TiCira D'Arr Hawk
Singing Mountain Clan

Image Source: Here, I shopped itIntent: Due to the new enforced transfer rules about transferred tech, I am putting in sub format the Lightsaber of one Ti'Cira D'Arr Hawk created on the Sithlore website.
Development Thread:
- Whip it good - includes the search for the lightsaber parts, the use of a PC Mandalorian Armssmith to aid in gathering and forging of the parts required, and the construction of the lightwhip in it of itself. ( Have pity on my writing... it was done back in 2009 >.> )
Model: Dual bladed saber
Affiliation: Personal, Ti'Cira D'Arr Hawk
Modularity: Yes.
Production: Unique
Material: Mandalorian metal hilt, lightsaber energy, Krayt Dragon Pearls and a durindfire gem.
Classification: Beskar metal shoto dual blade.
Size: Hand held
Length: Variable
Weight: 2kg
Blade length: Variable
Ammunition Capacity: N/A
Effective Range: Variable due to adjustable knob -- 65cm to 130cm single blade; 260cm dual blade maxed out.
Rate of Fire: N/A
Special Features:
- Durability
The inner parts and outer casing are made of Mandalorian Iron (beskar), a metal that when manufactured was virtually indestructible, her lightsaber hilt are resistant to another lightsaber blade to prevent the destruction of her weapon.
- Each weapon holds two crystals that take advantage of a Bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse, a pulse that allowed the Lightsaber to activate underwater. Her shoto dualsaber uses two small Krayt dragon pearls.
[*]Deadman’s Pressure Plate
- Used as a safety and located on the hilts grip, this device allows the saber to shut off should it fall from her hand.
[*]Lack of dimetris circuits
- Prevents short out of blade due to cortosis.
[*]Taozin Nodule at the hilt allows it to not be detected easily by a Force-sensitive, as they would blur and clouded the force senses.
However, for those who had previous exposure to Taozin nodules and were able to recognize the fuzzy nature of it, would make it easier to detect, leaving the element of surprise out of it ---- at least until they try to force push it away.
- Able to use as a single lightsaber blade with two different activation switches.
"…Biting metal and stinging light…"
--Ti'Cira Hawk
D U A L - B L A D E S H O T O L I G H T S A B E R
Ti'Cira Hawk's Shoto is a duabladed lightsaber with a shorter hilt that produced a drastically shorter blade than its more common counterparts. Ti'Cira used her shoto in combat with a blend of the Makashi, Trakata and Niman forms she uses alongside with lightwhip combat, an exotic fighting style designed specifically for the use of lightwhips to create her own unique form of duel wielding shoto and whip form.
A miniaturized dual lightsaber, it featured a shortened blade length and a hilt. Ti'Cira made use of a shoto as the secondary weapon in her duel wielding lightwhip/lightsaber form. It's smaller blade length resulted in a less intensive gyroscopic effect, making the weapon easier for her to handle and helped her defend herself when using the whip in the other hand.
It operated in the same manner as a traditional lightsaber in that a switch was required on the hilt to activate the weapon's energy portion, with two different switches to allow the option as a shoto saber or a dual bladed shoto.
Modifications throughout the years have added a Taozin Nodule at the hilt allows it to not be detected easily by a Force-sensitive, as they would blur and clouded the force senses.
However, for those who had previous exposure to Taozin nodules and were able to recognize the fuzzy nature of it, would make it easier to detect, leaving the element of surprise out of it ---- at least until they try to force push it away.
It took months to collect the components needed to make both of the lightweapons. A two month search for a Mandalorian blacksmith to create the whipshaft and the hilts out of Mandalorian iron to her specific designs.
It uses a durindfire gem as its focusing crystal and is also waterproof, making use of two small krayt dragon pearls to create a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse. A lack of dimetris circuits, prevents short out of blade due to cortosis.
Though not a master swordsman of a lightweapon, she is adept in combat with a blade of steel. This has to do with her ability to fight combatively with a weapon that bears weight in her hand, contrary to that of a lightsaber, where the weight is only on the hilt. With practice, she will eventually be able to carry the advanced techniques she is proficient with a sword over to a lightsaber.
In terms of lightsaber combat, she has an average knowledge of the Makashi and Niman forms she uses alongside with lightwhip combat, an exotic fighting style designed specifically for the use of lightwhips to create her own unique form of duel wielding shoto and whip with Trakata.
Primary Source: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lightsaber
Canon References: