Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Things just got complicated [xzaien]

In spite of the popularity of a certain slave, a cantina was only going to last as long as its owner did a good job. And he had not. As a result, debts began to rack up. And so did the ill will with people he really shouldn't have gotten indebted to. In response they had him arrested, stole all his assets, and began distributing them and selling them off to whosoever would take them for a good profit. And one such asset was Mag Seeawayae along with a few other slaves, and some droids. Some had managed to get kept or sold off right away for one reason or another. Mag was one that did not. He along with a few others from the same place, and those that the people wanted rid of anyway, were taken by the slavers to Csillia. Quietly holding a slave market in a hastily built building that was mostly designed to keep the buyers warm, and as a result many of the slaves or equipment was left out in the frigid cold with only just enough to keep them alive. Or, finally, as was the case with Mag. Taken inside where they could be sold off by auction. They had him get up on to a stand and show off his muscles, the auction begin to start.

He obeyed. Mag knew no other life then this. He knew how to smile, how to flex, and how to entertain. It was just all his life had been to be a slave and work. There were few that would go as much with the flow as he did. He'd only been to a few owners, most of them owned bars after they discovered he was an experienced dancer. And most of those ended up having him teach the female slaves how they were supposed to show off. One could call it humiliating, and he probably would have if he'd lived any other life. But Mag did not get angered easily, and having grown up this way, all he knew was to obey and go along. Because to live the best life as a slave, one had to learn to obey.

The place was not extensively guarded, but most of them carried weapons. And most of the buyers brought their own ships and body-guards. After-all they were almost all probably criminals on some planet. And if they had to make a hasty retreat they wanted to be ready.

Xzaien Xzaien

Xzaien had heard something. A whisper, a small grouping of life on a once abandoned world. She stood aboard her flagship, Cathay Rahtai above the Catharian Throne World. Perhaps it was a hunch, that perhaps these ill-fated individuals are seeking shelter on Csillia once the lively homeworld of the Chiss People, now rendered almost completely abandoned thanks to the closure of multiple high-traffic space lanes. Despite this world being nearly abandoned by its native race the Chiss, it was re-discovered most likely by multiple small factions of spacer crews. Slave traders seeking safety away from the Silver Jedi, or perhaps fleeing Zygerrians attempting to find product elsewhere thanks to the seizure of Ryloth. Nevertheless, Xzaien pondered this spark and its meaning to why the force chose to inflict its influence on her mind. After a few worthwhile minutes of pondering. Xzaien ordered a small raiding fleet composed of four Foray-Class Blockade Runners, four Hammerhead Cruisers, and two Harrower Class Dreadnoughts alongsie Xzaien's Interdictor Battlecruiser, 'Cathay Rahtai'. To assemble off of Cathay's Surface. As the Hyperspace Cannon was activated, a self-editing Hyperspace lane was created from Cathay to Csillia. Soon, the small fleet entered the swirling blue abyss that was hyperspace and off they were to Csillia.

Through the transparasteel windows did Xzaien peer at the cylinder of Hyperspace undulating before her. Of course, she knew the results of looking into hyperspace. Insanity, invasions of Hyperspace Daemons. Who knew at this point. It was used a method to reach further into the force and pluck out individual force signatures on the surface of Csillia. Ten Thousand? Twenty Thousand? One hundred thousand. Xzaien felt their individual traits in her mind. Most were of course, unscrupulous criminals while a substantial amount were presumably enslaved sapient beings. This was a realization. That if they were to invade Csillia, and use the Sith Doctrine of "Complete Bombardment" to completely level cities worth of beings within an afternoon would be impossible without civilian casualties. But, that thought was suddenly ended by Xzaien's Flagship and her fleet exiting hyperspace over the once lush world of Csillia. Devistated by Yuuzan Vong bioweapons and orbital bombardment most of the world was ecologically dead except for large pockets over its western hemisphere.


