Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Time Goes By

[member="Garith Darkhold"]

"Yes you are right but." Well she stopped there perhaps the words she wanted to say should stay unspoken between them, he probably already knew and she had to accept what it was now.

"Our family is beautiful if I say this it is a comfort to me. Who knew they would turn out so well?" She laughed, "but we are incomplete I look forward to the day we are not so." She shifted slighty thinking what she could say without embarrassment.

"No matter what you hold a singular place in my life and my love." there it was out. He had been her first love, and father of their children. He was now trying to be father to them all. This couldn't be bad.

"We could walk up to where the tree house was. I made sure it wasn't destroyed." She smiled. The air would do them good.
This moment with [member="Arianna Organa"] just wanted to make Garith cry. Of what the Elder Kashi had lost was the very thing the Elder had now. However as beautiful as the family the Elder had now the very truth was being hidden could destroy the family the Elder had. It was a crushing feeling. Too long for something but your past sins keeps you from having the very thing you long for. The undeniable truth being is? The body the Elder was in was a man. It was who his family knew the being to be. It was not truly who the Elder was. The elder could feel the mind and soul reverting back to purity. What the Elder did not just come out and say was the fear the body was going to revert back to normal as well. Adreia’s soul was alchemically tied to the force. With the cleansing of darkness it was reverting the Kashi back to factory conditions before the fall to darkness.

This moment would have been a little easier if Arianna was made at the elder. She was not though and offered to take her further down a sentimental path. Adreia did not wish to hurt Arianna. She did not know what else to say at the moment. “Sure lets go take a look”, the Elder was unsure what she would feel up there. She did know she did not wish to tell Arianna the truth. Momentarily there was some awkwardness for the elder. At first the armored form of Darkhold was going to walk out the door leading them. But the Elder stopped in mid step and turned about. The elder almost reached out to grab Arianna’s hand but stopped. However there was some fear n contact so the elder stopped. “Should we walk together”, there was some confusion in the elder’s voice. The conflict was very simple. The elder wanted to be kind but feared making the situation worse.
"Of course silly we should walk together." She reached for his arm laying her hand on it, "you're not so scary to me, the path is from the back of the gardens. They thought I was crazy for wanting to keep it. They said it was primitive."

She laughed, "If only they really knew." Arianna led Garith towards the gardens, "I think everyone should live a year without anything but what they can find. Don't you?" She had to admit she had been a wide eyed innocent but the time on Aldera had aged her, given her a purpose, greater than she knew until later. Later when she found out she was pregnant.

She sighed, "I couldn't do it now though. I'm too spoiled, too comfortable, and the boards of the tree house would be hard on my back side. What about you, can you sleep in the tree house now?"

Whatever secrets Garith had Arianna was not aware and how she would handle it was yet to be seen, if ever revealed.

[member="Garith Darkhold"]
Sure the grumpy old elder took the arm of the dowager queen. Garith was listening, sort of. His guilt was still tugging at his mind. Thankfully he was paying enough attention. “Yes I still could sleep on those hard boards”, well it was an honest answer and very straight forward.

He took in the scenery as they walked. However his mind was slightly too distracted to enjoy it too much. “In my past it was not odd for me to take a vacation. My ideal of a fun vacation would be your version of a survival nightmare. I do have camping sites around the galaxy on hostile primitive worlds. The whole fun of the trip is about survival. As for sleeping on hard floors you could again”, he was saying this but strongly doubted [member="Arianna Organa"] would be willing to do what it would require.

“There is a Sith Sorcery Spell that can reverse the age of a body. The only issue is the requirement. The component of the spell is the blood of the living. The being has to be younger then you and you have to cut them while they have no pain killers and the must be awake. Their torment is part of the requirement.” Maybe if he was lucky. This would sicken her enough to tell him to leave or make her less interested. It was the truth though. There was a spell it just did what Garith said. So it was not like he was lying.
She laughed, "I don't know if I could, maybe with the right circumstances I don't know Garith" They were walking slowly up the path taking their time and looking around so many memories here.

Some good, some bad. She had wanted to trade some of them long ago but not now. Now they were something to look back on and be proud of what they accomplished during their time here. "A survival trip for fun you say, hmm, I'll um give it some thought. Wouldn't do for me to eaten by something, I'm sure i'd be tough to chew on."

When the conversation moved to keeping a body young she stared at Garith realizing that this was how he had stayed alive. For a moment her stomach flipped how many had he killed to stay this way? She looked down for a moment as a shiver ran down her spine. "I think I'll keep to growing old gracefully. You know you didn't have to come with me if you didn't want to you, you could have said No. I know you know that word and what it means."

