Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chiron, Imperial Outpost
"It's quite magnificent, isn't it?" The almost singsong voice of Moff Hilton was filled with untold joy. Before him, mounted on a plaque, was none other then the Vibroblade used by the Alor of Clan Wren during the final moments of the Mandalorian War. He had been in charge of stamping out that particular flame of resistance, one he succeeded through a ruthless bombardment of an open battlefield. He lost many of his troops, but well within the acceptable casualties.It had taken months, but his trophy had finally arrived from that wreckage.

The pair of troopers close by didn't say a word, but nodded. The Moff only chuckled as he glanced to them, standing slightly taller then normal. Pride swelled in his chest.
"Let this be a symbol to you about those chosen by the Emperor to act. We are a cut above the rest. Leave now though, I have a prisoner to attend to." The troopers saluted and left as he turned to face the cage he had installed in his room. Just beside the plaque was another trophy. The silver haired giant claiming to be a Jedi. He chuckled more as he stepped beside the ray shield, crouching down to gaze into the hazel eyes of his captive.

"And just imagine what the Emperor will give to the man who broke his son back to the dark. I do love helping family reunions."



Chiron, another forgotten rock, one of "The Ash Worlds" in their own little sector. And what would bring a young mandalorian to a place like this? Vengeance. Well, specifically to retrieve something, but the young wren would settle with vengeance if she had to. Vengeance for the Imperial takeover. Vengeance for the theft of her clan's property. Vengeance for whatever she was feeling right now...

The "
Ball of Doom" had it's flightpath pre-programmed in preparation for this mission, Exiting hyperspace behind whatever shields the outpost may have had, zig zagging through space erratically while a homemade jammer went to work. Within seconds, the enemy scanners were scrambled, showing no signs of the ugly spacecraft now docking on the outer walls.
Before too long, thiavi was observing the troops below while she crawled on the ceiling with magnogrip gauntlets and boots, made specifically for this mission.

"Kebo" she whispered into her commlink. "Find me an access point to their network. I want in that database. I want Hilton."
"I swear you love being captured, don't you big guy?." Dominic spoke to himself, referencing Kahlil, as he starred out of the airlock window of the Bastion. The ship neared the coordinates supplied, waiting for the right moment to exit. The idea was simple, Exit hyperspace, jump from one ship to another, the Bastion leaves, and the group make their way on board. His companions for this ludicrous idea: A wanderer they had picked up and three clone wars era battle droids. What could go wrong?

The droid at the helm notified the group of how close they were to the intercept, Dominic scrambled to equip his breathing apparatus, "I sincerely hope you lot are ready, we don't get a warm up!" The ship exited hyperspace and a two seconds later the airlock opened, causing the whole group to be sucked out at rapid speeds.

Once they were away, the Bastion departed with a substantial flash and after some time Dominic landed on the ship, turning back to the rest of the group the help slow their descent aswell.​
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Bee and the two others landed with a light thud on the outer hull of the ship and looked towards Dominic Shiro Dominic Shiro , There was a light nod and the droids took point. The droids had been hardwired with special vocal modulators and had part of their faceplates removed for this mission, all three were covered head to toe in the familiar white duraplast armor of an imperial storm trooper.

The droids, assisted by their magnetic foot locks, marched across the top of the hull, scanning for any entry, and before long, they'd found one. Bee and the two others glared down at a manhole airlock, likely designed as quick access for engineers in case of emergency repairs being needed. Bee looked to dominic.

"Sir, we are-" Bee grabbed the dial and turned on his neck, his voice quickly snapping to a human tone over the communications, "ready to infiltrate. Tell us when."
It was the edge of the Sith Empire, but it was still in the Empire. No one would be foolish enough to attack a Moff in his own territory, right? As such, guards were lax. They didn't notice Thiavi, B1-176 B1-176 , and Dominic Shiro Dominic Shiro approach. There was the blip of the Bastion's jamming, but it was dismissed as a glitch. So far, they were in the clear.

Meanwhile, Hilton was still gloating to the Jedi Knight trapped in a cage. He took a seat at his desk, turning to face the young man with a delighted smile. "You know your father better then most. How delighted do you think he will be to have you back as a Sith? No longer a traitorous son."

Kahlil laughs a little, shaking his head slowly. "I think you misunderstand what it means to leave the Sith to my father. I'm not his son." The Moff frowns, idly touching the tips of his fingers together as he leans back in his seat. He thinks to himself for a moment, before smiling wide. "So what you mean is you're worthless. Just another Jedi to be killed in the name of our glorious empire."
Funo breathed in as they approached the ship. Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble was somewhere inside. And now they needed to get him out. Though, that was going to be harder done then said. Given they were essentially trying to sneak past the entire crew of an actual star destroyer. If they were found out...well things might not go so well. They'd manage to secure some uniforms, among them Funo wore that of an inspection officer. He figured this would get him into more places, and keep most soldiers on edge of being judged.

He put on a breath mask, even though he had trained in force breath, there was no reason to endanger oneself more then necessary. The droids went ahead, they'd be far less suspicious with their normal armor on then the rest would, after the alterations that made that possible. He followed behind feeling through the force, searching for a sign that they had been discovered already. He hadn't found one yet. But that didn't mean they couldn't be.

He especially was looking for anyone inside B1-176 B1-176 and the other two droids were at, so that if there was someone there he could tell them to wait, if not he'd simply nod if looked at.


Thiavi sat, or rather, hung idly while K3 searched the station's schematics for an access point. It was hastey, but the preparation was there, Downloaded schematics, jammers, thiavi's personal slicing kit, magno gloves, and one simple plan: Infiltrate, Acquire, Eliminate.
Soon the commlink chimed and the mission was back on.

::I have found a server room, marking it on your HUD ma'am::

"Thanks Kebo"

It wasn't too far away, still not as close as she'd like though. As soon as she wasn't in danger of being seen, Thiavi carefully crawled down the walls and into another room, hiding behind some crates in a smaller fighter hanger. It was slow, but she'd just have to go cover to cover until she was in the clear.
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Civ Civ B1-176 B1-176 Dominic Shiro Dominic Shiro
Everyone was aboard, well in a manner of speaking, they still needed to get inside, though Dom had a feeling that getting in would the easiest part of the entire mission. The three droids and Funo, landed close by, as Bee and his companions set off toward an entry hatch, Dom followed close behind, as the droids spoke over the coms. "Wait here for a minute, let Funo head in first, flush out any trouble."

They had landed near the engine deck so there would likely be fewer patrols, none the less, they had to be cautious, less they be found out before they even reach Kahlil. Dominic... Had his own idea on how to get close enough to the giant though. One that required him to slip away from the droids and Funo.

Civ Civ Thiavi Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble B1-176 B1-176

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