Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thirty to One

Trenches, Sneeve

Never bring a pacifist Jedi into to a militant Jedi's job.

Hal Terrano was out of his depth. His usual adorned frown deepened, sending darker lines creasing across his face. He hadn't been in a particularly good mood since Manaan and there were no signs of his demeanour improving. Not that he could he help it, as much as he tried to deny he was unfortunately human, a creature had feelings and needs just like any other.

They needed to capture the outpost.

Words like, vital, strategic and high ground bounced off of his head like it were made of rubber. Hal wasn't connected.

“I'll go alone,” he blurted out after a solid ten minutes of silence.

The Republic Commander in charge of the situation held a look across his face that suggested constipation, but it was more likely frustration. Jedi, why did they send for Jedi? What real good were Jedi? They came in with their glowsticks and their magic and caused nothing but drama, they detracted from real military strategist to play wizards with each other.

Commander Rost was not a fan of Force users, Jedi or Sith.

“We do not need senseless violence, Commander. Nobody will die today, not while I am here."

With his mind distracted on other matters, Hal turned his back on the man and made his way through the trenches towards the outpost that they needed to capture. He could deal with this with words.

Never, ever, bring a soldier to a discussion of peace.

Pyrrhus stood, rifle in hand, on the very top of the main gate of the large outpost. He had received word that the location was about to be attacked. All that could not fight had already evacuated, and Pyrrhus' platoon were all that stood between victory, and defeat.

A lone figure had started the long walk from the enemy trenches to the outpost. Pyrrhus and the other 29 footsoldiers lined the walls of the area. As the target neared, Pyrrhus shouted down to it;

"Why don't ye bring a few more men? Ye scarred me might but a bolt through their heads as well?"

The guardsmen laughed, and Pyrrhus watched intently for his enemies response.

[member="Hal Terrano"]
Even while approaching the gate his mind was upon different matters.

Matters of Manaan, matters of being a Jedi, matters of Avalore Eden. They chewed at him from the inside, leaving his expression steeped in more frustration than usual. His usually disciplined and focused mind was left weight down, heart heavier than it usually was, it usually barely exist, if only to keep blood circulating around his system.

A voice snapped him out of his stupor, if only briefly.

“Yes, I am scared that a bolt might be put through the head of any man,” he replied openly, face a stiff mask as per usual.

Hal made sure that his hands were completely visible, palms facing out so that the men at the wall didn't take him for a hostile.

“Could we negotiate?”

Pyrrhus looked at the wall of guards, the trenches, the poor brave bastard that he may soon have to open fire on.

His face was solemn as he spoke.

"We may. Though it won't get us anywhere. Remember, you are the attackers. You are the ones that will bring this upon yourselves when things go sour."

He slung his rifle over his back, and made the descent down long spiralling staircases. As He left the outpost, and the gate immediately shut behind him.

"Aye lad, what is your offer. "

[member="Hal Terrano"]
Well, he was still alive. That was a bonus, even if the sentiment was rather unfortunate. For if things went sour then Hal would opt to bear the entire burden of consequence.

He frowned (despite already frowning) as he waited for the man who had spoke to resurface. Standing there along gave him more time to chew over his thoughts, his thoughts were the exact last place he wanted to be. Thankfully the chosen negotiator resurfaced out of the gate, redirecting him back to business. A welcome change.

An offer. Sure would have been good if he had listened to the Commander right about now. A distracted Jedi is a poor Jedi.

“What would it take for you and your men to lay down your arms?”

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