The Catharian Fleet arrived over Csillia. Judging by the amount of Civilian Space Stations in orbit bearing the marks of several criminal cyndicates with multitudes of old antiquated ships and one single ancient Imperial 1 Class Ugly rigged up from what looked to be parts of a Venator's bridge, a Victory's side launchers, and a portion of a Imperial 1 Star Destroyers hull. But, judging by the look of it. It was meant more as a personal yacht rather than an actual warship. Xzaien stood on the bridge while she allowed her High Admiral Raxis Keyes to deal with the tactics of this very first space battle. So far, Eleven Catharian Ships against a single Imperial 1 Class Star Destroyer Ugly. A pretty balanced battle. Of course, it was the Ugly that fired first, a blast of a single functional octuple turbolaser battery which struck one of the Harrower Class Dreadnoughts in its mid section and seemingly being completely absorbed by the Harrower's shields.

What happened was that the Catharian Fleet Carries immediatly deployed their fighter and bomber wings with Interceptor wings staying close to the Capitol ships to act as both a fighter cloud and a extra layer of point defense against any launched missiles. Meanwhile, the Foray Class Blockade Runners made a wide left and right flank sweep against the Imperial Ugly, sweeping far enough aside to stay far away from any octuple turbolaser fire but close enough to approach the lumbering vessel's flanks slowly. Meanwhile, the Cathay Rahtai activated her Interdiction field infront of the Imperial Ugly as well as the attempting to flee Criminal ships trying to make for hyperspace. As the Criminals attempted to enter hyperspace, they would be ripped straight out of it with enough force to damage their hyperdrives. Leaving them almost completely dead in the water. The Harrowers, the Leviathan Class Cruiser, and the Hammerhead Cruisers all began opening fire with everything they had at the small fleet of Civilian Stations and the Imperial Ugly. On the surface of Csillia in the slave pens, a great lightshow would appear in the sky as a fleet battle was taking place. Flashes of green, blue, and red all lighting up the sky for all to see. The Imperial Ugly was visible in orbit getting peppered with hits from all of the Catharian Vessels and slowly banking right to make flee to a safe distance away from the Catharian Fleet. But, thanks to the incompetent piloting done in panic by the Imperial Ugly, most of its engines were immediately disabled and its reactor bulge ruptured. In a great flash of light as well as a lurch forward from the recoil, the Imperial exploded into two large fragments which were pulled into atmospheric concentric orbit. The Civilian stations on the other hand, were annihilated by the sheer firepower of both fighter, bomber, missile, and turbolaser fire. With at least one vaporized. Soon, the smaller disabled vessels that tried to escape a few minutes prior were tractor beamed into the hangars of each of the vessels in the fleet. Likely as captives or prisoners. The Foray Class Blockade runners pulled ahead of the main fleet and entered orbit to begin the liberation of slaves located in other slave processing facilities elswhere, their cargo holds pregnant with Catharian Space Troopers, and Army Troops...


"Catharian Space Marine, Sons of Xzeench Battle Regalia."

Xzaien on the other hand ordered for a large contingent of her Elite Dark Templars and a good amount of "Sons of Xzeench" Space Marines to assemble into a landing craft to liberate the very first slave market located on world. Descending into atmosphere, the landing craft broke clouds just in-front of the first slave auction house on planet. Xzaien felt another twinge of the force inside of this small camp. Another call toward her. This was what she was looking for... The craft eventually landed some hundred or so meters away from the main slave auction house. The landing ramp slowly descended downward and through it. Xzaien walked, flanked by either side by a pair of her Space Marines, and Dark Templars. To those that could see, Xzaien was clad head to toe in blood red robes, reinforced by combat armor never seen before on this sector of the Galaxy. Her head, and face were concealed with a angular helmet of the same blood red coloration as her robes. Her shoulder guards, not the large impractical ones typically used during her ventures into civil space were instead replaced with smaller more mobile plates which sat over her cloak. She simply twiched out a finger toward her two Templars and Space Marines.

