happy. Her presence in the Je'daii was minor at best, and that was definitely how she preferred it.
Illeana blew out a breath, hands on hips, looking at her mighty Red Sparrow. Her jacket was slung over a low-lying chair and her white frilly shirt was rolled at the sleeves. A single pendant hung from her neck.

”I think about siiisssev…eight months ago? Ish? One of the junkers on Boz Pity took a look after a job I did.”

It was a rough guess-timate. She hadn’t kept a log or record of maintenance. The ship flew and that was enough. She wasn’t sure what temporary fixes or patches were holding the important parts together, like say the engine or wings. She would take the offer of a drink right about now.

”Oh, thank you,” she said.

Walking through the workshop, she was used to that smell of oils and paints, grease and burning metals. Today she wanted water, and the kitchenette had a dispenser of water filled with ice. A small disposable cup was filled, and Illeana took it, letting it tease her lips with the cold and drinking slowly.

Kyra Sol seemed to enjoy this. But she was something more than just a greaser. A…Jedi. Je’daii.

”So. How long have you been a…..Jedii?”

[member="Kyra Sol"]
"Je'DAII" she corrected, something she knew their kind had to do a considerable amount when entertaining people ignorant to their ways, "Not that long, a couple of years I suppose but on and off. My sister convinced me to join, this is more her thing really, I'm just a mechanic, but who am I to say no to such?"

She grinned back at Illeana as the woman helped herself to a drink of crisp water. It was fresh, from the nearby mountains, better than most got to taste in this Galaxy.

"As for the ship, she sounds a little out of tune. It won't take me long to do the basic work, but we maybe ought to find you a bed for the night just in case."

Turning fully around to face the woman, she had heard some small measure of curiosity in her tone as she'd asked about the Order.

"You know, if you have any questions about us you're free to ask. Doesn't bother me none to be questioned, and we have time to kill at any rate."

[member="Illeana Croft"]
As she drank the water and listened, it was clear Kyra almost fell into this cult by family ties. To be fair, that was one day how Illeana was expected to continue her path, by following her sister into the ways of the Jedi Order. It just never took off.

”Alright, well whatever you think.”

Then, she remembered the trunk of weapons in the smugglers compartment under the floor of the hold. She took a step forward.

”And this will be safe here and locked up, right? I got a lot of my gear on the ship, and I don’t know you, but I’d hate to wake to find you’ve scammed me or stripped the ship and done a runner, you know?”

Maybe a little TOO blunt there, so she picked up on the question asked before Kyra had a chance to make her feel stupid.

”I’ve a little question, so surprise me – why are you called Je’DAII and not Jedi – sounds very similar to me, but what makes you different, apart from you can have a career or do what you want. That’s not what Jedi do, right?”

[member="Kyra Sol"]
"You think I'd have gotten very far in this business if I didn't respect the privacy of folks I do jobs for? I don't care what you have on your ship, whether you have illegal cargo or something you're ashamed for others to find. I've been around this Galaxy a lot, done my fair share of things to get by, what concerns me is getting her running smoothly. Nothing else."

Taking a step around the woman, and heading sort of toward the main entrance to the workshop, she pondered over where they could house her for the night. There was always the Academy, it had guest suites, but she didn't know how comfortable this woman would be around more Je'daii. There were a couple of rooms to rent above some of the storefronts down Azar's main strip, likely a little more comforting for her.

The question drew her from her thoughts, though.

"Je'daii is actually two words put together, we were named by the Dai Bendu monks millennium ago... It means mystic center. And we predate the Jedi."

Looking back toward Illeana she offered a loose shrug. History wasn't usually her strong point but she'd heard it all before plenty of times since joining their merry band.

"We're neutral. In every sense. When it comes to the Force, or politics, or life in general, we live by balance and moderation. We don't dictate how you live your life outside of that, don't restrict your emotions or your ability to form bonds with people, we don't stop you from going off and doing your own thing out there. We exist to teach, to broaden the mind, to make you the better version of yourself. What you do with that is up to you."

With a gesture back toward the door she began to head out that way.

"Would you rather we found you a place away from the Academy? I can't promise it'll be as nice as what we could offer at the Academy, but you don't seem too sure of our kind so I'll leave it up to you."

[member="Illeana Croft"]

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