Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Time after time

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
Her muscles were practically vibrating as the jedi stood there, the force energies and the effects of the implants throughout her body. Where she could feel all of it and downing the pills that she needed Gi could feel it. Wearing the armor that was made so that she would be able to better handle it. Something powerful that she was able to handle and show off to the others. She had been wearing it and as she had the cybernetics, biots, augmentations to her body she was able to move around.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
She coudl feel more of the force energy as it was allowing her to stretch out her senses with the energies coming outwards. She was uncertain about some parts of it so that they would all be able to move around with the armor and her own skills. Ther heralds had been moving in and around the area, working to fight some fo the more dangerous and questionable creatures on the planet itself.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
Gi was moving as she finished up, looking over with some attention before she had a small look on her face. Interest in it and seeing some of the other ranger's and soldiers she was standing over with her stature and muscle size. She knew there was a whole lot more that she would be able to do. Some fo the female rangers were many things. strong, powerful and ready but she was prepared for any of it.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
Gi was going off and running with a look on her face, she could see and run with the others to get a better area of interest here. Wanting to see many of the things here where they will be going off to see and entertain herself. Well entertain was something that could be difficult itself compared to some of the others but she was weird that way while starting to get into a run.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
Gi was moving before she looked over at parts of it on her mind. Breathing and moving with the force to let them go through the area. All of the interest that was giving her a chance to better test and stretch her body here. The jedi padawan breathed in and out as she ran in the bodysuit with a better look on her face until she pushed off with the small group of ranger's themselves.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
She was the one towering over them and even going at a slow pace, a brisk job her stride, her endurance meant that she could push her body to limits they couldn't and slowly she started to pull ahead and then continue to get further and further from them. Allowing the force energies to reach out where she was letting her senses see everything for herself with the force itself.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
Gi could see around here and around the temple some of the smaller drones that were coming around. They had been bringing out a number of different things here and there. She knew they were testing some of the more dangerous and more interesting parts of it. The different vehicles that were being used like an upgraded dela, a new model and a repulsor version that they could have set up in many of the areas.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
Gi could see some fo the other parts, where she was wanting to work on more of it all, where she wanted to get to work on the vehicles as she continued to run and use this time to think and go over what she had for herself. She knew a number of the heralds and the rangers with her were moving. She had been working on getting into the areas and some fo the equipment here.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
She had her gaurd armor to wear with the charon upgrades then she had some fo the things that they were able to use with a nod fo her head going up one of the hills itself until she was moving to stay around. She could see from the ridge she was running across to see some fo the ranger's who were running far below them. It was allowing herself to check out some of the other parts.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
Gi came to the hill as it was heading back down and her speed again increased while she was going. Letting the sight of one of the gunships go overhead. They were moving off to test themselves against well just about anything that could be found and it would and could be a danger to see some of the stronger areas the jedi had been protecting and keeping safe from the others.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
Gi knew a few other things that they were working on as well. With the different weapons as she was arriving on one of the testing ranges and could see all of the weapons laid out for the different people to use. The different ranger's and heralds that were looking to bette runderstand and augment their own training with the equipment. From the underwater assault to the heavy weapons.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
She stopped there with more of a look where she would be able to set up a number of things for herself. She was able to see a lot of it with a small grin on her face so that she would be able to run around and try it out. hefting the heavier weapon up as she had the plasma cannon that was more portable that they would be able to use. compared to many others it was more powerful.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
As she hefted the cannon she could also see the tanks and vehicles that they would be able to use and show off with for a moment as she effortlessly held the plasma projector and held down the trigger taking aim. The build up was there for a moment and then it fired off the shot. A white hot ball of plasma energy that was going onto the target area and the spread it made where everything was melting into slag was something to see.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
Go was holding the weapon as she popped out the heat sink and it was pulsing with the heat from the shot before she loaded in another area here. Looking over where they might be able to test it out but she reloaded quickly enough before they had the chances here so that they would be able to set up a lot more things to better handle some of the dangers itself.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
Staying there while the first shot was cooling and she managed to line up a second shot itself where she could be able to keep moving. With all of the work for them until she fired on it and the metal of the targets were melting down into molten slag until the herald had a nod of her head. They were going off here where they might be able to go around and use some fo the other pieces of equipment.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
She was looking at it, wanting to see the other parts as she checked out some fo the equipment with a nod fo her head. Getting a chance to let the large plasma projector go on the table with the others and there was the harpoon rifle they had designed that would work. The drum so it could fire mini harpoons like slugs and function underwater with the aquatic assault troopers. There was the heavy pulse cannon for handling droids and threats of that nature where they wanted to work on it.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
Gi stopped with her hand over a couple mor eof the pieces getting a small look of amusement on her face though when she was ready to see it. She stretched out and there was the gold standard for their basic equipment. Few things matched their field pistols in terms of general power. They were shatter guns. Electromagnetic rails that fired slugs they could make different versions of.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
She was seeing it sitting there with a look on her face. Paired with their combat knife they could so lot more with it and with though as it was a ballistic weapons. She could see the rest of the equipent they had. No need for dozen's of weapons but there were back ups. Secondary pistols like the LZR that they were able to use which recycled the energy to keep the shots coming.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
They had anumbe rof other things that they would be able to use as well, she wa slooking to try and bring them up equipment wise here. From the standard pistols, to the secondary, a combat knife and their heavy weapons like the rocket launchers that they could use. Duel barrel with two at a time able to be sent out. Lock on and biometrics that the ranger's would be able to use and have for improvements.

Gi Gregain

Project Herald Super Soldier
Going over some more of the equipment she could also see the parts that they had set up ready here. With the toolkit and the equipment that they had. She knew they were working on a hardlight interface that would eb abel to work with the toolkit. Be able to properly be hooked in and take up space on the tubes itself. With the right set up they would be abel to have the technologies.

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