Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Through Passion, Strength {Trainer Requested}

The midday sun blazed in the sky high above the Korribani desert, sending waves of scorching heat to the surface of the ancient capital of the Sith. Rau'mell Vosh'nir held a hand to shield his eyes as he scanned the distant horizon, looking for any signs of life on the hostile alien world. Behind him lay the smoking remains of the shuttle that he had crash landed after experiencing unexpected turbulence during the descent, his survival itself a miracle considering the condition of the badly mangled ship. It had been a mere four standard days since he had fled the Iridonian system and found his way here just as the vision from his grandfather had showed him while in his prison cell, but a vast empty desert with minimal signs of life was not what he had expected to find. He studied his surroundings for several more moments until he re-assured himself he was free from any imminent danger, then turned back to his inoperable shuttle and salvaged what supplies he could, including food rations and the remaining water reserves that he had, what little of it was left. Finally, he strapped his black vibrosword to his belt and fastened it firmly into place and set off in search of, well... anything.

The only relief to the heat was a mild wind that blew the Zabrak's shoulder-tucked cloak wildly about, adorned with the symbol of the Iridonian Black Dawn resistance, tattered and torn. The symbol, Raum knew, was now nothing but a remnant of a life forever lost. Two weeks ago his army had marched on the capital of the Zabrak homeworld and was within grasp of finally realizing the dream of a proud and unified Iridonia under Black Dawn rule, but the dream never came to pass, for the Republic and the Jedi Order had robbed him of it. He was left beaten, broken and utterly humiliated by the Jedi that intervened in the battle and defeated him in single combat in the middle of capital square. He cursed as the memories flooded his mind, his hatred rising and his thirst for vengeance dominating his thoughts. If there was anything that sent him into a fury it was the thought of being inferior, of not being good enough to rise to a particular challenge. He could almost visualize the Jedi scum now, in front of him, mocking him as he lay at the Jedi's mercy. He almost ripped his vibrosword from his belt and slashed the thin air, as if doing so would erase the memory and somehow reverse the outcome of that battle, making everything the way it had been.

A sudden flash halted his thoughts and brought him to full attention. Something big is coming, he thought. He could feel it. Not a moment later he saw it, a large reptilian looking beast quickly approaching him from the side. He drew his sword and dropped into an offensive stance as his thoughts quickly swirled on what strategy to use for the creature, having never encountered one of these before. Gathering the Force in his fingers, he sent a wave of Force energy at the beast, but to his utter surprise the attack was ineffective and the beast barely slowed. Impossible! he thought. The beast had closed in on him too quickly to muster another Force attack so the Zabrak used his natural athleticism to roll out of the way.

The tuk'ata, undeterred by his enemy's display of athleticism, quickly whirled around and made a swipe at Raum with its immensely sized claws who just managed to again dodge the attack and retreat several steps backwards. The two foes locked eyes with each in other in this battle of life and death, awaiting the other's move; Raum acted first, attempting to throw another wave of Force energy at the tuk'ata with just a little more focus with this attack. The tuk'ata stumbled slightly, but again somehow seemed to resist the Zabrak's attack and angrily charged again. The cat and mouse game continued for several more minutes when during one of the tuk'ata's charges Raum leaped over the animal and made a downward slash with his sword as it ran past, drawing blood. With its newly fresh wound on its back, the tuk'ata became even more aggressive in its attacks which ended up going to Rau'mell's favor as it sacrificed its own safety in its desperate attacks, and the Zabrak managed to thrust his blade into the neck of the raging tuk'ata. The beast collapsed, and shortly after Raum did the same. The fight had depleted much of his Force energy, and his own physical energy levels had also been depleted. After a few moments of rest, Raum forced himself up and carried on.

He spent two days wandering the desert canyons, his ration reserves and personal health vastly deteriorating. His fear of dying out here alone without finding what he sought fueled his rage and gave him energy for a while, but it was inevitable he would die within hours at the current rate. And then, as if the very thought made it happen, a large structure appeared in the distance beyond the canyon walls. Finally! he thought with satisfaction. He slowly trudged his way towards the vast complex, and after an hour had finally arrived at a large door that led into the unknown facility that he could only assume was a Sith training academy. He also assumed he had not arrived at the front entrance to the building but rather a side entrance.

Struggling to raise his nearly exhausted arms, he pounded heavily on the door in three slow bangs, hoping somebody inside would answer.