The Templars stood infront of Xzaien and Immedietly took their lightsabers from their belt, and igniting them. The color of the blades weren't any sort of Sith Red, or Jedi Blue. But were Red, with a sparkling black center which sparked and buzzed with power. However, it was not all. The Space Marines towered over both Xzaien and these Dark Templars and wielded scaled up Blaster Cannons and Slugthrowers. Following behind Xzaien there was a squad of approximately four Space Marines, and Four Dark Templars. A small but powerful contingent of both Genetically Modified Super Soldiers and Dark-Siders. This small band was greeted in turn by another small band of slaver guardsmen wearing quite high-class battle gear such as full plastoid and durasteel armors. The leader of this jumble of pirates stepped foward, his hands clutching a large blaster cannon. He spoke something unheard toward the group of soldiers. It only took a mere second for him and his group to be vaporized by Sith Magics likely perpetrated by Xzaien's immense power in Dark-Side magics. Likely, this showdown was visible from the slave pens where Mag was being held...

Mag Mag
Mag had not yet realized what was happening above. A few of those in the crowd had already made their bets, others began to hear whispers from their guards. He glanced noticing more whispers going on. He stopped flexing as he noticed those whisper ended up turning into orders. Sometimes shouted across the room in any number of tongues. He knew a few of them. Someone was yelling about an attack, another about getting the ships ready, another about getting their slaves right now.

Two of the guards came to move him off to the side and then everyone turned as a the sound of conflict emerged from outside, guns and weapons were being drawn and the two guards next to him began to cuff him while listening for it. He managed to peek outside one of the doors and watched as in a mere moment, a small party of the slavers just was...gone. His eyes widened in fear, not understanding they were not hear to kill him. He looked at the two slavers who saw him and also turned, cursing and shoving him to the side which really only pushed him a step.

People were scrambling now, screaming, shouting, running for exits. Others were taking up arms and headed for the door already shooting, sometimes even hitting their own in the process. They saw people just get vaporized, they had a considerable desire to kill those forcy's before they could manage to do that to them too.

Mag himself, out of pure confusion, ran to the furthest corner he could nearer to the slaves that would otherwise be brought onto the stages, whispering words of attempted comfort to them. Which, fortunately, did quite a bit to help. No doubt thanks to his experience and his race. But it could only tame them so far, because when they understood this had turned into an all out battle, fear continued to rise in spite of his encouragement.

Xzaien Xzaien
Xzaien had sauntered up to the main gates, clearly unphased by the blasterfire echoing around her head. She nodded to her Templar compatriot as she and him formed a line infront of the main gate. Both drew in breath, and cranked back their hands. In a mighty crash, the gates were torn asunder by the sheer power they commanded at their fingertips. Almost Immediately did she withdraw a cylindrical object from her cloak. As she walked forward, her Space Marines gunning every poor soul walking up close to her. She seemed to conjure a large beam of dark-side energy which she slammed into this cylindrical object. By sheer force of Dark-Side, a black blade extended from it, its sides coated in the bleeding red essence of the dark-side of the force. This weapon, was a force-saber.

Xzaien soon seemed to garner a sizable amount of speed as she suddenly turned forth and lept up into the air, spinning over the head of some poor bloke and landing aside him. Her saber seemed only to briefly touch him and yet, he was bisected with his upper half impacting against the floor with a small puff of dust, followed by his lower half. This brutal display showed the entire compound that she was a foe that none of them could best, alone or in a single group. As she strode through multiple smugglers intending on gunning her down with a blade speed almost rivaling that of a dark cloud. Sending each of these wretched individuals straight to the void. Her Dark Templar followed close behind, his gauntlets sparking with Dark-Side energy as he conjured up massive waves of force energy which ripped asunder any before him. Her Space marines were no different, the rattle of Rotary Cannon Fire echoed and zipped everywhich way. Supplanted by the shouts from their vocoders which seemed to amplify their shouts and taunts.




These shouts were utterly alien to those from the Galaxy. There was no such thing as the Hegemony which existed in known space. But, in their hearts they knew what they saw. They saw a terrifying display of power, not only from Space Marines and Regular White-Clad Troopers. But from Xzaien and her Dark Templars. Soon the Templar formation arrived at the first Slave Pens, cutting their chains and pointing them toward safety. Outside of the Compound, More Catharian Dropships would arrive. Depositing their deadly payload of more Space Marines, and even more Army Troopers as support. They had a full on attack on their hands and most were dead before they could even take up arms. The rescued Slaves, also turned on the Slavers. Displaying ruthlessness only years as slaves could show. They went to war with their fists, wooden clubs, and scavenged weapons. Killing and maiming all of those left in the Camp.