The path began to get a little steep as they started towards the tree house. She looked over at him, he wasn't going to get away that easily, course he could say ok and turn around.

[member="Garith Darkhold"]
Did [member="Arianna Organa"] think that he used the blood of the living to keep his skin silky smooth? “I go where I wish”, he said gruffly. Ok he was having one of his fearful moments. He was trying to be considerate in a strange way.

“If you’re wondering I never used the Sith ritual myself”, Garith looked over the step ledge. “Well I forgot how step it was”, he was also thinking Arianna on a survival hunt.

“As for a survival hunt for you I would not suggest it. It is supposed to be very dangerous to the point you’re lucky you don’t get killed.”
[member="Garith Darkhold"]

I do what I want she heard that a few times in a life time not only from him but their children spouted it as if it were part of the shared genes.

"I was wondering, I just wasn't sure how to ask. it sounds like a touchy subject." She smiled it was how do you say, skin looks good because you sacrifice virgins? Nope she wasn't ready for that conversation?

Arianna looked over, "Yeah it is steep and we walked it more than a few times." They had supplies to gather and move when they had walked it so many years ago.

"I was lucky I didn't get killed on the last one. I would need like survival hunt 101 you know...what I mean?" She held tight to his arm a bit fearful that they would fall. Not that it wasn't safe, but sometimes anxiety crept in when she least expected it.
[member="Arianna Organa"] it is a touchy subject and one our children would not understand. For the most part Kashi do have a long life span. However I have used methods that could political hurt out daughter Faith if anyone would find out. Even you may like me after I tell you this. I do not tell you to push you away. I’m telling to confess in attempt to change. I have not used the blood of the living to prolong my life. Over the long years I have literally crushed the souls of the living. In an attempt to find our son Theo and to redeem myself I forced myself under the purifying light of the mother Ashla. The pureness of her light burned my flesh and burned some of my darkness away. Even with her blessing I have a long road ahead for redemption, one that I may never fully be able to repay for my past sins.”

Garith had no idea how she would react to this. The Elder was just tired of the burdens he had carried for centuries.
[member="Garith Darkhold"]

Arianna was silent just listening she would have to admit his feelings truly to him and not hide them, that would dishonor him. "Crushed their souls" She could only use her imagination was to what that meant.

She held her breath as she thought, "Hurt and anger drive people to do many things Garith. Kashi or nor you are human. While I find what you say painful, that the father of my children has been so." She looked straight ahead trying to gather her words.

"I am pained by it." She did not let go of his arm though if anything she held tighter in case he would try to push her away, or run. "You are on a new path. There will be pain. As you adjust, so will I." She meant it to mean that she would try to be accepting and understand, even when it hurt and yes it hurt that he had killed to live to exact his revenge on others. It would take time.
Confusion, it was the best way to explain the Kashi thoughts as he walked with [member="Arianna Organa"]. There was just so much he had to think about that made his thoughts muddled enough. There were other realties he was dealing with to add to that confusion. The Kashi felt like doing the right thing. However by being honest he was hurting those closest… Not him…her.

That was truth at that moment and other the Kashi could not admit to his family. This was a realty she was having trouble with. Would the Kashi still have this problem with identity if he changed form back Adriea? It hit the Kashi at that moment it would have been better for her family if she had never returned to them and just helped them out from the shadows.

“I am a mess. You and the children deserve better. I know that. I don’t have answers just a lot of questions”, Adreia was even unsure where she was going with this. It just felt like she was trapped in a raft going down an angry river that never stopped.

“I have no answers and I guess the only thing I can do is go forward trying to do the best I can.”, Garith…Adriea was not convinced by her words. She felt lost.
Now this she knew was just his regret surfacing. "Garith, will you protect the family when in trouble? Are you not searching for Theo? I think you are giving your best right now considering how much confusion you have regarding who you are, what you are."

She felt like she needed to say something she once told the children, "you can only do your best, and your best is good enough for us." If it isn't for others she thought than feth them. She looked ahead and smiled, "There's the ore that was left over from your mining expedition. It's called phiridium here it has some excellent properties and some weaknesses too. But it brings in credits to fund the family and government."

It had taken them a long time to come up with a name and identify the properties.

"Maybe we should sell tickets to anyone who wants to spend the night in the tree house." She was going to tease him now, "they could see where the Queen conceived...there are some odd ducks out there that would like that. what do you think?" she smiled hoping he understood she was teasing.

