Hal Terrano
Prince of Porridge
Trenches, Sneeve
Never bring a pacifist Jedi into to a militant Jedi's job.
Hal Terrano was out of his depth. His usual adorned frown deepened, sending darker lines creasing across his face. He hadn't been in a particularly good mood since Manaan and there were no signs of his demeanour improving. Not that he could he help it, as much as he tried to deny he was unfortunately human, a creature had feelings and needs just like any other.
They needed to capture the outpost.
Words like, vital, strategic and high ground bounced off of his head like it were made of rubber. Hal wasn't connected.
“I'll go alone,” he blurted out after a solid ten minutes of silence.
The Republic Commander in charge of the situation held a look across his face that suggested constipation, but it was more likely frustration. Jedi, why did they send for Jedi? What real good were Jedi? They came in with their glowsticks and their magic and caused nothing but drama, they detracted from real military strategist to play wizards with each other.
Commander Rost was not a fan of Force users, Jedi or Sith.
“We do not need senseless violence, Commander. Nobody will die today, not while I am here."
With his mind distracted on other matters, Hal turned his back on the man and made his way through the trenches towards the outpost that they needed to capture. He could deal with this with words.
Never bring a pacifist Jedi into to a militant Jedi's job.
Hal Terrano was out of his depth. His usual adorned frown deepened, sending darker lines creasing across his face. He hadn't been in a particularly good mood since Manaan and there were no signs of his demeanour improving. Not that he could he help it, as much as he tried to deny he was unfortunately human, a creature had feelings and needs just like any other.
They needed to capture the outpost.
Words like, vital, strategic and high ground bounced off of his head like it were made of rubber. Hal wasn't connected.
“I'll go alone,” he blurted out after a solid ten minutes of silence.
The Republic Commander in charge of the situation held a look across his face that suggested constipation, but it was more likely frustration. Jedi, why did they send for Jedi? What real good were Jedi? They came in with their glowsticks and their magic and caused nothing but drama, they detracted from real military strategist to play wizards with each other.
Commander Rost was not a fan of Force users, Jedi or Sith.
“We do not need senseless violence, Commander. Nobody will die today, not while I am here."
With his mind distracted on other matters, Hal turned his back on the man and made his way through the trenches towards the outpost that they needed to capture. He could deal with this with words.