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
He had been studying the changes to Korriban when he came across, purely by chance, potential. He followed the Zabrak through the desert, maintaining distance and stealth to see how well this man would do. He had Force sensitivity, so he would be Sith rather than a soldier. He did a good job of nourishing himself with anger to stave off death. Even at in the face of hopelessness that Korriban presented to all, he kept on and even killed a tuk'ata. Definitely an apt candidate for an apprentice. His first in so long.

There was definitely potential here, so as the man hammered the door, he approached the apprentice from behind, tossing a bag of rations on the ground behind him. "You've done well to avoid death for so long, but death cannot be held off indefinitely. At least, not by such meager means. Eat, drink, and most importantly..." He reached out with a metal-clad hand towards the weakened man and warped the Force around him, driving the Darkside into the drained individual, forcefully replenishing his Force reserves with the tainted energies. It would be something revolting to a Jedi, to feel such raw power, but a Sith would embrace it. Another test. Even still, Sith or not, that amount of power so rapidly would inflict pain as well as help, but pain was only another way to strength.
Rau'mell was startled by the sudden presence of the man behind him. On his native world he had been an excellent hunter and always had a keen sense of when he was being watched or tracked, as well as being able to sense most living beings through the force; somehow he had not felt it here. Was it from his exhausted state? Or was it from something more sinister, the natural dark side energy that radiated from the planet that also seemed to cloak the tuk'ata? He was not sure. The Zabrak swirled around half weary with his right hand falling to a rest on the hilt of his blade, unsure of whether this individual was a threat. He watched him throw the pack of rations onto the ground and had to resist the natural instinct to immediately grab it and consume its contents in his desperate state. And suddenly, without warning, he felt pain.

Extreme pain. His hands immediately clutched the sides of his head as the shockwaves shot throughout his body, though this was another form of pain that he had not felt before, one that was indescribable, not of a physical nature but of a spiritual one. Initially it felt like an invasion of an alien life force entering his very being, and he made an attempt in vain to stop the attack by going after the one who was doing it to him although his senses were completely overwhelmed. Despite the seething pain however, there was something else he felt; power. Immense power, that of the dark side of of a nature he had never before experienced. The pain subsided slowly but steadily, and finally it concluded.

Raum fell to a knee, regaining his senses. Slowly he rose back to his feet, and felt as if he had been re-born in dark side power. He no longer felt fatigued or the hunger pains, but rather a pure rush of dark side energy sustaining him. He gaze returned to the man in front of him, realizing the power that he must wield to be able to accomplish such a feat. He was obviously a master, and far his superior in knowledge of the Force.

"Your power... is remarkable," the Zabrak confessed, bowing his head. "If you would have it, Master, I would seek to learn under you. In addition to my talent as a warrior, the Force is strong in my blood line and my potential is unlimited. I expect no charity or leniency. I want the power to exact vengeance on those who have wronged me. I want to be a Sith."

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
"I would have it. I'm not sure how I feel about this current generation of Sith, but you will have the benefit of my knowledge, ancient knowledge. I have seen what was, and aim to see it exist again. You will be the first in an... improvement. A higher caliber of Sith. I have known in the past for it to be a habit of academies to initially train apprentices, but I want to make sure that you are... untainted by improper teachings." He paused and looked at the rations. "You will need to eat those. Power has a way of making you think you're in a better state than you really are, but you are not like me. You cannot survive off the Force alone quite yet, and I'll not be wasting my energy keeping you alive when you have the means yourself."

He waved at the door and it split, sliding into the wall on either side until it was flush. He stepped around his apprentice and into the academy, cloak furling a bit from the sudden movement. "Eat on the move, too." He lead the apprentice into the structure and resumed talking. "Vengeance is a fine goal, but do not let it define you. The Sith have a higher calling than petty revenge, and you cannot let your blood lust cloud your judgement. That's the downfall of many a great, or I suppose less-than-great, Sith. They get so wrapped up in their anger that they make mistakes. Get sloppy."

He stopped and looked at the student, examining him. "First you must learn the basic tenant of the Sith. The Sith code. Not only the words, you must understand the meaning. Have you once heard the code?"
Raum nodded and grabbed the pack of rations from off the ground and fell in step behind his new master into the Sith academy. Heeding his advice, he took a small energy bar from out of the bag and bit a small piece of it off. Although his stomach demanded more, he did not want to look like a slob by stuffing his face and make bad first impressions. And there were plenty of first impressions to be made as several of the other apprentices eyed him long and hard when they noticed him. Already he was being probed and studied for weakness, and he refused to show any.

