Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thievery is not allowed!

Kyla Foy

Those days within the Jedi academy grounds had seemed to be over. It was fun and all, but he had gained nothing only knowledge. He went into the forest where he had seen some creatures, but no metals were found for his own droid creations. He had fooled a handful of padawans at very least. They had no idea, he was only a thief from the street with the ability to create droids of nearly anything, but it might have been felt by certain masters along those grounds, that he had been trespassing on their grounds. He had been at least leading the group to a success at the end with his leading qualities on the background.

This day it was once again on the streets of Ossus, his little droid was for today at home and he knew today the metal store was going to be refilled with lovely parts. Those parts included different kind of attachments for droids in general. He knew this was a great day to steal a few parts and make himself another droid for his own collection. When he walked over towards the street, he looked around and calmly seemed to walk till he came at the store. He went into the store with his hands on his head, whistling while looking around the parts. When he was doing that the moment, which was actually near the window. He reached out through the force at the parts, he kind of took a liking in. He did not know that it was happening through the force, but it was just that feeling he had with certain parts. That feeling when you got something new, what you would've always liked.

When he placed his hand, it would take around five seconds till they fell onto the ground, when he actually went away and those droid parts were forming against each other making a little droid, those were passive at first, but it atleast activated and started to walk. "Uhm, sir could you keep your 5-10 GT series for me on the side and those protocol droid." He spoke kindly and very calm, which had meant that he had done it many times before. This was only to make the man that was the worker, would not get into the path of the just activated droid.

"Well this is your fault, Six-Nine. I told you that was a powered access terminal, but you wouldn’t listen, would you? Hmmph!”
Jedi Master Phylis Alince led a slightly blackened little astro-mech through the streets. The Jedi Master, in her robes and boots looked quite impressive, or at least she thought so. Perhaps she should have left the silver scarf behind, but it was quite chilly.
ERP-69 tootled something indignant.
“Yes, yes, I know all that!” Phylis said sternly. “But this time, I was correct, hmm? Well, I’ll buy you a new surge protector and clean you up, but you’re going to have to be more careful.”

They entered the store, and the droid grumbled something. Phylis wasn’t listening though. There was something here. The Force flowed through the room, weakly, yet persistently.
She looked to the shopkeeper. “Hello again, I need…” she trailed off. That slightly glazed expression, the Force in the air. “Six-Nine, LF scan now,” she whispered. The droid did a quick scan of the shop and beeped an affirmative.
“You can come out now,” she called. She could sense there was a being hiding, a sense confirmed by the droid. Further, she could sense the Force was coming from this being. “Don’t be afraid,” she added, trying to sound a little reassuring.

Kyla Foy

Everything went extremely well, till the moment that he wanted to finally go away but, this time he was held back by this woman. She was able to sense the force which his droid was made with, "Darnet", he had thought looking at his droid for a moment or rather the stolen parts. "Hmm, what should I do?" He thought for a moment, seeing the man walking away to speak to the Jedi master.

Hephaestus had no idea that the woman was a Jedi and that she sensed his droid rather than just find out. He would walk out of the store, but the droid seemed to have an interval. When it was on it only made a bleeping sound. It did not have the memory or protocols in its system to say anything, it made a bleep and started to roll itself towards the door as it wanted to leave, just before the door of the creator had closed.

He went into the first side street and climbed through the pipes onto the store, but the droid traveled by ground and actually followed the path of the boy.
[member="Phylis Alince"]
This writer, like the character, tends to get confused, so if mistakes are in this reply, forgiveness is begged.

Phylis saw a young boy emerge and head for the doorway. Yes, that was him, the Force was with this one, at least a little. It was not like it was with a full Jedi or Sith, but he had some potential.

And then came the droid, following along behind. The odd thing was that this droid…moved oddly. It moved in an unreal way, as though it was being pulled along on puppet strings. And that was, she realised, exactly the case! The droid was newly activated and had tendrils of the Force about it.
Everything came together for Phylis, the boy, the Force, the mind-trick.