Xzaien... she stopped with the maiming and killing, Presenting herself behind Mag. Her Force-Saber still buzzing with energy. She spoke, not in anger, not in fear. But strikingly calm. Too Calm.

"You there, Slave. You are now free. But, You must escape this wretched world. As with your kinsmen, I ask that you come with me. There will be more ahead. Unless you wish to join in the fighting that is..."

She reached down toward the body of a Dead Smuggler, slain only moments before by her hand. She plucked up a single blaster pistol, offering it to Mag.

Mag Mag
The forces outside moved forth. Striking fear, and death, through the slavers. The few that saw what happened and didn't die moments later realized that there was little chance, if any at all. And having no full organization, no overarching controller, attempted to flee. Not that that would be an easy feat. Mag swallowed, but as the people entered, they freed the slaves. And all of a sudden his fear dissipated. He watched as the other slaves went rampant killing. He owed the slavers nothing. And he was not given any orders to fight back.

The most dangerous of this group, the one who seemed to just seep with power stepped behind him. A weapon in her hand that could shred him with barely a touch. He turned watching it with clenched jaw. There was fear in his heart, and some of it peered through his eyes and his clenched jaw. She spoke so calmly. And he wasn't sure whether or not it was real. And that was because he could sense so much rage, so much fear, and pain, in this room. Though not a force sensitive. Mag sensed all this even were he not to look and not to hear it.

She offered him freedom. To come with her, unless he wanted to join in the fray. She drew a blaster pistol and handing it to him. He looked at the weapon, his heart beating fast. So many emotions rushed through this area. So many emotions rushed through him. He held no anger in his own heart for long. Not even for these slavers.

But he was being offered freedom and to join something outside of slavery. Something beyond just what he was. There was fear for that too. But there was almost...a sense of journey. A sense of peace at no longer being a slave. And with that rose a sense of joy that was so different then what he had felt before, he smiled, "Yes ma'am. I would like to come with you, wherever it is you intend to take me."

He did not know what life awaited him. He knew that people tended to like him, as a Zeltron it was only natural. They felt familiar, friendly, they felt close to people. And he knew he was a bit stronger then most of his race, and even a lot of sentients not known for their strength. But that was only a piece of what the future could be. That was such a small fraction compared to what he was now being offered. "Just tell me what to do. Because I don't know."

In spite of the offer of freedom, Mag still knew only how to act in obedience.
Xzaien Xzaien
Xzaien watched as the slave before her slowly reached a hand forward and grasped a blaster people. Xzaien smiled as he pulled her helmet off her head. Revealing her nearly white fur and almost bleached white hair. She pointed at the slaves in the pen just yonder and spoke.

"Free your countrymen dear friend. Break their chains and give them the freedom that all of you deserve. Once you are finished take your group to the armory located just beyond the main gate. Once there, I will meet you once the fighting ends. If, adventure is what you seek. I will be waiting, to take you and your new followers across the stars to wrench our destiny from those who would suppress us, and through our triumph, Our chains are broken."

Xzaien turned and took her force-saber, She cut the hinges off of the slave pens nearest to her in a fluid one handed motion, before simply turning and walking toward the last remnants of the slaver resistance. Of course, Xziaen would take a few prisoners, a one armed guard and perhaps a rich nobleman looking for his next sex slave. However, a fate worse than death would befall them. Mag could see Xzaien just a few meters away, wrench the wounded and dying from the ground with her gloved hand, and literally suck the life from them. Leaving them nothing but a mummified husk of skin. Of course, this process was presumably extremely painful as she grasped a female slaver by the hair and wrenched her upwards. Xzaien's foot was at the small of this Slaver's back, and the other pulling her hair taught as Xzaien bent her into a C. Xzaien stuck a hand forward toward this Slavers face. The slaver consumed with fear, until a red mist began exiting the Slavers eyes, nostrils and mouth. After a few seconds, blood would pour from these orifices before Slaver finally erupted in a Scream of agony as she was literally mummified alive. Xzaien, held this... small pleased smirk which could unsettle a Krayt Dragon as she took life...