"I have not yet heard this Sith code, no," he admitted in a low tone, so that no others could hear him. "Is it a creed of some sort?"

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
He gestured at another door and it slid open, giving way to a small 'classroom' of sorts. Various computers, a workbench, and a large screen mounted to the wall. Of course, they were all much more reinforced than would be needed in an average classroom. However they would be free from prying eyes here. He could sense the anxiety from his apprentice. Or maybe concern was a better word. Either way, he didn't need people spying on his trainings. "You'd find me a different teacher than most Sith. Or I guess most Sith of my time. They used pain as a motivator and for discipline. Pain and mutilation are not educational tools of mine, so much as they are natural consequences of failure. If you go into battle unprepared and you lose, you will suffer. It is the natural way of things. I will not need to inflict it. Existence will inflict it for me. I think you have some grasp on that, given the state I found you in. You see what happens when you nearly fail."

He leaned against the wall with the screen on it and continued. "That in mind, understand I will not tolerate disobedience. I encourage free thinking, but not disrespect. I don't want simple tools. That's what the average soldier is for. But I digress, you must learn the code and the meaning behind it before you understand why my mind works the way it does. It reads as such: Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my bonds are broken. The Force shall free me."

He let that sink in for a moment, wondering if it initially would strike a chord with his pupil. Regardless, he continued. "Most Sith I encounter see this as some kind of explanation on why they must live selfishly and do nothing to the benefit of... well, anyone. They use it as an excuse to simply butcher anyone they dislike, or cause mayhem and destruction. They are simpletons, and you must always remember that."

He sighed and then began breaking the code down into a deeper meaning. "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. It goes in direct conflict with the Jedi ideal of a 'peaceful existence'. However this flies in the face of nature. Passion and conflict are the factors that grow the galaxy. The weak are beaten out by the strong, and as this happens on a grand scale, the galaxy progresses more and more towards the ideal of perfection. This growth, or passion, brings about strength. Your passions make you stronger, conflict drives you to better yourself to overcome that conflict, to become powerful. With this power, you achieve victories. Each victory marks progress through your life. But you must achieve absolute victories. Overcome new obstacles. The last line, 'through victory, my chains are broken', confuses some. This is where they get the idea that they get to do whatever they wish because they become strong. This is not the case. Victories bring you closer to the ideal of the Sith. The Sith'ari. The perfect being. However, it is just that, an ideal. As the galaxy progresses, 'perfection' becomes ever further from your grasp. It is a moving goal, that you should always strive for. When you can no longer progress, that is when you stagnate and die."

He sighed and rubbed his shoulder as he thought on the matter, a bit of self-musing at this point. "That was the downfall of the Empire. Sidious got greedy. Though I suppose it was Darth Bane's doing. The Rule of Two was a selfish system. The idea that the galaxy would progress, or that you could achieve an ideal because you limited it to two people. I suppose it was the only way to do it, if you actually wanted to 'achieve' that goal. To become the most powerful being in the galaxy, but that is why he failed. And that is what you must understand, Apprentice. I do not teach you so that you may become a perfect, all-powerful being. I teach you as I teach so many, so that you may uplift the galaxy. Throw off the shackles that the Jedi would enforce over those gifted with the Force. Bring about a better era through the teachings of the Sith. In the future, if we succeed, they will look back on us as weak."

He chuckled a bit at the idea. "Does that make sense to you, Apprentice?"
Rau'mell was led into the classroom and did indeed feel slight anxiety, though the zabrak himself wasn't sure if it was from knowing that he was taking his first steps into a new life full of far greater possibilities than his old one, or if it was from a sense of imminent danger. He forced it from being shown, but maintained his vigilance. The room looked to be a place where other apprentices came to increase their knowledge in academic areas, and he was relieved when he saw none of them currently occupying it, if only from being free of their prying eyes. Raum couldn't stand the fact that he would be at the bottom of the food chain here, and he knew it was a vicious chain. He knew he would simply have to get used to it though, and vowed not to be at the bottom for long.

