Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This Is Who We Will Be

"Did you find it?" she breathed, turning to face him as he reached out to brush away the tears which had loosely fallen over her cheeks.

Her skin was warming, though it had made no moves toward turning ashen and it did not yet prickle. It was strange to be able to feel a swathe of emotions, and not have the curse wipe her out. It was a good marker for how far she had come, though, since the child on Korriban, since all that had happened with Arthos.

When lips met she let out a small gasp, and leaned into his embrace. This made it all worth it, every hardship she had faced, every struggle, and wrong turn, it had all culminated to this moment in time. Were it not for the curse she would never have met him.

"I do have to thank you," she whispered, "for bringing me out of my shell, and teaching me that it is okay to have my flaws."

The words were on the tip of her own tongue, she could feel his emotions and knew he felt the same. But saying them was something else entirely.



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
"They were part of a collection from The Lirak Cartel. When I came here on this moon and was asked to do a job... I found the book under the rubble of one of the buildings that were destroyed in the aftermath. Ever since, I've made it my life's work to ensure it was kept in a safe place. Here."

Smiling profusely, Ar'ekk provided the much needed answer regarding how he had found the book. For the first time it hadn't been evil intentions pursuing to seek this knowledge but mere luck. Or maybe it was the Force that had reached out and allowed him to find this journal? It was a possibility of many.

He could feel her skin warming up during this delightful exchange of emotions, sharing the same sensation but with a beating fast heart. Everytime they crossed glances his heart would enter in some sort of imaginary race and his entire body would undergo a thousand emotions at once.

"Jyn. I l-.."

Gathering up the courage to reveal his true emotions to the person he considered the love of his life required such strength and finesse, he wanted to be careful with the choice of words.

"I love you. And every passing moment just draws me closer to you. In your eyes I see nothing but true love, a perfect future. I would never forgive myself if I didn't tell you this but I'm glad I did. Ever since we've met, that trip aboard the Red Dragon and our reencounter here on the Smuggler's Moon just made this feeling grow stronger and stronger. I'd give everything I have for you."

[member="Jyn Sol"]
He had taken such care to watch over it, and now he was giving it to her.

She did not know if she was worthy of the task, but she felt for certain that she would be able to replicate it once they returned to Aurum, preserve it for future generations so that the original copy could remain untouched, unharmed. While to many it would seem like nothing, just the journal of someone who had been dead for millennium, to Jyn it was a way to look through the keyhole into the Je'daii of past, to see how their trials held up to those of the Order today.

Her attention was, of course, no longer on the book, but on [member='Arekk']. She reached up to softly cup his cheek as he spoke, spilling his heart out before her, and smiled wholeheartedly. To hear those words said was like nothing she had ever experienced before, and her heart skipped a beat or two.

"I love you too" came her breathy response, "I always will."

Et Fin

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