Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thru fare winds and distant sky.... where charts abound.

[member="Lokthra Dawning"]

It was seem starting just like any typical day when after return from what proved to be a somewhat productive thought a tad bit costly trip. Where in with the unexpected altercation with a bunch of space pirates in the uncharted territories had cost him a slight damage to his ship hyperdrive. One which given his ship age and his somewhat unconventional training when it came to repairing ship. Which he sort to just happen upon during his earlier days when with barely a credit to his name and nothing but the cloth on his back. Plying the traders route and doing whatever jobs he could to pay his fare gave him the opportunity learn some the basic of fix or maintain the ship.


A hobby now more than a trade.... something which he seems to fall back to during his off time. As he did now when with a few new spare parts in hand. He then began treck out into the jungle where he'd kept a hidden stash hut where he kept some his tool and the few other remaining parts he needed to work on the repairs to his ship.


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Ronin Wendigo"]
/ooc That is written magnificently although it's very hard for me to think of a plausible reason that Lokthra would be anywhere near an unnamed jungle planet when she mainly sticks to Dagobah or colonised worlds. Did you have anything particular in mind?
OCC: Well figured keep the planet location vage to maybe give you the option. For atm he along with the silvers are based off Kashyyk but can adjust the setting adapt to Dagobah or some planet else of your preference. As he does travel a lot making and keeping hidden safe hideaway while there during scouting recon mission .


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Ronin Wendigo"]

Lokthra was performing a low orbital high-frequency scan of the planet to check for any major issues for the colonisation efforts on Dagobah when one of her crewmen reported a single human life sign. Lokthra thinking it was a crashed ship of some description, decided to land nearby and approach with 3 of her crew, armed with simple pistols and a medkit, hoping it wasn't one of those horrible zombie soldiers. She looked through the force, hoping to sense who or what it was; yet she felt nothing.

/ooc I only wrote a little bit in case you wanted to jump them or something. I'll usually write more than that :)
occ: ah, I see well it all seem to be good and will try work in some interesting twist to the meet then :p .


It was then no sooner had he reached the hideaway that he lay out before him some the few parts he so far was able to salvage from his recent trip out. Giving them a once look over as he started sort thru them tossing the bad one onto the junk pile while keeping the decent one on the table. After which turn to the side his gaze turn after grab hold of something from the side of his utility belt and toss it over. That he could help but smirk as seem on cue the creature turns his head up to expertly catch then in one gulp consume the small food cube the toss it. Before it slinked back to the side and he with slight shake his head turns back to the task at hand as the memory of how and why he got here play in his head.

As it were he was supposed to be on a secret recon mission and was head back when he happened upon a group of traders. And before he knew it a fight ensues cause he flee with the creature in tow somehow eluding. Those pursuing him that is till during one his unscheduled jumps that he got attack cause him no choice. But to crash land as best he could towards the nearest planet he found which seem luckly was inhabitable. Where he hid out and did his best to make the needed repairs on his ship. FInd out and having fend off the strange undead inhabitants along the way as he seem unknowingly find out for himself . The seem strange ability that the creature had as it for one reason or another had help keep him out of danger. Eminate from its core a strange wave of energy that thought it did nothing to mask his life sign did in a way dampen his force signature enought that it seem all but none existant to most. Help him blend in with most of the life forms that were abound in this strange planet.

Thought it was not with its onwn drawback as he soon seem would find out. As outside the simple hovel which he was hide out from another band of stranger had gotten wind of his presence. And were on their way to investigate as he unknowingly began work on piece together a posible makeshift part for his damage ship.


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Ronin Wendigo"]

Lokthra, knowing the full extent of the creature-like stormtroopers, was on-edge. Approaching the crash side with extreme caution, in case the stormtroopers had already arrived or if the crashed people were hostiles. Both of which Lokthra had engaged before, not entirely knowing which one was worse though; they both have their moments. Each of which Lokthra has made it out of with relatively no scratches....relatively. This was just a recovery mission she would remind herself, to help those in need, if they don't or can't have our help then we just leave, no strings attached no hard feelings.

