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Time to Crush the past. (Yuroic/Krest)

It was weird for Yuroic, seeking out help from Krest. Their past was a mixed one, they first met years ago when Yuroic was barely a Padawan with a training saber and little else. He was with another Padawan, taking on Krest who was a Sith Lord at the time. His intent was to destroy the Dominion, a neutral faction with a mix of Sith and Light aligned Force Users. Then there was the incident of Jairdain's kidnapping, orchestrated by Krest. That had been the most heartbreaking moment in Yuroic's life, he had been struggling since then with the long lasting effects. Jairdain had become a Sith then returned to neutral grounds, it was just all over the place.

Yuroic was now working with Krest, who with Jairdain's help had turned his back on the Sith. Yuroic wasn't sure how long this would last or if it would stick but he was somewhat glad to not have to face the older man in combat. Today, he was seeking lessons in a power that only Krest and those who have a strong connection to the Dark Side could obtain. He wanted to learn Force Crush, it was a powerful Dark Side move. Something that Yuroic had to be careful with but was determined to learn. His skills in Lightning were fine due to learning Electric Judgement first, Choke was an ability he understood and could use somewhat but perhaps also needed development. For now, his focus was on learning a third move. He truly believed that understanding these things would put him ahead of his Sith counterparts.

Walking around the Templar Order's base, Yuroic looked around and waited for Krest. He had sent the man a message to meet him to train Yuroic. This could be a step towards Yuroic finally starting to trust Kfest as they got to know one another.

"You've certainly grown." From nearby the aged voice of the Zabrak called out. Krest sat in a simple green and white robe, idly tending a small fire with a teapot above it. His sword rested on his side as he hunched over. [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] and him hadn't met in some time, and the new form of the aged man would come as quite a surprise. By regaining the part of himself that connected him to the Light his red skin had charged and turn to ash, and his height and bulk grew. He was a new man, both figuratively and literally.

"I can see why Jairdain was so in love with you." With a wave of his hand he began pouring the pot into a couple of cups floating nearby. "Though, to request teaching from me on the Dark. You really shouldn't twist your soul so much."
Hearing the voice call to him, Yuroic turned around and spotted the man hunched over with a sword. He was aware that Krest had changed, Jairdain had warned him of this awhile back and he had seen it when Krest tried to hunt down the Sith Assassins some time back but the recent changes were still a shock to Yuroic. He shook his head, Krest seemed never truly capable of dying, he wondered if that affected the man deeply in some twisted way. Then there was the mention of Jairdain.

He shook his head. "She was in love with a different man, a man that I am no longer. Same as you, might look the same but I am not him." Yuroic was wearing white loose shirt and baggy trousers. He no longer walked around dressed in Jedi robes, preferring a more casual look. Yuroic smirked and shook his head once more. "My soul is already twisted Krest, I am just here learning how to control it." Lifting his left hand up casually, he shock bright blue lightning at the kettle, demonstrating his control of the Dark Side. "I am not a Jedi. Never truly was."

As the bolt came towards the kettle the ground rose up, one of the many crystal formations of Crystalsong suddenly jutting out to deflect the blast away. Krest let out a sigh as he glanced over. It was a subtle showing of the Zabrak's strength, but it wasn't done for that reason. "You really shouldn't break things that don't belong to you. Never know how important it might be." The kettle was incredibly expensive.

He took a sip of his tea, studying [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] for a moment. No, the boy wasn't a Jedi anymore. But that held it's own problems. "Diving into the Dark isn't something you can just keep doing. It eats at your soul. Scares you in ways that no one may be able to see, but change who you are." Another long sip, and he set down the empty cup. Krest got up from where he was sitting, stepping down from the small ledge as he stretched his arms overhead.

"But, I'm not gonna stop you. I only want to make sure you know the risks."
Yuroic watched as the bolt was deflect away from the kettle. He shrugged, not sure that he saw the worth in the kettle, it was a kettle. But Yuroic wasn't much of a drinker of hot liquids so kettles were beyond him. He looked over Krest, there was sigh, he wasn't sure if that was a shot Yuroic for demonstrating his power but then again it could have just been a sigh. Yuroic let his own sigh out as he was lectured by the older man, even a former Sith was attempting to dissuade him from his path it seemed. Frustrating to say the least. However, Yuroic thought that the former Sith might have been reluctant to train him at first or at least make sure he knew the risks.

"Sounding like a Jedi Krest, next you'll be living on Kashyyyk or in New Republic space." Yuroic teased as he crossed his arms, standing in a more serious manner. "I know the risks, my soul was tainted by darkness that will never fade. Things I've done to people, they could make a Sith look puny." Yuroic stated in a cold tone, his mind filled with the images of his torturing of his parents. The way he made them suffer for weeks, healing their wounds to make them suffer more. It was beyond evil, it was monstrous and there was always going to remain that part of him.