The recitation of the Sith code by his master immediately set his mind into a furious motion as he tried to grasp the meaning of the words before they were explained in detail. It was the first he heard of such a code or a philosophy, one that actively encouraged strength and forbade weakness. Not even the ultra nationalist politics of Iridonia were as blunt and forthcoming as this. Weakness was something he had come to hate during his military campaign against the Iridonian government, but it wasn't merely war that forged his beliefs. His life had been the very definition of this philosophy, never put into actual words.

Rau'mell could almost feel a wave of relief washing over him, as if his true purpose in life had finally been revealed to him after two decades of aimless wandering. "It makes perfect sense, master. I feel as if I have been living by this code my entire life and did not know it. I now feel as if I've always belonged here with the Sith. Failure indeed brings about its own pain, as I have experienced before. The feeling it brought me was reason enough never to want to feel it again. It will be hard not to actively seek revenge on the Jedi who shamed me on Iridonia, but I will heed your advice and not let it blind me, for I have seen what blind rage does to an individual. It destroys them."

He also nodded at his master warning him not to use his power on butchering everything in sight; Raum had never been one for mindless slaughter, tempting as it might be to one who wields significant power. Nothing logically was gained from it, except unnecessary enemies. The best enemy was the one who didn't now he was your enemy, after all. Raum thought briefly about this curious Rule of Two system his master mentioned, wondering how a supposedly flawed system could end up achieving the victory it did over the Jedi Order. He let the thought quickly pass from his mind however.

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
"There are other means of 'vengeance'. If it was Jedi, break them. Not physically. The thing that most Sith do not see is that Jedi are simply blinded to the true nature of the galaxy. Often times if you remove that blinder, they can, in turn, become powerful allies. That is why my goal is not the death of the Jedi, but the destruction of their corrupt order. They weaken the galaxy with their lies, inhibit the natural growth of those in touch with the Force." He nodded in agreement with himself. All had potential, some simply denied themselves that potential.

"Still, in light of my words, there is something of which to be mindful. Rage. Rage is the most powerful emotion of the Sith. When I tell you to keep a level head about you, I do not mean quell your rage. I mean keep equal measures rage with the mentality to keep it focused like the edge of a blade." He turned to the computer and began drumming up diagrams for his apprentice. "Speaking of which, you will need to construct a blade more appropriate your new role in life. A lightsaber, much as my own. I have made sure that this room was ready for any such that I deem fit to learn from me. You will find the various materials you need in order to create this tool." He moved over to a seat in the corner of the room and sat in it, observing his student. "You do not leave this room until it is complete."
The diagrams in front of Rau'mell showed an alien design unlike anything he had seen before. The weapon was of course a lightsaber, the legendary weapon of the Sith and Jedi order, but the concept of the diagrams displayed a complexity that Raum hadn't expected. While the outside of the weapon was relatively simple in appearance, consisting of the hilt and the blade, the interior design showed many elaborate levels and pieces that consisted of its construction. A truly elegant weapon, he noted. The first and last time he had seen one in combat was when he engaged the Jedi Knight in capital square during his attempted coup, and was utterly defeated by his foe. He forced the memory from his mind. His master took a seat in the far corner of the room, his first sign that this was more than likely going to be a lengthy process. As he searched the interior of the room, he was surprised to find the lightsaber components so easily, including the red crystal, the blade emitter, energy cells, an emitter matrix, and more. As if they had been simply laid where they were. That's all? The pieces are just handed to me? he thought with disappointment. He eyed the items with confusion, then went about gathering them together and placed them atop a table and went to work.

Initially, he attempted in vain to construct the lightsaber with his hands, using a tool kit that had been placed alongside the crafting components. Despite following exactly how the diagram read he could not seem to even get past the first part. Frustration grew as he desperately tried to find a way to get the pieces together, not understanding what he was doing wrong. Despite repeatedly looking over the material and fumbling with the items he was still unable to complete it.

Then it hit him, and he realized his foolishness, giving his master an understanding glance across the room. He was learning to become a Sith, not a bloody craftsman. Such tools were mundane items for lesser beings. No, he was here to learn the higher mysteries of the Force. He wrapped up the worthless tools and tossed them out of sight, then carefully gathered all of the lightsaber components and laid them on the floor, and sat in a meditative position in front of them.

