Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Thumda Hammahz "The Hammer"

Name: Thumda Hammahz
Race: Gamorrean
Height: Always the largest being in the room
Weight: Very Heavy
Eye: Staring at his next target

  • Strong, very much so to wield heavy two handed weapons that shouldn’t seem exactly possible
  • Cunning, Thumda understands he can only get one good swing, so he capable of restraining his rather brutish nature to a point
  • Charismatic, for the other Gamorreans, seeing Thumda Hammah charge into enemies with nothing but his weapon and war scream it gets them all heated to jump into the fray without a second thought, or even a first thought for most Gamorreans

  • Limited Range Options aside from charging quickly into melee range, Thumda hasn’t bothered to practice any range weapons in close combat, enemies often have an easy time evading most his attacks from range
  • Uncreative, he sees everything as a nail and he is the Hammah!
  • He believes himself smarter than most, and being surrounded by other Gamorreans for most of his life, it isn’t difficult to see why he does


Thumda Hammah had a rather difficult early life, growing up wasn’t difficult but what to do with his life as an adult. Finding the occasional street brawl interesting, and mercenary work with the local Hutt boring, his eyes finally casted upwards to stars above him. Something in him excited his very essence, this urge to charge into the universe with as much fury possible excited him to no end.

This was it, to join the Freebootaz and wage unending conflict among the stars, the sheer thought alone made him tremble with anticipation and a large smile appeared on Thumda’s face. Such a smile had been so rare that his cheeks were sore for days on end as he boarded upon the first vessel to take him to the Freebootas Clans and begin his life of war and destruction.

Oh what joy.

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