Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another day, another project, another chance for her to try and impress the other jedi and make it all look very nice. She was uncertain but there were a lot of projects that the jedi were working on, the robes and armor that were going to be set up for a lot of things but she was checking out the organic circuits they were working on and developing for ships. It was in OriRel and matched the synthweave they had developed for themselves. To better improve what they were making until she was ready to show them off. The channeling gloves and her Artisan's robes was looking wonderful in the mirror. The white with all of her black hair over her shoulders. She pushed the force energies through the gloves to start working on it for herself as she would have a chance to work with the other droids around the ship.
She wa slooking at the biot droids they had and well if they were developed to use the force the drawbacks of their minds being far to simple to grasp a number of things... well it was a drawback she didn't want to risk when they were going through the ship. She could feel all of them working with her until she arrived coming out of her small meditation using the gloves on the robes. She wanted to work on it and was approached by one fo the droids. "Knight Ike we have arrived and your little sister is asking for you. Kia is down in one of the personal quarters your mother has set up for the young women." Looking at the droid with a nod of her head she breathed in deeply.
Oh she was going to have to go down there and see the little squirt first. her mothers were around on the ship somewhere and it would give them something to do later but she would stick around with her little sister. here they could even go so far as to work with the others and she might let her play on the bridge watching her big sister work.... Okay maybe not play exactly but they could totally load up the holostation thanks to Son to play some angry monkey lizards... That would be the way to go before she moved around with a little more vigor in the hallways passing the jedi, ranger,s biots, droids as well as the other ones who were around with them.
Orihime was moving now as she left the crew to do their works but arriving at the bedroom she looked at the bunks where her sisters stayed. Five of them and another bed in the other section for her mothers. Five beds all around and she looked at the smaller girl who was there sitting on the bed reading a holonovel to herself. Well a book but it was a whole lot of pictures with a smirk on her face as she approached the pale skinned and black hair little girl. She was a model of Hapen and Atrisian beauty before they were going forward until she sat down looking at the little girl and getting a smile. "Now what is this I hear about you terrorizing the caretakers until i came down here."
The girl looked up at her and had a larger smile before she was holding her arms out. "Orihime." She moved down and embraced the girl as her body moved onto the bed and the little girl was there with her hair and being closer you could see the darkest tinge of red within her hair that went and there was that faint definition of what would have maybe been curls at one point. To see what all of them could do though she was embracing her sister and they moved from side to side when there was the scent of flowers from whatever product had been used before she kissed her cheek and backed away a moment or two watching her face. "Only a little and they totally deserved it."
Orihime looked at her sister and gave a small frown as her hand came up for a moment. Letting the force energies come before she was bringing it closer to Kia's face watching her eyes. The glittering gems that they were that were dark honey almost. Then she moved her hand quickly as she closed the fingers at her nose sticking her thumb between the fingers before she pulled it back raising her eyebrows in humor. "Got your nose." She watched the little girl looking at her before she could see the danger and the fun things. She wanted to let it all go and relax before Kia spoke seeing her. "hey no fair." Orihime was moving with a grin on her face then she wiggled her finger.
Orihime stuck her tongue out at her sister while she was looking at her and speaking. "Ha ha ha I got your nose." Kia was looking at her and frowning while trying to get her hand when the jedi knight laughed to herself. "Give it back, just because you are bigger doesn't mean you get to pick on me." Orihime was looking at her and Loriath was here, Reiko was here both on the ship roaming around and Willow was off somewhere while Orihime played with her so they would be able to do things. "No, you got to get my hand to get it back." She was going over things when she got up and they were running casually around the room making it a fun little game.
They kept running around before she got some more things.... Kia was chasing her and Orihime slipped out fo the robes so she was running around in her sarashi and pants under the robes until she threw it to the side on her bunk there. All of the Ike's here on the Omni had a room like this for them and it was one of the really impressive ships and cabins with room for all of them built in and the systems so it was like having a small house including the use of the big and awesome couches and holonet connect so they could see all of the things on line. There were some other things until she was moving now stopping on the opposite end of a table with a laugh.
They were having fun as her other sisters were in there joining them and running around. The energies of all four fo them together was strong but it was better with all five of them. Orihime practically glowed until they were all moving around. "What is going on?" Reiko looked every bit like her, twin sisters and Lorieth was well pink haired, fair skinned with pink eyes that showed her looking amazing. Willow had red hair and Well Kia had that black red hair before turning over with different ideas. The force between them as they were closer together would resonate until it rebounded in the room around them. Orihime and Kia rolled her shoulders getting grabbed by her sisters.
They were holding her for Kia and all four of them were on the floor of the room and Kia started to tickle her as she was laughing. She could feel her body vibrating with the laughter and movement. "Ah ah hehehe hahahaha stop you are going to make me wet myself." She was still laughing while they moved around trying to squirm free from all of them. Allowing herself to get caught and be held down until Kia got her nose back from her hand and was standing on the three of them with her small form digging a foot into her stomach. "I am the champion." She was standing on Reiko's side as well while she posed and all three of them fell together laughing.