"There's a reason the Sith are considered evil. What ever dark things you've done, they've probably done the same. The difference is they don't feel the regret you do. They don't view it as a taint." More caution from the aged Zabrak. Krest had lost himself to the Dark once thinking he could control it. Thinking he understood the risks. It cost the life of his wife and the innocence of his daughters. But, that's not why [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] had come by.

"Anyway. You wanted to learn how to crush things through the Force, right? A brutal power. Excessive, and really only useful for sending a message. You sure that's what you'd like to know?"
Krest was still warning Yuroic of the dangers of the Dark Side, it was all something he heard before from other Jedi, he knew the risks but he couldn't shake the need to know both aspects of the Force. It wasn't something that called to him, he didn't feel temptation, but he wanted to know more of the Force and to ignore the Dark Side was to be ignorant of an entire area of the Force that others frequently use against him. He also believed to truly understand something, you needed to practice in it, reading it and learning it through study wasn't the same as using it. Seeing the limitations and extent of the power.

"I know that the Sith don't feel regret, but a part of me doesn't regret what I did. In fact, part of me would do it all again if I could. There might be some Sith out there that have done what I've done and probably some who have done worse. However, I did some very dark things Krest." Yuroic wasn't ashamed of his past, it was in the past. He had to move beyond it, he might never do it again but he wasn't going to linger on the things he did as it wouldn't change them, they happened and he needed to focus on the now. "Yes, it is something I want to know. I wish to fully understand the Dark Side, I know this is something only a select number of Sith know and can do. But I want to learn it." Yuroic was firm on this.

"Alright alright. You've got edge, I get it." Krest waved a hand dismissively. [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] clearly had no intention of heeding the aged man's warnings, so it was better to leave it there instead of continuing on the subject. With a quick wave of his hand the Templar pulled the crystal formation he had formed apart, pulling a large chuck of it in front of the pair to let it float calmly.

"Force Crush. An apex power of the Dark Side. You're forcing matter into a single point that you desire using your very hate and anger as the fuel." As he spoke he raised a hand, extending his reach for the crystal. A heavy weight suddenly formed in the air as red began to leach into the otherwise pale blue eyes of the Zabrak. "Your only desire is to destroy. To break what stands before you." The crystal began to shake, little bits of it flaking off as the weight in the air continued to increase.

"You hate. And you hate. Until everything you hate is gone." Krest clenched his fist as the crystal suddenly fractured and broke, shattering into dust. But the dust didn't fall to the ground, instead forming a sphere that progressively got smaller and smaller until he let go, the dust falling like snow.
Yuroic laughed and shook his head. "I'm the edgy one out of the two of us, huh?" Crossing his arms and looked down at the former Sith, the Zabrak was often the very definition of edge at times. "I'm just telling you that I know the risks and not some child using the Dark Side for the first time. I have been using the Dark Side for awhile, don't need parental lectures." Yuroic stated firmly with a cool tone. However, it seemed that Krest surrendered to teaching him what he knew on Force Crush, it was a relief that he didn't have to fight with Krest on this. It was bad enough that he had to deal with Jedi within his own faction on this, like Josh, let alone another user of Dark Side and Light Side.

Listening, he watched as the crystal was crushed in on itself. The power was brutal and strong, it was easy to see the strength within Krest and Yuroic took a deep breath. It was interesting to see and hear the difference in Krest as he started to use his Dark Side powers, Yuroic uncrossed his arms and studied the crystal as it crumbled and turned to dust with the powers that Krest displayed. It was definitely a strong power that was impressive, though to use on a person could be brutal. However, Yuroic could feel the hate emanating from Krest, feeling the intensity that he would have to match to complete this power. Something that Yuroic was unsure whether or not he could do that first time.

Looking around, Yuroic tried to see what he could use to practice the Force Crush. Lifting a rock, Yuroic focused on the rock and tried to allow the hate fill him, however he was struggling to feel it in the moment. His emotions calm as now, he couldn't rise the beast of hate within him as he gritted his teeth trying to build the hate around the rock to increase the crushing power on the rock but not really creating much pressure on the rock.

"Mm. Easy isn't it? Dabbling in the Dark Side has given you the ability to control your hate no issue, don't it. Who needs proper training when you've got a grudge against the galaxy. You've done some dark things before. Probably killed your parents. Quick? Slow? That's the usual claim to fame I get from the young Acolytes I've trained. Hundreds, all talking about how they killed someone important to them or someone who deserved it and how they liked it."

Krest continued on with this needless mocking of [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] . In reality, the Zabrak couldn't care one way or another, but as an aged Sith he knew how to unsettle his opponents. Dun Moch. His words were laced with the Force, attempting to pull the hate out of the Jedi before him. It was hard to hate on a whim. So he'd pace and spout his mocking nonsense to progress the lesson.
Yuroic tensed somewhat hearing Krest attempting to taunt the anger, the hate, out of him. He had tried it before with Yuroic before in their duels when Krest was a Sith. Yuroic never knew how Krest was able to complete this type of Force power, something to ask at a later time Yuroic thought. He could feel anger rising in him but he smirked at Krest as he narrowed his eyes at the former Sith. "Trying to get a rise out of me Krest? Going to have to do better than that. Spent years keeping myself composed."