Using the Force was the only way to constuct such a weapon to perfection. Rau'mell focused his mind on the Force and carefully began putting the items into place using telekinesis. It wasn't easy and it took a considerable amount of time after many failed attempts. But the zabrak maintained his patience and his focus through the Force, ignoring all outside distractions and keeping his train of thought solely on the lightsaber. The pieces latched together one after another, just as the diagram had displayed.

At last, the final piece clicked into place.

Suddenly he broke his long concentration and snatched the lightsaber out of the air and into his grasp, bringing it close. He studied it, visually inspecting the blade together as one complete piece for the first time. The zabrak marveled at the beauty of the weapon, running his fingers over the fine metal in satisfaction. Raum leapt to his feet in triumph, and pressed the activation stud and watched it eject a fine crimson beam of energy. "It is finished!" he couldn't help but proclaim with pride. The humming of the saber was a beautiful sound, as was the swoosh! swoosh! as he twirled the lightsaber through the air. "I believe this lightsaber will be to your satisfaction," he grinned as he displayed the weapon to his master. "It feels quite natural in my hands." He gave the blade a few more twirls. "Is combat the same with a lightsaber as it is a blade, or will I need to learn new techniques?" he inquired as he squeezed the base of the weapon. "The weight seems to be coming mostly from the hilt. It is a bit odd in that regard."

Reminding himself of his old weapon, he unhooked his black vibrosword from his belt and looked it over for a couple of seconds. The blade had been by his side every day for the last couple of years and had been his closest companion in many battles. But that life was over, and such attachment was weakness. "When an item outlives its usefulness it must be discarded," he stated simply. He stood the blade upright on the ground and carelessly slashed downwards with his crimson blade and cut the sword in half, then used the Force to toss the two halves to the other end of the room.

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
"You learn quickly. I appreciate that in an apprentice. It does indeed seem to be up to standards. I myself get... creative when it comes to lightsaber designs, and have a good many of them as a result, so I try not to hold apprentices to my standards. It will serve you well, though, and most important is that it feels an extension of your self." He looked over the weapon a moment and nodded.

"You are correct, there are additional techniques to using a lightsaber. It's not so much in the style of combat as it is expanding your awareness while wielding it. You must subconsciously track the position of the blade at all times, because it has no weight and therefore there are no indicators as to where the blade will be. You must, from now on, train yourself to split off a fraction of your focus to this cause. The Force makes this an easier task, as your reflexes are better than those without. That's not to say those without the Force can't use it. In fact I've heard of a great many who do, so be wary always in that regard." He chuckled. "It's better to expect them to know what they're doing, and be pleasantly surprised when they cut off their own legs, after all."

He dragged the two halves of the blade that had just been cut to him and held them aloft with the Force. He produced one of his own sabers, an electrum-plated hilt that ignited with a silver blade, and used it to heat the severed ends of the sword and fuse them back together. "One additional lesson from this. You must become a better judge of when an item has outlived its usefulness as many items can be repurposed." He held the hilt of the vibrosword in his left hand and focused himself for a moment. The Darkside manifested itself around the blade, a dark 'fog', from which leapt bolts of energy into the sword, which seemed to grow intensely hot for a moment.

He then crossed his saber with the vibroblade and, unlike before, the vibroblade met the saber with little problem. "The Darkside can imbue all things with power. Not just people, but things like your sword here, through alchemy." He tossed the blade to the ground at his apprentice's feet. "And always remember... sometimes it's just more fun to feel your blade cutting through flesh, rather than burning it away instantly."
The blade clattered on the hard floor in front of him and Raum knelt down to pick it up, slightly flustered at his actions. "I will be sure to heed that advice," he answered truthfully, re-attaching the blade to its former place on his belt. Before the blade had looked beautiful to his eyes, a deadly weapon that was a pure terror in combat. Compared to the lightsaber it looked rather dull and uninspiring. Still, he agreed that the cutting of flesh was an enjoyable feeling. He gave his newly constructed lightsaber a final twirl before de-igniting it and latching on the opposite side.

"I am eager to begin my training with it," he said regarding the lightsaber. "Though I feel as if I am already far ahead of where most apprentices are at this early stage regarding my talents as a warrior. I've spent the last twelve years honing my abilities in combat. The higher mysteries of the Force is what I anticipate learning. My grandfather was a sorcerer of sorts and taught me basic powers in the brief time I knew him, as I have already displayed since arriving on Korriban. But I have the potential for much more."