They started by going towards the main entry compartment, where Lokthra took the lead and the remaining people explored the crash-sight for survivors.

"You lot stay out here and check the crash sight outside. Stick together. I'll go in and see if anyone is still alive. Let me know on the comms if anything interesting appears"
[member="Lokthra Dawning"]

It was then just as he was about close to finishing put the part together that the lizard that he rescued and was keep him company reappeared. Perhaps having grown used to and alike to him feeding it rather than going out hunt. Given the fact he assumed the two incidental attack they had the last few night since they crash landed was any of an indication as to why. To him was no less plausible although he still at a loss as what they were exactly for as much he'd traveled he'd not come across anything like them before. Which for the most part had made him caution of them and did all he could avoid any contact with them as he could. Unsure if they were even sentient or was an after effects of some unknown plague or disease made him somewhat uneasy having been here any longer than he had to.

When out of the blue as he about reached into his satchel for another cube feed the lizard that it suddenly turn its heel face towards the door. Then turn about to the opposite direction hissing as it did make him pause what he was doing. And reach into the folds his cloak pulls out a blaster at the same time keeping make sure his saber was within reach as he spoke.

"Dang it.... hopefully it is not more those things."

He then stood at alert as he slowly moved forward to investigate who or what it came their way as he heads towards the doorway take a quick peek. And as he did so when he could help swear have heard voices as he caught wind of the last part her words.

" ......Let me know on the comms if anything interesting appears"


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Ronin Wendigo"]
/ooc sorry last week was flat out and so will this week. Maybe shorter/delayed responses but I'll do my best. I now only have 4 active threads so shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Lokthra continued venturing around the ship, she sensed something, unsure of what it is, but readying herself for anything. She looked around engineering and the cockpit. Lokthra kept thinking how beautiful the ship was, inquisitively proceeding, she knew there had to be some reason, this ship is not some cheap piece of junk; however as she was unable to see any signs of recent activity; she called over the comms for the remaining people to come onboard; she ordered 2 teams of 2 to explore the remaining compartments while leaving a soldier at the door in case someone appears.

/ooc kept it short and simple in case you wanted to hide/engage etc.
occ: no worries it was just me check up on threads was in make sure didn't miss any that need reply to and not keep things hang too long before I forget. :p
[member="Lokthra Dawning"]


It was then if anything as one would soon find out that despite the minimal size of the ship where one enters in. That in reality, it was quite spacious once you got passed the small hatch in the middle of the interior. Where descending down a level beneath it that one finds out that how deceptive it was as what one would assume was nothing less than a smallish ship was fact, the tip or more specifically just the tip of a much larger ship turret. With a walkway extending cross the landing to both sides. Whereas best he could Ronin had clear up enough during his spare time make it sort livable. At the same time, easier see if any of those things ever came close to intrude inside.

And that if one were able to gain entrance somehow given the somewhat complexity of the combination door. One which given the what he observed been the primitive and almost mindless state of the ravenous entity he'd encounter outside. Was hopefully enough better their entrance inside the ship which he came call home base for now.


Which he could only imagine had been quite a ship back in its days which now had been barely visible other than in few subtle or intricate detail work left in it. In which case while the group came intrude as they did that they seem all but not take notice ....not yet. Of the silent advance warning system, he had that of the strange creature that had kept him company for the duration his stay there. One who no less sounded the alarm to him no sooner had the other force being enter. And with it grabbing his saber Ronin set off hide as best he could his little project to one corner as he set off investigate. Make his way out the room which he secured the door to for now till he figured be certain. If the intrusion was friendly as he hopes they would be or once he made it to the hall that he began to activate all the trap he'd set up. Most were as best he could be harmless and program to slow or entrap whoever fell into them. And only so few mostly those in the more inner sanctum of the ship were deadly. As the outside one was meant to capture if any those things got in for him investigate.


