Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Things forgotten never go away (Invite)

428 ABY Lao-Mon system: Planet Lao-mon

Shu'shuun-Capitol City

Mid afternoon all went as usual within the city. Citizens went about their day, peace having governed Lao-mon for over a hundred years since Malice claimed the throne and united the 12 major cities once again. Since his rule the Draclau family had done much to improve life for the Shi'ido, though they changed much also. Before Lao-mon was not a militaristic people, but now they had an army even a few ships they acquired when they wandered into their system. Malice had even made a temple constructed where he trained those force sensitive in the ways of the sith, creating a sect of priests as well as acolytes to help guard their people. Yes the King had brought on an age of peace and prosperity. One they thought would last for centuries to come.

"Sir we have another five cases entering the emergency room" A tall and slender female Shi'ido spoke, looking to an equally tall yet bulkier male. Both were doctors, having learned medicine from other species including the Chiss.

"Is it the same symptoms as the others?" He asked a worried expression on his face. His name was Krenin, among his people he was the leading physician. 480 years old he had been a doctor helping his people for nearly 300 of those years.

"Yes. It's in the early stages but we confirmed it is the same sickness. Sir....that makes over a hundred cases. Something needs to be done"

He turned away from the nurse, thinking for a moment. Looking back to her his emerald eyes displayed his concern.

"Contact the Palace, tell them I have dire news for the King.....his people are in danger"

OOC-Just gonna work on catching up Lao-mon with the rest of the galaxy. Giving a little insight as to what happened.

Life in the palace was much like it had been in the cities, pleasant and enjoyable. Though there were Shi'ido who worked about the palace keeping it clean and maintaining it overall Malice never looked upon them or treated them as slaves. They were paid in fair wages, gems of various color and value. Unlike the known galaxy Lao-mon had not adopted the use of standard galactic credits, they had no reason to considering they traded with no one, save for some exchange of information and technology with the Chiss. Around 2 millenia ago the Shi'ido people discovered these gems in large mountain ranges that separated many of the cities, cutting swaths through vast rainforests. Several large deposits and deep veins ensured riches for the Shi'ido for sometime to come, and gave the royal family the power and backing it needed to unite the major cities and create the first dynasty. A dynasty Malice now carries on in his families name.

Sitting in one of the common rooms of the Palace Malice looked over documents sent from the other cities. Since the unification of the 12 major cities the first King had placed governors to over see each city, some of them being former rulers he conquered. They would answer to him and send annual reports to the king, with Malice as king it was no different. Some of the cities were doing well, Lao-sien to the south had an unusual dry season as well as reports of a flu going around. Sha-duma to the mid east also gave reports of a sickness hitting their people, the number hitting low 80s in just under a week. Malice took note of this and had sent an order to ship extra medical supplies to those cities if need, for now he moved on to checking the other cities.

A beep at the door alerted him to someone on the other side.

*Come in* Malice spoke looking up from the data pads.

The door slid open letting in a light blue colored Shi'ido male. Obsidian eyes looked to the king before he bowed his head in respect. "My King your presence is needed. A call came in from the medical building, Doctor Krenin has urgent news for you"

Normally Malice took calls of urgent or important news rather well. Hearing that this one came from the medical building however, this worried him. *I'll be right there* Leaving the data pads for now Malice followed the young Shi'ido. Returning to his private quarters he activated the holoterminal, an image of Doctor Krenin appearing before him.

"My King It is good to see you. I just wish it were under better circumstances"

*Tell me what is wrong Doctor*

"Well you see sir, over the past several weeks we have been getting a steady increase of sick patients. At first we figured it a common cold or flu but when tested the strain is unknown. It is nothing we have ever encountered before....." As the doctor spoke Malices mind drifted for a bit, going back to the information he read from the other cities. So whatever had hit them was in the capitol too. This was not good.

"So far 12 of the 178 infected have died. We tried every cure and vaccine we have available but nothing works. My Lord...what should we do?" Malice was brought back from his thoughts at the mention of deaths. With Shi'ido now being killed by this sickness it was becoming serious.

*I want every able medical staff on the clock. Have the sick isolated. Send word out through the city there is a sickness going around and to take precautions. I will order a mandatory medical check-up for everyone in the city. I want your best team to work on finding a cure for this doctor, we cannot let this get out of hand*

"I am trying sire, I already have my best and brightest doing everything they can to come up with something to combat this virus. So far nothing works but we wont give up hope"

*Hope may have already left us Doctor. I have reports from the other cities....6 have reported many sick and more filling their medical centers. I fear this is some sort of epidemic. The questions now are, where did it come from and how do we stop it* The doctor said nothing to the news of the other cities being hit by this, his face displayed all he felt. He shared Malices worry and concern. In all their recorded years of existence save for the attack on their planet there hadn't been an epidemic like this before. With no known cure for it Malice was not sure how to handle it. He knew though he had to get word out not just in the capitol but to all the cities to protect themselves as best they could from catching this virus. Avoid those that are infected and report them straight to the medical facilities.
456 ABY

Almost three decades had passed since the plague first came to Lao-mon, it crept across the planet killing by the hundreds. In this time nearly a million Shi'ido had died already, the people in a panic looking for salvation. Malice had issued martial Law. Soldiers were dispatched throughout all the cities, the King even sending acolytes and priests to each one to help over see his will. Though the people didn't take kindly to this they kept silent and did as the king asked. As a possible solution the Krenin and the doctors. They had their people try out many different alien species they had documented, ones they found to be resistant to many airborne attacks and others, such as the Kel-Dor. Yet even those species natural abilities did not save them, Shi'ido still dropped left and right.

Deep within the belly of the palace Malice had built a large meditation chamber. There the Shi'ido sith sat within a obsidian marble chair. Both arm rests held amulets embedded within, each made to draw in the power of the darkside to amplify Malices connection to the force. Here he searched for an answer, a solution to this plague on his people. He even had his priests try and use the healing methods they knew....but none worked. Nothing they were trying seemed to stop or slow this disease, it was starting to look as though nothing would. Reaching out through the force Malice connected to the mines of his acolytes and priests, each one now able to hear the voice of their lord.

(My Apprentices I have a task for you all. Have each of the governors board a ship and come to the capitol city, we are to have an emergency meeting. Once you have done this each of you are to look in your respective cities for the prince. I want to know where Skorn is and I want him brought back to the Palace) Malice was concerned for his eldest child. Skorn was young and strong in the force, yet this sickness didn't seem to care about that sort of thing. Malice had kept inside the palace, ordering anyone even remotely sick to leave. Likewise he wanted his son in back within the safety of the palace walls.

All around even in the capitol people worried, at each city shelters were built to house the sick. Those that had died, the remaining were ordered to remove the bodies outside of the city and burn them so their rotting corpses wouldn't further spread the plague. Those shelters were receiving shipment after shipment of more sick patients, several having to close their doors due to over capacity. It was a dark time for Lao-mon.....and it had only just begun.

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