Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Thousand Fountains


Pudding? Crackers? Nuts?

She glanced to the items as they were offered and just about laughed. A little. Of all things she expected.. Well, truthfully she hadn't expected anything, but what he was offering was very much the kind of food she figured he'd be asked to eat in the hospital. Fruit was good, though. She took up the orange, starting to peel it even with her paint covered hands. What's a little paint in her diet.

"You have the bottle, right? Can just drink from that."

Lief Lief
"Well, yes," he said in regards to the drink, completely oblivious to the fact that his offerings were hospital-adjacent. No doubt it had been a subconscious act at this point. Notably though he avoided all but the pudding cups, though he left a couple for Iris in case she wanted some too. He had an unnatural amount of them given there were only two people.
The Mandalorian Orange smelled good when she peeled it, though. Still he daren't try it. He wasn't looking to throw up again any time soon. So he stuck with his beloved pudding cups.
"I just wasn't sure you'd want to share without a cup of your own" he added, chuckling softly. "I really missed you, you know? Missed this..."


"You really like pudding."

She blinked, glancing to the sheer number of pudding cups. Not that it was a bad thing. She just couldn't not say something. She popped a slice of orange into her mouth, tilting her head in a curious way. Why wouldn't they share a cup?

"Is.. there a reason we shouldn't share a cup?" She smiled, though. Really bright. ".. You've no idea how much I missed you. I really, really missed you."

Lief Lief
"Huh?" he said when she spoke of his enjoyment of pudding, before turning slightly red in the cheeks. "Oh, uh... Yeah. I guess. My stomach agrees with it." He nodded his head a couple of times, as he opened up one of the cups and rummaged for a spoon. Pulled out a second, for if Iris decided to eat some too.
As for sharing a drinking vessel, Eliphas found himself shrugging. "Some people don't like to share" he said, "Something about germs or whatever." In a way he could understand, he certainly wouldn't want to share a drink with strangers, but this was Iris. She wasn't a stranger, and she wasn't icky, so there was no issue in his mind. He opened the bottle, and offered it over to her so she could have the first sip.
Iris had missed him too, and that made him feel all warm inside. "Well with any luck you'll be able to see as much of me as you'd like going forward" he said. He had no plans to end up back in a hospital or anything of the like.


".. What like cooties?"

That was a thing in one of the random shows they watched together. Maybe that was something they should do again? Watch shows? Painting like this was nice too. She took up the bottle with a slight laugh before taking a sip, then handing it back over.

"You're not afraid of my cooties, are you?"

Lief Lief
"What?" he said, incredulously, "Afraid? Empress, no. I just know some people get icked out by it."
Cooties were such a weird concept, weren't they? You shook hands with people, touched things they touched, and then ate with the same hands, but Force forbid you skipped all the stuff in the middle.
He took the bottle when it was offered back his way and drank rather heartily from it. Apparently he'd been more thirsty than his body had let on. Still there remained plenty to share once he was done. He resealed the lid, set it down, then wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve.
"We should do this again, when you have time. Hang out, like we used to. I know you're probably much busier now, you're a Knight after all, I just... You make everything feel just that little bit more... sane." She brought a sense of normalcy to his life that had rarely been found since leaving his homeworld. It wasn't all about the Force, or fighting some great evil, it was just the two of them.


"A.. Little busy, yeah. I've got a couple Padawan's now to watch over and just.. Yeah." Shadow business. Training her Padawans. The ongoing wars. There was quite a bit that kept her attention. But still she smiled, nodded her head. This was something she needed, more than anything else. A place to just be. Paint, before she'd forgotten how.

"I'd like that. A lot. I like feeling sane."

Lief Lief
It was still crazy to think of Iris as a Jedi Knight, with her own students to tend to. Crazy but warming too, she'd come so far and he couldn't help but feel pride. "What's it like? Teaching another, I mean..." The idea that she hadn't been painting as of late struck him with melancholy, it had been her thing. Was she too busy for it, or was she avoiding it?
Maybe it was something entirely different.
"I like feeling sane too" he chuckled. There'd been a brief moment when he first awoke wherein he felt decidedly, well, insane. Stuck to the schedule of the hospital, unable to move or do much of anything. The day he'd stolen the hoverchair had made all the difference, and seeing Starlin and being brought back home with him was everything he'd needed.
Even if it had admittedly stifled his healing some.
He ate another pudding cup, then lay back in the grass to peer up over the vaulted ceiling that went so high it was impossible to tell they were indoors.
"I wish I could see somewhere else," he muttered to himself, "Somewhere natural. Really natural..." He'd been stuck on a Station for so long, and Coruscant had its nice areas but for the most part it felt like more of the same.

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