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Private Three of a Kind

Felucia | Akira
Tags: Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt | Roxy Rizzan Roxy Rizzan

Felucia was a hostile planet, unforgiving and crawling with far too many lifeforms that would put a cramp into anyone's day simply because they can. But something that still lingered on the planet, despite everything it went through and the various factions that controlled it, was the legacy of the Sith. The fungal jungles was heavy in parts with the Force, Darkness inherently burrowed into some parts with stubborn dedication. It's what made it a home for some Sith, at least those who were crazy enough to dodge angry animals on a regular basis. There was a reason why nobody could ever hold the inhospitable planet.

Despite that, a handful of towns managed to not only carve out an existence over the centuries, but also grow and flourish. According to some rumours and bits of documents, a holocron was hidden somewhere close to one of the major towns. Who it belonged to, Jas was uncertain about. The details around this personal expedition of his was sparse at best. The primary reason for his rather overt methods of searching for his mark. Searching through each town for any details drew some unwanted attention to the Pureblood, but it also gave him a lead. Akira. Once a small settlement who profited off medical herbs, now a steady town with markets, light traffic and even a bit of a tourist industry.

If his search was correct, the clue to his prize could be found in the respectable town. Entering the town, however, revealed another trifle the Pureblood had to deal with. An underground operation, while not yet big, was steadily growing with fingers in a number of activities. As much as he wanted to avoid dealing with such lowly characters, they would likely be able to point him in the right direction. Arriving in Akira, Jas couldn't help but think that his choice of outfit could be better. He stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd, not only towering over everyone around him, but his black overcoat and outfit had him look like a proper outsider.

At least he looked good despite the glances.


TAG: Jas Katis Jas Katis | Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt




What was it with Starlin and jungles?

First he dragged them all through the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk, then he had Master Cthylla send them to some dark and strange place to teach her a new saber form, now he dumped her on Felucia to "teach her how to survive". Without him being present. At least he was hip enough to allow her to keep her music player. Want to teach Ceri how to connect with the Force? Let her have music. And she could keep Evie.

And he was nice enough to drop her off in one of the bigger towns to get some survival gear.

What was the name?

Akita? No...

"Akira, there we go." Ceri said as she and Evie headed into town from the area that was supposed to act as a spaceport, but the jungle wasn't having it.
Evie bleeped at her.
"No need to tell me that. I know I have the attention span of a teaspoon." the Chandrilan grumbled. "Now what do we need first?"
The astromech warbled.
"Yeah, I know we need food and water, but we probably need a pack to put it all in first, right?"
Evie conceded.

The duo started to head to some outdoorsy shop, but before they could get very far, Ceri's large and very attentive eyes caught sight of a very tall guy who's clothes made him stand out like a sore thumb. At least her Jedi jumpsuit fitted in better with the jungle planet. But there was something else that had her curious, though she couldn't say exactly what. Just a feeling. She probably should have felt cautious too, but you don't make friends by being cautious.

One thing Starlin hadn't paid too much attention to yet during their lessons, was Sith - the religion or the species, so the young Padawan had no idea what exactly was hidden under that overcoat of the super tall guy.

Evie was a different story. The droid whistled softly as she tried to herd Ceri away from the area.
"No, what...? Evie, stop it. I just wanna watch to see what the funny looking guy is going to do, is all." She was recently cautioned by her Master to not go making friends with just anyone. And even Vaylaar, who seemed more or less fearless even for a Padawan, said more or less the same. It sucked, but she figured she at least had to listen to Starlin.

It was against her nature, so she just hung back for now.

Flopping down on an empty fruit crate next to a stall, she just watched while Evie grumbled at her.

"The Misfit. One and only!"


He was seeing the galaxy now.

First, a bounty of his took him to Tatooine, and now Felucia. He couldn’t say he was fond of the former, but something told him he would learn to appreciate that sun-scorched planet’s coarse sand more than ever now, in the face of Felucia’s hostile fauna; flesh-eating diseases were going to be the least of his troubles.

And the fact that there were not only settlements on the planet but they were also economically flourishing as well, certainly impressed the young Misfit. It went to show the indomitable spirit of a colonist trying to make their way in the galaxy.

But expressing admiration to such a fact was not why Kayl was here. No, certainly not. He was here for him. His target certainly stood out amongst the crowd. The indicator in his helmet’s heads-up display also highlighted him as his target, his tracking fob in sync with his heads-up display; he stood only but a few inches shorter than the Krayt, and was wrapped in a long, black overcoat.

A rather intriguing choice of outfit, to say the least. Perhaps it served a function greater than a fashion statement, however. One could certainly use it to conceal something they wore underneath an overcoat, but time would tell if that was the case with this particular mark.

But for now, the Misfit simply bided his time as he kept one eye on his bounty, waiting for the opportune moment to strike, while he casually browsed the wares of a stall nearby that sold hunting equipment, using it as a means to hide his true intention and remain as inconspicuous as possible. He would not do justice to truth if he were to say he did not take interest in the wares the man sold at his stall, too. A portion of The Misfit’s attention was grasped firmly by the hunting spear he inspected in his hands.

At least, with his general outlook, clad in his beskar’gam and gear, one could most certainly make the assumption he was here to hunt big game. The sight of a Mandalorian was not uncommon in places and planets where highly exotic and equally dangerous animals freely strode around, after all; his peers hunted game often in their downtime, some for the purpose of relaxation, and some for simply proving themselves to their kin.

And he’d be lying if he wasn’t interested in giving that a shot, himself. It was fun to brush up on one’s survival skills and bushcraft every once in a while.

But that would have to wait. He was in the process of hunting a different kind of game now.


Jas came to a halt by a food stall for a moment as he glanced around. A ripple in the Force drew the Pureblood's attention almost entirely. Something was wrong. On one end, he felt a disturbance uncomfortably close to him. On the other, a glimmer of Light. Too weak to be a significant threat, but the ripple was clear enough. A Jedi was closeby, most likely watching him.

His golden eyes scanned the area for a moment until he found the one presence in the Force. A young girl sat on a crate not too far from him, watching him with curiosity. He focused on her for a moment with a cold glare to gauge her reaction. If a padawan was here, then the Master wouldn't be too far behind. "Run back to you master, young one. This is not worth it." His voice projected towards her through the Force before he moved on, looking for the other element. A figure, towering above the rest of the crowd, drew his attention for a moment. A hunter.

A Mandalorian.

It couldn't be a coincidence. Did he truly have a bounty on himself already? To warrant a Mandalorian venturing out this far from the rest of his kin? It was almost as concerning as the padawan without their master in proximity. At least she wasn't a threat, not for the moment. He could take his time with her. The bigger threat was the heavily armoured giant of a man inspecting the hunting wares.

Jas began to close the distance between himself and the Mandalorian. Reaching into his overcoat, he drew his lightsaber and slipped it into his sleeve to keep it out of sight. With his focus on the Mandalorian, he kept his hilt at the ready for a quick and efficient blow. Whether he could get close enough was a different story, but the Pureblood wasn't going to back down. If he had a bounty on him, he needed to get rid of the hunter. Once close enough, Jas' hilt snapped into his hand and ignited with a droning roar, the emitter aimed directly at the small of the Mandalorian's back for a quick elimination.

Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt Roxy Rizzan Roxy Rizzan

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