Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This appears to be a collection of magical formulas…

Maja smiled. “Yes, the irony of my real name and it’s meaning wasn’t lost on me. Maybe it was fate…if you believe in those things. Or maybe just me looking too deeply. My Sith name…it means rain too. Darth Zilti.”

“You know I’m considering starting my own Ember of Vahl. An Ember, not the Ember. It’s a religion and once upon a time there was a single sect but today it is largely inactive and I’ve tried and failed to join so many times that… There I was about to use that fate word again. Perhaps I was destined to start something anew, not join in what’s no longer relevant.”

She shrugged. “They shouldn’t bother us, the other Ember I mean, but who knows. But I may have to leave the One Sith. The grapevine says they won’t take kindly and are likely to attack me. So not really an option to hang around Coruscant with a big target on my back is it?”

“Anyway, I’m so glad we worked together to find this. So pleased. And if you ever need anything else from it…or from me…you know where to find me, right?”

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Darth Zilti"]

Well, these were a few interesting revelations. "I see. Every faith has its splits here and there if the main church loses its way. They can be healthy. Personally I was never enamoured with the One Sith. Too much prattling about an unseen Dark Lord and too many Vong," she spoke.

She gave Maja a nod. In all likelihood the only way the Vahla could get more 'rain' in her life was by manifesting a skill for hydromancy and summoning rainfalls. "I'll be sure to give you a call when I need your aid and you can do likewise. I'm sure our paths will cross again soon. May the Force serve you well in your endeavour. Do keep me informed about how your efforts with the Ember go. I have a certain intellectual interest in them," She did not use the term 'friend' because that was not a Sumiko thing to do.

Truth be told, she was quite happy with how Maja had changed since their first meeting. Back then she had seemed uncertain of her path, very focused on gaining her sister's approval. Now she seemed more confident and with a sense of mission. Her sister's death was a massive blow, leaving a hole inside her, but she was carrying on.
Maja sighed. It was clear that a decision to leave the One Sith was weighing heavily on her mind. It was clearly not an act she was going to take willingly – rather a position she had been forced in to. Her sister was clearly a factor and her death was only making matters worse. She’d vowed to her sister to become a devotee of the Ember – and her inability to join them could hardly be laid at her door. Why she was unwelcome she still did not understand. But the records would show she’d tried. And tried again. And again. And again. But you can only knock on a closed door for so long before finding a different way to progress.

She smiled at Sumiko. “The Vong? Never really saw the point in them if I’m honest. But then that’s me.”

“So,” she tried to lift her own spirits, “I’ll keep in touch. I expect I’m going to be busy from here on in – but if you ever need something interesting tracking down…please let me know. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Darth Zilti"]

Undoubtedly the course Maja was embarking on was wrought with heavy risks...whether there was a prize would still have to be determined. After all, the One Sith were the primary concentration of darkside power these days, though Sumiko would not mind seeing some competition. After all, that was what bred innovation!

It did not escape Sumiko's attention that this was not a choice Maja took lightly. It had clearly weighed heavy on her. Still, she respected her for wanting to make her own path. Much like Sumiko had done after fleeing Atrisia. True, the circumstances were very different, but she respected people making their own course. "I'll keep that in mind and I'd appreciate your company. Until we meet again," she said with a thin smile. For a change it was a genuine one. So she escorted the Vahla off her freighter, then took off herself, leaving the birthplace of Zannah behind her.
Maja sat on her ship for a few hours, skim-reading the journal. Then she set a course for Coruscant. Why? Because it was the one place she figured she could get what she needed.

Indeed it took a few attempts - but finally she found what she was looking for. Three identical notebooks.

For the next three days she sat in her ship, painstakingly copying each word, each image and each side-bar note into each of the red sando aqua monster leather bound books. Three identical spellbooks, each written in her own hand.

And then she opened the front pages of each and wrote...

For Sumiko

To a special friend

Without you this would not have been possible. You deserve to have a complete copy, not only a sample.

Never forget me, eh?


For Matsu

To my Master

You set me on a path that I still walk. I promised to share when I could and I can think of no finer way to begin to repay your time and effort than this.

The contents are from the spellbook of Darth Zannah. The originals are Darth Nadd's, transcribed by Darth Bane. The latter entries are from Zannah herself.

Given simply because you deserve it.

Your humble Apprentice, Maja

For Lily (entrusted with a firm of lawyers until her fourteenth birthday)


You will never know me. I am your aunt. It's best we don't meet, you will remind me too much of your sister. Her passing has left a hole in my heart that can never be replaced.

But I know she would want me to help you in any way I could. So I share this with you. Make good use of it.

The contents are from the spellbook of Darth Zannah. The originals are Darth Nadd's, transcribed by Darth Bane. The latter entries are from Zannah herself.

Why? Because if times were different I would demand you became my Apprentice so I could show you all I know. To make Silara proud. But by the time you read this, I will quite possibly be no more. Such is the life of a Sith.

With all my love, Pluvia

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"] | [member=Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Lily Kirsche Kuhn"]

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