However, there was anger boiling in him. It was deep-seated but he could feel the resent towards Krest returning as he remembered the deeds that the former Sith committed. Yuroic continued to focus on the rock, using the little anger he felt there was some pressure being exerted onto the rock. There were small cracks appearing on the rock and in Yuroic as well as he started to feel the dark monster wanting to break free within him.

Krest offered a shrug to [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] as he responded. The Zabrak was trying to keep away from anything too personal between the pair, but to help the boy reach the darkness he was looking to control, he'd have to. He casually sat back down on his rock, still watching Yuroic as he idly tapped his fingers over his knee. "Trying harder, huh. Then, how about Jairdain. Do you know what I did when I captured her?"

He paused then. It wasn't something he was proud of in the slightest. But, he had been asked to train the boy. "I warped her memories. Overwrote them. Her feelings for you? I destroyed them. Made her hate you. I made her into a Sith that despised you. And yet, even after that happened. Even after I was killed. She brought me back. She was fine severing ties with you even after she knew the memories were false, but I, her torturer, she couldn't live without."
There it was. Krest was using Jairdain against him, it was clear but Yuroic couldn't help but feel the anger rising deep inside him. He hated the Krest who kidnapped and tortured Jairdain, he ruined the relationship he had with Jairdain and pushed her into the arms of others. Due to Krest, Jairdain fell in love with another man that wasn't Yuroic, had someone else's child and nearly married them. Yet, Yuroic was still holding back somewhat, he couldn't blame the man that was teaching him now. Krest wasn't the same back since Jairdain brought him back. "I know. I know what you did. I know she brought you back. Helped you turn your back on the Dark Side. You aren't the same man. You aren't the one who harmed her." Yuroic gritted his teeth hard as he focused on the rock as much as possible.

Rock started showing more and more cracks, deeper cracks as the pressure was increasing. There wasn't much more that wouldn't send Yuroic over the edge in darkness and anger. His breathing was quickening as he felt the anger just bubbling in him. Rock started to crumple as Yuroic couldn't help the anger grow as a voice in his mind kept repeating Krest's words. It didn't break down as much as Krest could get his, the rock was now small stones, his jaw tensing in his mouth.

A deep sigh escaped the Zabrak as he leaned back in his seat. [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] was certainly using his hate, but it wasn't enough to get the same results. More importantly, if he couldn't bring out the anger it was unlikely Yuroic would be able to control it when needed among battle. His red tainted eyes faded back to blue as he set about gathering himself some more tea.

"You're right. I'm not the same man I was. But I am the man she beds with now."
Every muscle stiffened in Yuroic's body. His eyes turned dark yellow as his anger just exploded out of him. The precious kettle of Krest's was crushed by Yuroic, the rock was mere dust now. His breathing was still and calm, it was the complete opposite of what he felt. Turning around to face Krest. "No." Was all Yuroic said, his voice was neutral but there was clear deep hatred within that dropping the dust of the rock and the shattered kettle. Yuroic then used the Force and attempted to lift Krest, in Yuroic, the monster was screaming at him to crush Krest. Test their new power on a real being now. Pressure starting to heavily exert on Krest.

"No. Too far." Yuroic's eyes were still dark yellow, the anger fierce and strong within him. He couldn't stop the anger in him wanting to kill Krest and leave nothing but a bloody mess.

A frown settled on Krest's features as his kettle suddenly caved inward. While he knew he deserved it for what was said, it had been the last piece of property he owned that belong to the mother he never got the chance to know. [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] would find that Krest was unmoving however, his eyes locked on the Jedi's own. The briefest glimmer of green could be seen around the sitting master, a barrier in the Force.

"You're right, but you need to know this anger if you want to control the Dark. When I taught my wife this she carved me right up, taking my arm and leg. Can you return to yourself? Or are you truly unable to control your emotions?"
Anger threatened to consume Yuroic, he was so focused on wanting to kill Krest that little else mattered. Most of all, proving that he had full control of his emotions. Walking straight up to Krest, Yuroic was very close, whispering in a dark, hate-filled tone, "I could end you here, as you stand. Might be older than me but I have come a long way since our last duel." Yuroic growled as monster inside him roared to end Krest, to release the anger, pain and hatred. Give into the darkness once more, do it all over again. However, a flash of his friends, of Jairdain and Yuroic took a step back and shook his head.

His eyes returned to a dark brown, there was still hurt and anger but it was little more than a simmer. Taking a seat, Yuroic held his head in his hands. "I pushed her away, she has wanted to be a couple for awhile now but I just kept pushing her away. I wasn't ready, wasn't worthy of that from her." Yuroic admitted as he studied the ground for a long time. Using that level of anger, keeping it controlled was something very different to what he had been using so far. It wasn't scary as it was being aware of how easily it was to slip and spiral quickly.


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