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Ronin Wendigo"]

Lokhra heard a loud clang coming from the opposite side of the ship.

"Check in, Jackson do you read me?"

Radio silence

She heard another loud sound.

"Sheyla, are you there?"

Radio silence

None of her rescue team were responding; Lokthra's only decision was to find the culprit. She steadily walked around the ship; laps and laps. Yet she couldn't find anyone, not even her rescue team; it wasn't until she was about to leave that...
[member="Lokthra Dawning"]

It was then that with great care as well stealth Ronin did his best to make good on having whoever or whatever was intruding caution within the outer perimeter traps. Nudging them over or bait them in with a few choice sound or what not for however much he could. He didn't want to do them harm as much he could confirm these were not those things that came stalk him outside.

At which time not wanting to reveal himself or leave himself open for attack if they do happen to be one them. That he kept hidden for the most part till they all been accounted for. Which seem at first he thought to seem easy enough as one, two the traps were triggered and filled that is all except one. Which seem zigzag across the place he gather to hear the footfalls or echo sound. Till eventually, he hears the footfalls lead seem to the outside. To which he then could have sworn to seem to be moving away and towards one the exits.

And it was at that time that he pounces on the idea of getting this one down as well. As soon he could in order find out-out of curiosity. That he then finds himself face-face with her thought his face was hidden behind the fold the cloak that he spoke.

"Who are you? Are you friend or foe?"


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Ronin Wendigo"]

"Friend. Who are you? What have you done to my crew?"

Lokthra, knew not of his capabilities, so was wary. How did he take them all out, he looks capable, yes, that he does. But to the extent of taking out 4 people without even a sound? She suspected something else was at play here. Lokthra could sense he was force adept, to what extent still remained a mystery, one she was way-bent on resolving.
[member="Lokthra Dawning"]

"Friend. Who are you? What have you done to my crew?"

It was then hearing her reply that he then seem to ease up a bit know she was not one of "Them" or whatever those things were as he then replied.

" Name Ronin Wendigo and as for your crew, I assure you they are safe and no harm has come to them. And are safer where they are now then out there. Just the same I do apologize in advance as to how bad things may look like but think it would be best if you came in as it's not safe out here. I'll bring you to them and we can hopefully clear things out. "

It was then waiting for her reply he did his best make sure reach out with the force and make sure though there was no assurance he could. That none if any of those "Things" were not nearby nor had stir take notice of them yet. As best he could Ronin made sure he kept things quiet and not bring any attention to them. While bellow the troopers she'd mention were held in a couple or so cell he'd had working down below in one the abandon ship.



Smarter than the average bear
[member="Ronin Wendigo"]

/ooc I don't know why but all posts bar one I made yesterday were blanks. Trying to find out how it happened so it won't occur again. Sorry for any inconvenience

Perhaps this was a ploy, perhaps this person is entirely truthful. All Lokthra could tell, was his intentions are true... for now. Either way, Lokthra had to trust him. His uneasiness didn't make it easier, he was expecting something bad to come; something that could still possibly out there. If that is true, someone who managed to trap a team of 4, without Lokthra realising for some time, wouldn't be the worst person to be allied with.

Lokthra followed the new face, where-ever it was he was leading her.
[member="Lokthra Dawning"]

occ: ah I see ...well it's ok no worry as I figure as much that something may have been up when I saw the blank post. At any rate hopefully, it was just one them fluke stuff as I get hit by about same thing once before lol.


It was by then a somewhat tense moment for Ronin as he waited for her reply. For unbenonst, to her, his attention was somewhat divided between wanting to help her avoid those creatures out there. That was one if anything been the reason he was somewhat on the edge... for he knew having been stuck here for god knows how long. Since the crash that he slowly had been able for the most part been able to keep them away at the same time anticipate their arrival to his camp a bit more better than the last. When from the corner his eyes he could have sworn movement...


And he then turns back to her reply.

"So I guess if you would follow me then...."