[member="Garith Darkhold"]
The Elder Kashi knew [member="Arianna Organa"] was joking. However the truth was there were some pretty twisted people out there. There was no doubt there would be some who wished to pay to stay the night there. Why would they? That answer the Elder Kashi did not wish to know.

“Sure go right head”, Garith was going to tease right back, “Don’t be surprised if people line up just so they can conceive their kids in the same exact spot the Queen was conceived.”
"Can you imagine? that would be..." Arianna hesitated as she thought about it, "weird, yes just weird." She shook her head as they walked standing before the tree where 'their' tree house was.

She looked up, then looked over. She watched his face she had seen it many times as he went through a multitude of emotions. She couldn't help but feel it, even see it in his eyes there was a lot more going on than he was letting on. She wasn't sure how to help him either at the moment.

"It's a bit over grown in spots and the path not quite so well worn but it still peaceful, and it's still untouched really. I" She looked sad for a moment, "I sometimes think we should have just stayed here and not gone back. I was...happy here Garith. Even though I can't look at a berry these days without cringing. I've had my fill of them." She let go of his arm moving to his left slightly this place always affected her. Why?

Memories of better times before responsibility and duty claimed her as it now claimed Faith.

"Garith I'm not sure how to connect with Arabella, she's often distant. She stays by herself a lot. Has she always been so?" There were things she did not know about her other children, just as there were things Garith didn't know about Theo and Faith.

[member="Garith Darkhold"]
Being here, it did have an effect. Not entirely the same as [member="Arianna Organa"]. Clinically Garith could not help but feel like he was going crazy. There were the thoughts and feelings he had as Garith Darkhold. There was sadness feeling the same way Arianna was feeling now. Then there were other thoughts and feelings. There was Bix, the life Garith lived when was missing. Bix being here wanted to run as fast as she could the other way, those memories feared this situation. The personas when Garith was a Sith long ago? They were sickened by this. Viewed it as a weakness other could exploit; it had softened him opening him for attack. From Adirea though, there was happiness. She felt a bittersweet joy being here. The Kashi was pained by the loss of her people. Here at this spot was a something so beautiful. The act of creation though love and the chance of the rebirth of her people. It was a bittersweet moment muddled in the confusion of one person’s mind.

“I’m not sure what would be the best way”, about the subject of their daughter [member="Arabella Darkhold"]. “By now you know you’re not going to connect to her like you do with Faith. Bella is not going to do things to make the galaxy a better place for everyone to live. She does not care for the frills of palace life. She is too much my daughter. She is going to try to keep her distance. Maybe the something could be [member="Muad Dib"]. It would have to be something we would have to play very carefully. They do not know what I know. They believe I do not know about their relationship. They fear I’m going to be angry. It is a very convoluted situation. Muad is a Mando’ade and a Sith. He was a former apprentice of mine. He may be crazy and a Sith. He is however a Mando’ade and has been very loyal to me and Bella, despite he is feething crazy. I’m pretty confident when I say this. They love each other. Find a way to find out with Bella knowing you know. Pretend you’re conspiring behind my back with her. She thinks I will be disappointed with her. In a way she is trying to be loyal to me. Let the conspiring happen in the light you’re both trying to be loyal to me. Get to know the man your daughter loves. Try to be accepting to him despite his flaws. No relationship is perfect. Muad’s and Bella’s relationship is not going to be perfect. Your and Bella’s relationship is not going to be perfect. Let some unconditional love happen and let Bella get to know you.”
[member="Garith Darkhold"]

Arianna listened she knew she wasn't very good at playing games she was too blunt. " then...should I invite this [member="Muad Dib"] to Aldera to get to know him, or should I just ask Bella to come and tell her bring a guest if she wants. Maybe she would bring him and we can get all of this out in the open."

Arianna thought a bit more about his words, "Sith, and crazy that's not a very good combination Garith. Bella as a Princess of Alderaan if anyone knew she was in love with a Sith from the Coalition I'm..well I'm not sure how that would go." She tried to think to put a plan in action.

"Do you like this Muad aside from everything else?"
“Don’t tell anyone, but yes I do actually like him”, he told [member="Arianna Organa"] that he liked [member="Muad Dib"].

“As if people are going to be happy? Well if they knew their princess they would not be happy either”, Garith leaned his back upon the tree. “I fully understand the concept of a noble’s responsibilities to their nation. However I’m a father and my daughter’s happiness is important to me.”