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
"Training with your saber is easy enough. They make droids for such things. I'm more than certain you can handle learning that." He nodded at his apprentice. He did, in fact, have confidence in this Sith's ability to learn. "As far as the Force is concerned, it is simply time. You must learn to control the flow of the Force. To bend it to your will. The most useful technique that I've learned was also the first that I've learned. Force Sight."

He adjusted in the seat, leaning back once more. "See if you can't do it now. It allows you to see better than you do with your eyes. You see not only people, but the ties between them in the Force. The flow of natural energy through the galaxy. I've done it for so long that I can use it to stretch my sight across a great distance, find targets on other planets. It also helps you see when the 'threads' of the Force are being manipulated around you. You can predict attacks from Force users in such a way."
((OOC: Apologies for the delay, work has kept me busy the last two days.))

Seeing with the Force? Rau'mell hesitated a moment, trying to comprehend fully what his master expected of him. Sensing with the Force was something that came natural to most Force users; such as detecting nearby life forms, to see things before they happened, and the ability to know when danger was imminent. It was a sixth sense of sorts that made Force users superior to normal beings untouched by its power. But actually seeing with it? That was a new concept to the young Iridonian. Were it another time of his life he would have scoffed at such a ridiculous notion, but this was not another time. He was now one of the Sith.

Initially, albeit foolishly, Raum merely shut his eyes and tried to sense his surroundings as if it would give him a different picture than with his eyes open. Nothing was revealed save what he already could sense through the Force, merely faint echoes of dark side energies lacking any form of precision or specifics. He knew he was missing something. Raum sighed and took a deep breath, relaxing the tension in his muscles, clearing all distractions from his mind and reached out to the Force. To the dark side. He attempted to see these energies and Force ties that his master told him he would find.

And there it was. As if blinders had been removed from his eyes for the first time in his life, as if he could finally see. Every crack on the wall, every spec of dust in the room suddenly became revealed to him. But it wasn't just the physical world that was more attuned. The very air seemed alive with Force energy. Before where the dark side auras of the inhabitants of the academy were merely random and weak, now he could feel them all with a renewed strength. He could have been standing right next to them physically and not see them as clear as he was seeing them now. Their immediate motivations and lines of thought almost became like reading a book. Such power! he thought. Imagine the possibilities!

But there was something else. A vision. The excitement of his new found power quickly evaporated as a dark mist flooded his vision...

A field of battle under a dark sky on a nameless world. A sea of mangled bodies lie around him for as far as the eye can see alongside broken and torn war banners that lie strewn alongside them. Raum looks down in horror at their lifeless faces, possessing a strange feeling that he knows these individuals even though he does not. But he knows they are Sith. He can sense it. A black swirling vortex spirals out of view in the distance and he realizes he's standing in the aftermath of its destruction. He turns to run after it, curious of its nature, but an invisible Force holds him in place. You do not belong here! a voice shouts. He cannot find its source. Leave! it shouts again in a darker tone. Who are you?! he demands, but no answer is given. The sky crumbles, and the world collapses into nothing.

Raum opened his eyes and frantically looked about the room, re-assuring himself he was no longer enraptured in the mysterious vision. He finally looked to his master who was giving him a puzzling glance. What in the hell was that, he thought. Out loud he only spoke, "That is... an incredible power, master," he stated simply, rubbing his temples. "I can see the potential for possessing this gift. Are all apprentices able to utilize this power? It seems rather complex and I can feel the toll it took on my Force energy."

Should he tell him about the vision? It's possible the vision was placed in his mind deliberately by his master, but his suspicion suggested that it wasn't and that he saw something he hadn't intended, and possibly wasn't supposed, to see. He decided to keep it to himself for now, and put it out of his mind.

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
"Really? That noticeable? Hmm, that's strange. Perhaps you're going into it more than what I had mentioned? Force Sight is not necessarily taxing. It is simply seeing the Force. If you go into anything beyond that, though, I can see how it might be taxing on the mind." He stood and stretched a bit. "However, this day of training has gone on for some time. Perhaps it is best if you meditate, replenish your reserves. Find somewhere to bunk in the academy. Remember, do not seek out conflict, but be prepared to handle it if it comes your way. Not all Sith are trained with the foresight you have." He made his way towards the exit to the door.

"And do be sure to get some training in on your lightsaber. There should be some training droids around."
(I think this is a fairly decent stopping point. Experience in the 'field' should be good.)

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