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Ronin Wendigo"]

Lokthra sensed more and more fear and worry in the stranger as they ventured further into the ship; where was he taking her? She thought she had explored the whole ship before even getting her team to enter. What a boost of confidence she thought. None the less whatever has or is about to happen, she would have to work with him. He didn't seem that bad, sure he smelt as if he hadn't' showered for a little while, but he didn't attack her and his intentions true -- for now at least. They ventured further into the ship until they finally had reached a brig of sorts, with an assortment of prisoner-chambers, 4 of which filled with her crew --unconscious, the others looked suspciously clean. What was this ship doing here? Why are they so clean? Silent thoughts to herself. She had instantly started to trust this stranger less upon seeing the room.


"Can you let them go please?"
[member="Lokthra Dawning"]

It was then once he'd lead her thru the lone hatch door leading into the bowel of the ship that he then seems out habit e the secure it. At which time walk down some fight of stairs then down a hallway. That they then come to find themselves in the holding cells. Where he, for the time being, had secure place the troopers. Whom he at that time presumed to be the ones she spoke of.

To which soon after she appeared to take notice and in a way confirmed his presumption as he then soon hears her speak.

"Can you let them go please?"

To which he then takes her cue then walk over to a side control where he punches in a few codes to comply her request. Hope it if anything would help win her confidence or trust in him as he then spoke.

"Very well they are free now although it gonna take a while for them wake up....which if you want to. You can approach them and see for yourself...see they're just asleep. Knock out by some makeshift tranquilizer I was able to acquire but just the same. I would assume you might have a question and now that we are in a safe enough place away from those things out there. Could we maybe talk? So ask away and I know... this all sort look bad ... that you might look less of me or trust me even less than earlier. But I can explain.... though its sorta long story begins with so I figured it is time well spent that you ask and I answer. Then hopefully we can get it all settled before they awake..."


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Ronin Wendigo"]

As soon as the forcefield surrounding the cells flickered off, Lokthra immediately rushed to the aid of her companions. Each still unconscious, as they would be for quite some time she assumed. Although relieved to see them in one piece, she allowed herself some time to recover, after pulling them out of the dreadful cells.

After having the opportunity to be herself and not forced to go along for the sake of her companions she began her 'vigorous' questioning:
"Who are you. Why are you here?"
[member="Lokthra Dawning"]

It was then no sooner had the forcefields surrounding the cells flickered off and she came rush over towards them. That Ronin step back to let her time look them over and hopefully. In good faith negate any negative feeling or idea she may have had about him. Knowing the seem didn't start thing off in the best of terms. But just the same no sooner had she done take care of her men that she then turn to him speak.

"Who are you. Why are you here?"

To which he then replied back.

" Like said earlier name Ronin Wendigo and am with the Silver Order and I do apologize ... I know how bad this all looks like but let me explain. As to why am here is not by choice but an unfortunate chain of events. See I was on a resupply route for some the forward bases when I kinda overheard of a smuggler drop not far off from where I was. So kinda detoured ran into some illegal smugglers was try to tail them when I got found out. So had to high tail it out there and got shot down in this place....."

He pauses as from the background the little pet he sort pick up appeared to take a peek. And not want it to get shot down or harmed during the tense moment he picks it up and kept it close.

"...was try a piece or salvage some parts from some the ship from the surrounding area. When I ran into those things.... not sure if their indigenous or not but all I can tell is that their not the friendly type. Which why I had put up those traps which your friends, unfortunately, got caught in."


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Ronin Wendigo"]

"Hmm" Lokthra had a few moments to truly analyse the situation. It was plausible that he was telling the truth, yet she had to confirm this story. She thought of just trusting him, then she considered the idea of keeping him hostage until such a time as an alibi could be confirmed; yet if he told the truth it would create a political situation amongst the major factions. She settled on the former over the latter.

"Is the supplies you needed still intact or did the fall into orbit destroy them?"

She silently thought to herself, thinking, hoping, praying, that her trust is not misplaced.

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