“As for inviting Muad over would give him and Bella a huge hint we know something. You could but expect them to know. Maybe the path for you to become closer to your daughter is trying to be accepting of the man she loves?”
"I won't tell him, I like to make them all think they walk on egg shells. Just as [member="Draco Vereen"] ."Arianna gave a little flip to her hair, "it not a matter of accept that they are in love, its a matter of is he good enough for her."

Arianna stared at Garith, "My responsibility to my family is to ensure that the people they bring home appreciate them, can support them, they at they aren't vagabonds looking at our children like a free meal. You say you like this Muad, does he appreciate who Arabella is? Aside from her responsibilities to Alderaan and the position she maintains on Vena does Muad understand that? Our children aren't just anyone's children. They are OUR children. I want the best for them."

Arianna crossed her arms, "I need to know for myself that's he's a good man for her. I need to know her though before I can say he's good for her. I know she likes pink, and she extremely independent. But everything else just seems a blurr. Understand?"

[member="Garith Darkhold"]
[member="Arianna Organa"]

“I know that you care”, the elder knew that and wished to make that clear before saying what else was on his mind.

“Don’t approach this like you’re a queen. This might be the one situation Bella would tell me no if I told her to stop seeing Muad. That does not mean she is not loyal to me. It does not mean she is not loyal to you. If her heart is set on Muad there will be nothing we can do. I’m absolutely curtain Muad does not care about credits. What is best for Faith is not the same for Bella. If you pressure her the wrong way she could abjugate her titles and birthrights.”

“I know you want what is best for her but is that what will make her happy? If it made her happy would you let her disavow her titles?”

Garith sighed, “I wished I could give you some great insight upon our children. I’ve spent live times pushing people away. That includes our children. I could only give you what I do know. I’ve spent live times at war. The tactician side of me tells me to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I have sensed a strong bound between them. They both care little about titles. They both care little about credits. I don’t know the full extent of [member="Muad Dib"] and Bella‘s relationship. Maybe you should approach with your true nature. Bella could be expecting nothing less. She will need some level of certainty. She knows the level of uncertainty I’ve left her in. She knows deeper them most I’m not the same man that raised her. I’ve changed so much I don’t even recognize myself. The ruse I play now is for our children and their children. She was there when I regained conscious. She has kept secrets of mine and had told no one. Her loyalty can run that deep. Muad may have that connection to her. If that is true we could lose her if we try to force them apart. It may not matter if we approve or not. We could show them both an unconditional love no one gave us. We could just accept them and give them the chance no one gave us.”

Garith head shook, “What do I know. I am just an old fool that keeps making one mistake after another. The only thing I’ve been truly good at is killing and war!”

The statement was not totally true. The Elder was a Master crafter. Though what beauty the Elder had brought into this world had always somehow been brought down with karama. Even the Elder’s blood line had seen so much tragedy. Where it started and where it ended was too much of a blur of emotions for Garith to see.
"Of course I care, I may not have carried Arabella and Garith within me but they are of me" She shook her head trying to listen to Garith, she knew he always had ways of making her see things. Even if she didn't want to.

"It's not the only thing you are good at we do have four beautiful children all unique in their own ways, they don't get that just from me." she nodded and sighed, "I guess I have to get to know this Muad. I think he burned down some of the cemetery least there are reports of Bella being seen dancing in the cemetery and then a fire. Would that be something he would do?"

She thought about what Garith said about not pushing. "I'll try not to push. though I do understand we have a very nice dungeon." She smiled.

[member="Garith Darkhold"]
The words, ‘I may not have carried within me but they’re of me’, carried within the Elder Kashi’s mind. The elder’s mind drifted off, thinking while half listening to [member="Arianna Organa"]. The elder could defiantly relate to those words spoken. More than one of the memories running around in his mind could relate.

“Yes that does sound like him”, it was not what Arianna wanted to hear. It was the truth though and was something better off telling her now. The elder could not control everything. How people chose to feel was one of them. What choices they made he could not always control. The elder was adept in the past of manipulating. Here was not the case. There was nothing to gain.

The joke, there was a joke. Although knowing what the elder knew the elder’s answer would not be joking. “The dungeon would not have the effect you would hope. Getting him there you would have to lose many soldiers. If you got him there you would find out he is not the type typical torture would work on. Then there is the fact on how your daughter would react. I know you were just joking. I know this is not the truth you wished to hear. Muad’s mind was gone before he started training as a Sith. The training had twisted his mind even more. There is good there. He is Mando’ade. Look to his believes and try to encourage those believes.”

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