Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tilt the Sun Towards Your Domain


Well-Known Member
Narrators Voice:

With the events of the Netherworld happening all over the galaxy suddenly Katarine Ryiah is transported to a new dimension. She has no idea where she is or why everything is suddenly different.

She wanders the streets of Correllia lost, confused, and trying to find one thing she recognizes about this new strange galaxy...

Drovers Cantina

A little bell rang as Katarine opened the door. She quickly took a seat and looked around. None of this looked familiar. She didn't understand it. How could a person go to sleep and be normal and then wake up and suddenly it's like the entire galaxy changed? She didn't even know who owned this planet... though it was supposed to be under the control of the Empire.... or at least where she came from it was.

But where was she now? How had she gotten here?

Seamus Valik

[member="Katarine Ryiah"]

The galaxy had been awash with devastation in the wake of Akala's pubescent rampage and hit hardest of all, Corellia. Seamus was not technically supposed to be here but then the young man was lucky if he was ever where he was supposed to be. He walked the streets of the shattered world amazed that people could be as resilient as the Corellians. With a sad smile to a child playing on the steps of her recently rebuilt home he walked around the corner. His black imperial styled boots and black fight suit were slightly dust from helping in the clean up not far away but more than that his stomach was empty and his throat was parched.

He noted the sign across the quiet street and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he crossed. He looked nothing like the mediocre jedi padawan he had become after finding out he was sensitive to the force but it was better that way most times.

He walked in the dim lit room quiet and set up nicely for dinning while a soft music played somewhere in the background of hungry patrons chattering about their days. Wait staff moved about among the patrons delivering orders and taking more. It was all very serene from a certain point of view. However, not all was quite right. A girl, perhaps woman would be more accurate, sat alone with a dazed look in her eyes and Seamus being Seamus he couldn't avoid the urge to ask if she was ok. He tried to fight it and sat at an adjacent table but after a minute of avoiding looking at her he stood and walked to her table.

"Excuse me miss." he said his glacial blue eyes showing the concern that rested behind them, "Is everything alright?"


Well-Known Member
Katarine was lost in thought when she was approached by a young man. She glanced up and tried to smile. Honestly things were not alright but what could she say? Could she say she was lot and the galaxy was just suddenly different? For all she knew she was insane. It was starting to feel that way.

"I'm sure it's okay. It's just been a really interesting day. To be honest I'm not even sure where I am."

[member="Seamus Valik"]

Seamus Valik

[member="Katarine Ryiah"]

"Curious" he said as he tried to remember his medical training. She seemed lucid. Her response was clear and quick but she was obviously not as well as she had been yesterday. "Well your on Corellia which is in Omega Protectorate controlled space I believe."

He sat down uninvited which was indeed nothing new for him but he had a puzzle now and his mind did not register proper manners.

"Maybe we can begin with names, yes?" he said flashing a winning smile, "mine is Seamus, Seamus Valik. What's yours?"

He watched her closely for signs of disorientation with his typical calm expression.


Well-Known Member
Corellia well that seemed reasonable... even if she had gone to sleep on Mon Cal and suddenly woke up here. Wait Omega Protectorate? What?

"Umm Omega Protectorate?"

He sat down and introduced himself. "My name is Katarine Ryiah. it's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled. She did sound confused but there was a patience there. The type of patience that only came from a Jedi Master. She seemed confused and yet totally sure that she was exactly where she needed to be.

"So tell me about this Omega Protectorate did you call it?"

[member="Seamus Valik"]
Ultimatum had found the planet Corellia particularly interesting. The interest was partly the planet's history. It had a long and strange one, though most people didn't realize it. He unfortunately did not know the history, only the locals knew. He wished he could go out and learn from them. History was important, which was why the events that had happened years ago were still interesting to Ultimatum. He wondered what it had been like.

He had found himself in a cantina that was less seedy than those that he had been in. He did notice however that the attitude towards him being there was no different. He had the feeling, in his corner stall with a filthy table and slightly busted chair that he was not really welcome. Yet here he was. He noted a young lady who appeared to be somewhat lost? He wasn't certain that that was the word he was looking for, but it seemed quite apt to fit the situation. A man walked up to her and from his facial appearance he seemed alright. Were they meeting intentionally? He didn't know, they seemed to be talking but he couldn't be certain.

[member="Katarine Ryiah"] [member="Seamus Valik"]

Seamus Valik

[member="Katarine Ryiah"] [member="Ultimatum"]

The woman's calm despite the situation was impressive. He took her question in stride and decided she must be having memory trouble which could be a result of the recent trauma of the world or a brush with the nether realms. He had gone through much the same and felt it was best to just answer as best he could to help jog her memory, little did he know that she was from a different time.

"The Omega Protectorate is the multi system government that is responsible for this area of space." he began, "they are the group that restored peace to this section of space after the gulag plague and are close allies of the Mandalorians and have an understanding with the galactic republic. Does any of this sound familiar?"

That's when he felt her in the force and realized he was in the presence of a powerful force sensitive.


Well-Known Member
Well when he put it that way.... She watched him in confusion as he spoke of plagues she didn't know, wars she had never fought, and a political society she had never even heard of. Was he messing with her? She glanced around the cantina and noticed a droid, or what she thought looked like one, watching them. She smiled at him. Maybe he was lost too.

She turned her eyes back to Seamus. "Honestly... no. When I went to sleep last night I was on Mon Calamari checking in from an assignment into Imperial space. When I woke up .... I was here.... but I've never heard of this plague, or this government. Corellia is owned by the Empire, or was, last I checked."

[member="Seamus Valik"] [member="Ultimatum"]

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