Mag Mag
She removed the helmet revealing what she actually looked like, and smiling. He smiled in return naturally. He might be a good bit taller then her, and more muscular. But this woman was overflowing with power whereas he has done a few bar fights and that was it. She spoke to him on what he should do, free them, and bring them to the armory beyond the gate. She offered him a future. Without chains. It was not one he understood, but she had given it too him, and he would accept.

She split the hinges and walked more to the slavers. Those that still remained. He began to turn and run but he stopped, as he saw what Xzaien did. As he saw what torturous pain the slaver would suffer. He did not feel pity for the man, nor did he feel anger. He simply feared the pain, the pain that she proved she had. Though not for himself, just out of perhaps empathy, rather then sympathy.

He ran off, blaster in hand, to the next pen he saw. It was locked but that was quickly remedied by a blaster shot to the lock. He went to throw the gate open before he sensed a surge of rage right next to him, he turned as someone rushed him. A somewhat large Rodian who tried to tackle him. The Zeltron barely moved except to steady himself, "I am no longer under your command." His voice was almost pitying, as brought the fist from his well muscled arm straight into the Rodians face and past the arm that tried to block it, so hard his eye popped on impact and the creature dropped to the ground in pain before Mag picked him up, held him over his head, and threw him against a wall.

Only then did he open the gate and smile, the slaves cheered and came rushing out, "To the armory beyond the main gate! You have been freed!" He turned to see a slaver flinging an electro whip at him and he caught it his body shaking from the pain as the slaver chuckled evilly, but before he could speak Mag managed to lift the blaster and pull it, missing the first shot but startling the slaver who tried to pull back on the whip. He missed the second shot too, but this time he yanked on the whip pulling the slaver closer before firing again and hitting him in the chest. He looked at the weapon in dismay. The thought of killing was...displeasing to him.

But he would do what he must. He followed the group quickly, firing at the slavers he saw, and when they got in close range. Well they made a mistake. Because he was the most muscular Zeltron dancer you'd ever meet, athletic, agile, and strong as a bull. If he was honest, he feared that woman more then he did the slavers. But, Mag was always appreciated. Most of the slavers liked him because he could teach the others how to dance, and because he made a cheap way to give Cantina's a little extra security. And yet, he felt like she deserved far more respect then they did. She had saved them, and while he didn't fully understand what that could mean, it still meant something.

The escape was not completely easy for the group of slaves. But it was far easier then otherwise, with all the soldiers of Xzaien Xzaien about destroying the slavers. Even if he did run into any resistance either it was small enough for him and the rest to deal with or the soldiers had already noticed them, and their lives didn't last long from there.
The battle ended relatively quickly, with the last of the Slavers and their entourage simply lined up and shot against the tents by Catharian Troopers. It was all over and to finish off Xzaien and her followers met up with the slave survivors, Mag was at their head. Xzaien stepped forward, her cloak bloodied with the viscera of the unworthy as she stuck out her hand to shake his. She spoke to Mag.

"Dear friend, you have proven invaluable to your countrymen this day. Therefor, I bestow upon you the Banner of the Catharian Hegemony and henceforth put you in charge of this lot as their commander. As custom, I will allow you decline if you so desire and let you go on your own path. With your declaration of Fealty. I shall grant you land, and people to serve under it."

Her declaration was straight to the point, Join, or go about his own way.

Mag Mag
Mag smiled as she approached, it was a friendly smile but it was still one of confusion from what had just happened. He and the slaves he'd helped free all turned to see Xzaien Xzaien , some in more fear then others. Some even outright cheering. Naturally there was a reason, some saw her only as a savior. Others saw her as someone powerful and terrifying. Mag could sense it, and patted on on the shoulder with a reassuring expression, "Fear not, all will be well." he didn't know if that'd actually be true but he had to say something anyway.

