Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Time for RP

Aros just escaped his home on Ankus, and needs some RPs under his belt.
Any duels, meetings or maybe teachings (even though Aros despises being told what to do) are welcome!
Bearing in mind, Aros has only heard stories of the rest of the galaxy, and probably will only know things like Jedi from stories.
Well your guy and this guy could meet, travel a bit together. Harrip is always on the running so they could pretty easily meet, in my mind.

Just offering.

[member="Prince Aros"]
[member="Aeon Caedus"]

Any of you who arent focused on combat could help introduce Aros to the world, and explain whats going on as he has no idea of any factions or events except for old stories he has heard. As for any fighters, a duel would be nice, Aros would like to fight anytime.
I can introduce you to the galaxy. Harrip, for being part Rakghoul, is actually not a great fighter and does not enjoy fighting.

So he could help tell [member="Prince Aros"] about the events and some of the factions in the greater galaxy.
[member="Lord Eclipsion"]
As Master and Apprentice you could both find and duel me. I have a double bladed saber to hold off two attackers, but not enough training to win. Aslong as Aros turns out fine afterwards, you can beat him to oblivion.
I'll get something set up for our meeting, the very confusing meeting. ^_^

Sounds good, shall me or you start?
It would end too quickly, I fear. But if you're up for the challenge then I'm up for the beat down
[member="Prince Aros"]
[member="Lord Eclipsion"]
[member="Lord Eclipsion"]
Well, if we find good enough reason to fight in the first place, it could be part-fighting part-talking. It'll extend the RP more and maybe in the end Aros could have some new friends. With all of his fingers intact.

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