“Six-Nine, stop the droid!” she ordered, heading for the door after the boy.
ERP-69 gave chase to the escaping droid, and from a concealed hatch on his front a blaster appeared. The stun blast it fired was not optimal against droids, so instead ERP-69 rammed the escaping droid to try and knock it out of commission for a bit.

Meanwhile Phylis looked up and saw the boy again. “You there, come down here please,” she said as sternly as possible.

Kyla Foy

It didn't seem to take long before the woman knew something was fishy. He had the potential to be a future Jedi or Sith. He had yet to receive any kind of training.

The moment he was hiding on the rooftop of the shop, he quickly lied down and made himself as flat as possible so it would be hard to see him. The woman though was a Jedi-Master and the boy was a living being. It would've been extremely easy for her to locate him. When he heard her, he thought, "poodoo...She knows, I am here...Did she scan with her droid or something...I need to have those scanning parts of the droid.", he thought for a moment, suddenly standing up before sitting on the edge. He laughed for a moment and placed his left hand on the back of his head, "Hahaha, seem you have caught me sleeping on the rooftop" He was an awful liar in these kind of situation. "Would you like me to go sleep somewhere else?" He tried to make his lie a bit better by just pushing the subject of sleeping.

In the meanwhile his droid tried to escape, but it did not get far at all. It kept on moving in circles on a single spot before getting rammed against by the ERP-69 droid. His droid didn't move any longer and it broke in half.
[member="Phylis Alince"]
Another person might have taken this opportunity to overawe or intimidate the boy. She briefly considered using the Force to leap onto the roof and land before him.
She rejected that though, it was too…showy.

“Sleeping? I don’t think so, young man, especially as I saw you in the shop below not five minutes ago. So either you sleep very quickly or you are telling me bantha pies.”

ERP-69s triumphant tootle and a crash behind her indicated that he’d got the other droid.

“Come down here at once, it is very important we talk.”

Since she wasn’t totally naïve she gathered the Force about her if she needed to hold the boy still and draw him down to her if he tried to run.

Kyla Foy

He looked down onto the woman and heard what she was saying, "Tch.." He placed his right hand onto his face and shook his head, "I got caught.." He emitted to her. He leaned with his arms forward as he allowed the gravity to do the work for him. The moment he impacted down onto the ground, his knees bend and his hands, just touched the ground before standing up.

"Yes, miss, you are correct. You saw me in the shop two minutes ago." He scratched himself behind the head and took a wider stance with his feet, "What would a Lady...a young woman like you want to talk about with me? It will not be about fashion, right? I do not care for such things."

He had said while looking back at his own little on the spot made droid, "Ugh bye new parts.."

[member="Phylis Alince"]

Phylis raised an eyebrow. The boy at least had spirit.
“No, not fashion. Though what fashion one expects in a droid parts store I don’t know. Hmm.”

Their little display was attracting attention, so she took the boy by the arm and led him into the alley. ERP-69 had disengaged so that the irate storekeeper could come out and retrieve his merchandise.

When they were out of sight Phylis stopped and looked down.
“So, you are a thief. However, you are an unusual thief. You used the Force, first to assemble the droid, then to distract the shopkeeper. Where did you learn to do that?”

Kyla Foy

[member="Phylis Alince"]

Hephaestus was brought over towards an alley. He did not know what she wanted but he did listen towards the woman and well she knew about his droid assemble technique. He was efficient with the technique for a very long time, which made him think, "Where I learned it? I don't know? A dream, maybe somewhere on television. I am not sure at all. I know it for quite some time already. I can see pretty easily all droids their blueprints if it is nothing, I just seem to be able to do it very easily", He told her crossing his arms and nodding for himself.

Phylis rubbed her chin looking at the boy. He certainly seemed to have a gift, a gift for machines. That was the way it went sometimes. The Force was infinite, but one’s method and strength of connection was not. Some, such as Jorrus Merrill used the Force to become expert navigators, whilst others such as Coryth Elaris used it to become incredible healers.

“Six-Nine, come over here please,” she ordered.
When the droid rolled over, she gestured to him.
“What do you see in my droid? Tell me everything.”
This could be very interesting.