She came to him, covered in blood, and spoke. He smiled at the compliment. And then again with a shake of his head in disbelief as she told him he could be a commander of these people under the Ctharian Gegemony. She said he could decline, but she also said there was other things to be gained by joining. She was simple spoken, it was kind of nice. No complexities. But at the same time it was hard. However it was not hard for the Zeltron man to choose. He glanced at those behind him, a smile on his face, before turning back, "In thanks to my freedom, and for a new place in the galaxy, I gratefully accept." he bowed his head deeply, by pure instinct.

Xzaien stood nearby Mag as she smiled at him. She was glad to have a new subject. However, to give him a newfound duty in the Galaxy is to fix what these Slaves had before. A lack of purpose. A flag to fight for, and a civilization to love was this new purpose and over the next coming days the introduction of the newest citizens of the Hegemony would be quite a celebrated event. However, the time now was to introduce him.

"To victory my friend, to the protection of those who claim this side of the galaxy by birthright. And to the defense of all we hold dear. I will address your followers, and to celebrate this great victory. I give you the offer to join my retinue of the fiercest Space Marines the Galaxy has ever seen."

She twisted around, and was promptly handed a set of black and gray combat fatigues and a set of plastoid armor. Judging by the insignia, it was the rank of "Aspirant" likely the starting rank for Space Marine Candidates. The Plastoid armor itself greatly bore designs based of off Phase 1 Clone Armor judging by the characteristic fin, however its helmet was completely different. The Helmet had a very different Y shaped visor instead of a more regularized T shape visor as seen on the typical Catharian Army Trooper.

"As a token of my esteem, I deem you a worthy candidate for my Space Marine Program. You may choose five others in the crowd to serve as your brothers and sisters in arms. In the meantime, I trust that once we return to Cathay I will have you augmented to be a visible beacon of the Hegemony's soldiers. A feared, and respected combatant that could tear a man in two, and to strike fear into Cathay's enemies, with you to lead this new Chapter to victory. As with all Aspirants, you must be taught by my personal 'Sons of Xzeench' Chapter Sergeants to learn how to lead and use your genes to conquer. You are no longer a mere dancer, but a extension of the will of the Catharian Hegemony. Remember that."

She turned and stood before the ragged slaves, all watching her stand. Some in fear, and others in complete awe of both Mag and Xzaien. Clearly, the Hegemony has never been heard of before, and the thought to join this rising Galactic Power was too great for anyone to bear. Xzaien began to address them, ensuring that her words got the point across and showed them the right path.

"You are no longer mere slaves anymore. You are freed men and women, all destined to choose their path in life. Each of you, worthy of life as the richest man, or the most gifted. Each of you have the power to choose now, and through this power I shall give all you join me and the Catharian Hegemony a path to a new life, free of pain, and free of the vices that grip this Galaxy even to this day. The squabbling nations of both man and alien all hate you, but I, and my people shall make you a beacon of what civilization should be. A beacon to forever glow in the galaxy of darkness. To purge the wicked, and destroy the tyrants. From henceforth, you are no longer just men and alien. You are, Catharians. Board my ship, and you will see what true happiness is. Once we arrive on the throne-world. I shall find all of you jobs, and you will be entitled to the rights of any Catharian."

Xzaien awaited the response of both Mag and the people.

Mag Mag
Mag retained his smile as she further spoke, not only of just freedom and protection, but of giving him a position. He wasn't sure the importance of a space marine, but it sounded important. He'd never really been given any kind of position before that felt like an honor, well this did. He was brought a set of armor and clothing, that'd be weird. He'd gone most his life in rather little clothing. He'd never even worn armor once.

She further spoke, for him joining. To choose some among them to join them. TO be the augmented and deadly Space marines of the military. That they would be changed, to something greater. He sensed some feel a sense of pride, others fear. Once again the sensations of the slaves were differing between them, there were those who had positive emotions and yet who were not exploding with it. Others who were almost completely neutral.

He turned around to see them, as she spoke to them. Words of encouragement. She offered them He nodded to them, each person who seemed to feel any fear, with a nod of support. As she finished, he glanced at each of them. He looked back at Xzaien, "I will absolutely accept. Though, for those who I may choose. I may take a moment. I see some who may do well, but I want to speak with them first."

Xzaien Xzaien

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