Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This must be killing you (Djonas)

While Djonas took down the cameras, his back to the guards ready to fire at him, Satine took the chance and rushed forward before slashing them down. Seeing all were dealt with she joined Djonas by the computer before moving him aside. "Let me look." she said, fiddling with the computer. After a moment of checking she said "Ah-ha. Very clever. He's transferred the data somewhere else." When Djonas asked she used the computer to open one of the boxes nearby revealing a holocron. "In that." she said. "Not bad for a rodian. Simple enough for anyone to use. Easily transferable and incorruptible by virus data and the like." She reached in to retrieve it, while saying "Who knows how much they would've paid for it."

@[member="Djonas Vile"]
Djonas kept an eye on their flank, ensuring no one else would ruin the party. Djonas then looked towards the opened box to see the holocron. "I say we get off world and destroy the thing. C'mon." Djonas began walking for the exit, deactivating the lightsaber before anyone could see it.

@[member="Satine D'nara"]
She took the saber back from him before they returned back upstairs, no one having heard the gunfire below. "Must've been sound proofed or something." she said. "Now what we need is a viable excuse to get out of here." A second later and Satine suddenly elbowed Djonas in the stomach before saying "That'll work." Se held him by his shoulders before walking him over to where Belgor. "I'm sorry, sir." she began. "Xander isn't feeling very well. I think he had too many of the gungan cakes. I need to take him home before he ruins your fine carpets." Belgor fell for it, or at least he acted like he fell for it, and allowed them to start walking out.

@[member="Djonas Vile"]
Djonas walked back up the steps and tried thinking of a plan. Before he could speak his idea, Satine's elbow met his midsection, sending him into a state of nausea. "Oof.." he cried out. He was hunched over as she walked him over to the host/crime lord running the show. He barely heard anything that was said. He was too busy not trying to lose his lunch. Once out of the building, Djonas was able to collect himself. "Couldn't have thought of something less nauseating?" he grunted.

@[member="Satine D'nara"]
"I could've kneed you where it really hurts and said you were having BIGGER problems, but I think this was more believable." Onc they reached their speeder they were about to take off before guard ran up. Satine was ready to attack should he try and take them back in but instead he mentioned she forgot her purse. Thanking him she and Djonas flew off and back to the ship waiting for them. She pulled out the holocron and said "You know, Djonas, we should do this far more often. Who knows how many times I'll get to see you in a nice suit like that."

@[member="Djonas Vile"]
Djonas scoffed slightly. The approaching guard prompted him to ready for a force push but his intentions were good so Djonas let him go. Once back at the ship, Djonas hopped off the speeder and looked at her. "Just destroy that thing and take me back to my ship, if you don't mind." he said.

@[member="Satine D'nara"]
"Destroy?" she asked. "On no, no. That was when it was just data. Now that data is a holocron. Who knows what else could be stored in here. I think the Empire will benefit greatly from this." Once they arrived she handed the holocron to one of her servants before they ran off with it. Turning to Djonas she said "Must you leave so soon? Don't you want to celebrate?" Her hands rested on his hips before moving sensually around his body. "Maybe you'd like to see me out of this dress." she whispered.

@[member="Djonas Vile"]
Djonas would use the force to pull the holocron into his grasp. "I think this is sufficient payback for the other holocron you stole from me." he stated. "I'll be in my own private quarters if you need me." he stated before boarding the ship. Before walking on the ship, he looked over his shoulder. "Do me a favor and don't need me." he continued walking to his cabin, holocron held tightly within his grip, held even more secure by the force.

@[member="Satine D'nara"]
At first Satine would have attacked him to get it back, but then she considered what was on there and whether or not he should be allowed to walk off with it. She used the force and did as he planned, crushing it to pieces. "Sorry. There are important agents names that were stored in there. Can't let you go killing them one-by-one can I?" Before Djoans could act she motioned for her men to aim their weapons at him, saying "I guess we'll have to try again some other time. Take care, love." she said before order for the ships to dispatch and fly off. She called back to him "At least you got what you wanted. The thing is destroyed and you managed not to fall for me again." She smirked.

@[member="Djonas Vile"]

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