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Tiln Frex

- Tiln Frex -

Name - Tiln Frex.
Faction - N/A.
Rank - Slicer.
Species - Rat Person.
Age - 20.
Sex - Female.
Gender - Female.
Orientation - Bisexual.
Height - 1.55 meters.
Weight - N/A.
Eyes - Reddish-pink.
Fur - Off-white.
Force Sensitive - No.
Strengths -

  • Eenveenceebol! - Tiln is a "wizard" level slicer, able to crack every computer system she has come up against so far. She is a force to be reckoned with in any technological setting, able to break into and control nearly any type of networked machinery.

  • Sensory Underload - Tiln is difficult to overwhelm. Able to process huge amounts of information at once, she may not necessarily keep her cool under pressure, but it won't be the workload that cracks her. She makes note of everything that happens in a given situation, either in real life or in the digital space, and can sort and prioritize this information in her head.

  • I Vant to Know! - Tiln is insatiably curious.

  • Innocuous - Tiln is not a terribly noticeable to most people, especially in real life. She can slip beneath the notice of most beings.
Weaknesses -

  • Vermin - Tiln is a rat; no, really. Never mind that rats are actually very clean and even affectionate creatures, most people just don't like them, even less so a 5' 2" rat who walks upright.

  • Doesn't Even Lift - Wiry and slight, Tiln gets little in the way of exercise, tending to fuel herself on caffeine, sugar and adrenaline. She is physically weak, and would not stand up well in a fight.
Appearance -
Tiln Frex is a white-furred rodentoid, about 1.55 meters (or about 5 foot 2 inches) tall, with bare hands and feet and a naked tail; her skin beneath her fur is pink. She has cup-shaped ears which swivel to track sounds, as well as reddish-pink eyes with no whites. She has a pink nose, with a spray of whiskers just behind it.
Tiln generally wears a green coverall. Scavenged - like most of her possessions - from the Coruscant garbage pits, it most likely belonged to an Old Republic-era civic worker, and is made of durable plastene. Heavily patched and modified by Tiln,

Equipment -
Tiln Frex usually carries a number of items on her person, useful equipment and weapons. They include the following:
Vehicles -
Tiln has no vehicles to speak of at present.
Biography -

Tiln Frex hails from the underlevels of Coruscant. One of a litter of sons and daughters born to her parents, Tiln grew to maturity in the sunless depths of the city planet, surviving as best she could along with the rest of her family; she made a living from an early age doing odd jobs, and collecting odds and ends to sell in the small market stall her parents ran.
Being a rat person, one of the less desirable resident species living on the world which never slept, Tiln had little opportunity for a "normal" life growing up. In her youth, she fell in with Coruscant's more disreputable element, acting as a courier for a succession of underlevel crime bosses. This, it seemed, was as far as she was likely to go, until one day she got her hands on a device which would change her life forever.

"I've never seen the stars... but now I know what they are!"
_Tiln Frex.
After being fired by one of her employers, Tiln found herself in possession of an old, barely functional datapad, which she had been given to run messages. The boss had never thought to ask for it back, and so Tiln kept it, thinking she could at least play games on the thing.
Gradually, the young rodentoid's natural curiosity began to take over, and she began to discover more about how the datapad actually worked, poking through arcane functions and taking the device apart to look at what was inside. As time went on, she became enthralled with the device; especially fascinating, she found, was the way information moved through its circuitry, and the underlying principles and logic which made it all work. In her examinations, she began to develop her own technical skills, discovering more and more about electronics and software, and the relationships between them.
Scrounging for parts, particularly in the planet's massive garbage pits, Tiln was slowly able to repair broken and disabled features of her datapad, until one day, she installed a working transceiver.
It was shortly after that Tiln discovered the HoloNet.
Access to the Galaxy-wide information net opened up Tiln's world, and shrank it at the same time. Before, all the young rodentoid knew were the dark, warren-like streets of Coruscant's lower levels. With the knowledge of countless worlds at her fingertips, she began to see how tiny her own truly was; whereas before she had been certain that the streets were the beginning and end of her life, she now yearned for something more.

At the same time that Tiln was learning to modify and create software for electronic devices, she began to make observations about the world around her. The very streets around her, she now saw, were a literal web of data; Coruscant's information infrastructure, largely ignored in the lower levels, and taken for granted by those above, stretched everywhere, linking countless nodes and composed of layer upon layer of technology, all built on one-another.
More, there were many old, un-watched places where a being could access the network at its most fundamental levels, and use its power.
Tiln became an expert at finding these access points, and at manipulating the data she intercepted. Gradually, she became a skilled slicer, a dangerous profession should she ever be caught, but one she was sure could eventually get her off Coruscant, off to visit the stars she had never seen...

Relationships -
  • Elizabeth Verdan - Tiln knows Elizabeth, or "Kitty", from the Felcatian's days in Coruscant's underlevels. The two encountered one-another by chance, but quickly found they shared a spark, finding solace in their darker days in each-others arms. They are currently mated.
Kills - N/A.
Bounties - N/A.
Role-plays - N/A.

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