She could feel all of her sisters there with her and was laughing harder then she thought she would. The four of them resonating in the force before finally Orihime had managed to grab Kia and was holding her close between herself and Reiko as the group all got up and got onto the bed. Traveling around would take some time but she wanted to work on more of it until she was letting the force go between all four of them here as she got to calm down with all of them. They were looking around to see the parts of it when the jedi knigt turned her attention to the viewing screen to see the world all around them. She was not exactly certain where they were going but she had a few ideas how best to test out the ship.
"So what is it that the three of you want to do?" She was curious and wondering about it while they all sat there with Kia on their laps while the little one was coming over to some of the things. They might be able to relax while traveling to see what could come from it. So Orihime was watching her before she heard the answer. "Lets watch a movie." Orihime looked at her and at her sisters while she was going over it and used the force to bring the remote over to herself handing it to the little girl before they were looking out at the screen as the little girl was going through the different movies for herself to give a few ideas until she prepared and chose one of them.
Looking at her little sister as she picked out something there was a look but Orihime was more then happy to sit there with the others and veg out as they got some of the flavored milks for all of them. Some ice cream and some fruits before making shakes that all of them could enjoy. The drink went with the meal of soups that each could have and ration food they used some fo the water to get for a large enough meal. Kia was exciting and sitting around with them picking at each of their food along with her own. "Hey that is mine." She was watching it before they all moved around until she checked out a couple of things, the other jedi on the ship were like gnats in the force.
They spent the rest of the time laying there, just watching all of it and seeing what they would be able to do after they finished eating the food. Orihime had a drink to go with some of the others until she wanted to see a few more as the cleaning droid took the leftovers from them to be converted while she held Kia close to her with the movie playing. Wanting to work on parts of it to mess with some fo the others here on the ship while Reiko and Loriath stood with her until they moved around on the bed once the movie was done. "Well now it is looking nice, we have managed to spend some time together... managed to make the others wait and now Kia you need to behave."
Kia was looking at her and she was kind of sleep for now while Orihie and the others were letting her go into the bed. Then she covered her up before moving around. "Alright big sister." She was looking at more of it and at the two of them while she pointed to them with a smile on her face. "That goes for you two as well, I will be taking care of it." She was moving and leaving out before she went around allowing herself to relax to go out into the ship with the other jedi and she would need to meet with them. Provide some new things then she was speaking. "Sorry that took so long but it gave us some chances here with the travel time to get that all out of the way.... now how much time do we have?"
"Not much longer knight Ike, the time you took with your family was a better distraction for it." She was looking at the man when they moved around getting some attention to the bigger things. Orihime was prepared for what they could do as she stepped onto the bridge of the ship looking out along the length of the massive ship here when they came out of hyperspace. The jungle world below them was beautiful to see before she was turning some fo the other things over in her mind. A way down to the planet would be easy enough in the shuttles and things had changed on the world but she was still being careful as they left themselves here using jedi to hide themselves in the force and from sight.
She was looking at what they would be able to do while she looked over at them and started walking through the ship. "Alright then, we will head down there and why do you have that look on your face." She got a look but he was alright, it dind't seem to be a problem. "Well knight Ike there is something that your mother has sent over for you and the others. We have been setting it up as the new robes they have developed to be sentinel robes they will be able to use." Ohhh she was thinking about it with a grin on her face when she knew her mothers robes were an impressive things and well the guardian robes were amazing. She knew the sentinel robes and the councelor robes that the jedi could have.
Hmm she was debating what to do... she loved her guardian robes but as a guardian she was terrible. Much preferring the ideas and way that the sentinels worked in things. She was wanting to see what would be different about it while she was going with a nod of her head. "Alright then lets go and see." She wanted to check them, she wanted to wear them before she was going off to get more of the information securing her tactical pad before they were moving off into the lab area of the ship that would show her a number of things. Going into the large room where the different jedi researchers were roaming about to show them some special lightsabers as well as some of the robes.
She was looking at it, the impressive robe that had been brought in for them to use and work with. Orihime was looking at the white robes tthat stood there. She could test them out and they looked almost like the guardian robes that she was wearing. Presenting a very different look as she looked at the materials. "it is not leviathan hide?" She asked seeing them and looked at some of the other parts before getting a look at them when one of the artisan's spoke with a nod. "It is using Jakobeast fur and leather instead to give it a similar look but also different just enough. saber cat hide should be being used in the other consular robes." Hmm she tapped her chin and was moving as they were showing her a set of robes for herself.
Orihime stripped down in the small room as she was looking at the robe and changed into it securing the white robe where she was looking over it in the full length mirror. To give herself a better idea before she turned around with a bow of her head. "These look very nice." The aurobesh writing on the sash was there and she could see the other pieces of equipment with it as she clasped the amulet at her waist and her neck had the sigil so that she would be able to feel the force and protect herself. All of the energies around her throughout the flowing robes while she walked out and jumped around in it. There was a lot more she felt but it was beautiful before she went over the belt feeling the small stealth generator that was built in so they could move around.

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