Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This could have gone better.

Well this could have gone better. Currently Kara was in a shuttle hurtling towards the surface of Vjun after being shot down by what appeared to be kinetic flak weaponry (and not lasers) with a group of assorted people from who knows where, the craft had lost all engine power and is now hurtling at high speed towards the ground on fire. Vjun isnt the kind of place you go for a nice teaparty either, it was plagued with dangerous acid rains, and as of now most of the population were some sort of raider people, not the kind of people you take out for a nice dinner. So now Kara and whoever was on this shuttle were plummeting out of the sky onto this deserted wasteland filled with acid rain and dangerous raiders. Perfect.

[member="Queen Sovereign"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Kara Blackmoor"] [member="Quenladose"] [member="Queen Sovereign"]

It was not overly odd that Vjun had attracted the attention of certain less savory characters. The world was not often a vacation spot, though one can't imagine why. Free acid skin peels for everyone! Good for wrinkles, right?!

One such being who rather enjoyed isolation sat alone on a large boulder as a twinkling in the sky slowly moved closer. His almond shaped black eyes watched from behind large goggles and breathes as the falling object began to gather heat from atmospheric reentry. He pulled the hood of his protective jacket up over his bright red hair as he looked at a pineapple that sat beside him in it's own protective cloak... Hand made, great quality.

"It's funny how shooting stars are never stars and seldom shoot anything at all, don't you think Sven?" Mal said to the pineapple, "Bit of false advertising if you ask me."

He watched still as he stood and walked to his speederbike.

"No, no. You stay here." Mal called over his shoulder, "We don't need you killing anyone this time. Remember what happened on Kesh!?! I was cleaning my clothes for days."

He stopped and mounted the bike, adjusted his weapon belt that held a lightsaber, blaster, and small radio with hearts drawn on it, then shot away toward the probable landing zone.
[member="Malkav Nissiku"] [member="Kara Blackmoor"] [member="Queen Sovereign"]

The small jedi knight was standing there on the world. Sasori one of the leading jedi research companies had interests on the planet and they protected the teams as sh looked up seeing something fall from the sky. "You guys stay here and I will go check it out." She took her sabers and the charric blastswordas she slid the small blade into her robes sheath. A smile on her face moving with the two lightsabers before she was running and letting her force energies wrap around her body, The tattoo shimmering while her ponytail bobbed up and down with force speed and pockets of force energy to run up the sides of the rock canyons to get higher and go out towards the crashsite.
"Brace!" The captain said right before the crash. Time seemed to slow down as it normally did in this situations, it was strange, it just seemed to almost stop. She panicked as the ground slowly approached, it seemed as if her death was approaching, albeit it was coming very slowly. She panicked and something strange happened.

Right before her crash some sort of protective bubble came up around her before the crash, and on impact the shuttle exploded. Kara flew out of the explosion with this bubble around her, though it came down before she hit the ground causing her to black out, breaking multiple ribs, her left arm, and her right leg. Kara blacked out lying near a small rock formation, heavily injured and not in a good positon to defend herself.

[member="Malkav Nissiku"]

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