Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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FACTION: ​Bounty Hunter


SPECIES: Protocol droid

AGE: 15 years

SEX: Male AI

HEIGHT: 1.9 Meters

WEIGHT: 110 Pounds

EYES: Glowing, Electronic white lights with steel protection

HAIR: None, Metallic, Bald with circuits

SKIN: Silver with red Stripes on Arms and Legs



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : ​He is a droid, slow without modification, Not flexible. He feels no pain and is very strong with Armored chest.

APPEARANCE: ​Tall and humanoid 3po-class unit with silver plating and red stripes. Wears a helmet and hood to conceal identity, also wears armor and cloth, completely covered in white and gold with an old Jedi sentinel helmet from the old republic

BIOGRAPHY: ​Created during the time of the empire, this droid was originally used to translate R2 units and assist the crew of military ships, after an accident he was scrapped but repaired, modified and set free in 848 ABY

SHIP: ​Halted Justice, Fixed asymmetrical assault craft with a single wing, high powered thrusters and a repeating blaster cannon with shields

KILLS: ​57, Mostly contracts



ROLE-PLAYS: ​No previous wit this character

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