Kyla Foy

He had gotten the task to look over towards the droid. He had to proof his ability to the Jedi.

"Oohwell, as long as I do not get in prison...", He shook his head and thought, "This woman is quite fun...I wonder if she got more droids..."

He looked over towards the droid and kept quiet throughout the force his entire vision had changed as if he was a droid, he was able to scan all the parts through the droid.

After that he started to smile, he had the vision and he started to speak, "Model ERP-69 droid. This droid is one of the R-9 series. It has repairing gear, a storage centre and its circuits are made to be a companion." The technique was pretty heavy on his body. "It has weapons, but this droid is made not for combat. It got a scanner, which can do wonderful things..Maybe I will use it for my next droid..." He extended his hands and "This droid is through wireless communication over towards, that datapad you have..Is that enough information, what else do you want to know?" He asked her as a drop of sweat left his forehead.

A droid with a lot of functions was quite hard on his body as the force power, he possessed was not yet strong enough for such an unique ability.

Six-Nine binged something derogatory about con-men.
“Shush, you,” Phylis said, tapping the droid on the dome. Whilst the boy had revealed some interesting facts, a lot of it could have been determined by simple observation. It was his use of the Force, which she could feel him call on, which tipped the balance of her decision.

“I am Jedi Master Phylis Alince. What is your name, young man?”

As she waited for an answer she considered her options. She could arrest him for petty theft, and there might well be more such crimes to his name. However, putting the boy in jail came with risks, especially that he might eventually turn away from the Republic and fall in with the Sith or other dark agents. His powers were benign now, but Phylis knew well what Sith could do with machines and engines, and did not want to see this boy’s talents corrupted in such a way.
That left only one option.

Kyla Foy

He looked over towards the droid as it was binging, he laughed, "Six-nine got quite an advanced behavior core.", He said hearing the shush, you and quickly he instantly also shut up and looked at the woman.

He heard her introduction and he nodded, "I thought, so..My name is Hephaestus, the streets further ahead I am called the technology..well.. Technology god.." He told her. He crossed his arms as he looked at her, "So what will you do to me? Bring me to jail?" He asked her, he did have a bit of a little attitude.

[member="Phylis Alince"]

((PS sorry of the last 3 days worked so hard fell asleep every time I came home XD)
Phylis snorted. "Hmmph, I expected my first deity to be a little taller," she said wryly.
"Would you like me to put you in jail, young man? I don't think either of us wish that. So rather, I will give you an alternative - join the Jedi. Become my Padawan, and I can at the least teach you to control your abilities and put them to practical use. At the best you may have what it takes to be a Jedi Knight in earnest. The choice is yours, but I hope it is an easy one."

Kyla Foy

He felt a little bit insulted, "Hey! I might be a deity in my title, but that does not mean I don't have feelings! I will grow...In time", He told the woman while listening towards the option she was giving him, he laughed at that, "Well being placed in jail, I would just change the frequency of the droid, so it would've been listening to me." He showed a smile, he wanted to join the Jedi for quite some time, but why simply go to them, when you can force them out and make them come to you? "But sure! I will become your Padawan, I already know all lower levels of the Jedi academy. It means I am a Padawan, right? Getting a master, is the way to go from Initiate to Padawan, correct?" He smiled again crossing his arms confident, he had already infiltrated the academy on Ossus.

[member="Phylis Alince"]
“Hmmph, young man, you will indeed be my Padawan. The first rule of being a Padawan is to listen to what your Master says.”
She seemed to consider that, too inherently honest to let it go by without self-reflection.
“Well, perhaps the second rule after the one about not running off. Hmm, anyway, it’s an important component. Now, come along, back to the Temple with you.”

She peered down at him a bit suspiciously. “Initiate? Know all the lower levels? I could swear I’d never seen your name on the list of initiates before. Or have you been putting your technological skills to use already, hmm?”

Six-Nine rolled after them, making no comment now he knew the boy could understand him. It just wasn’t as fun anymore!

Kyla Foy

He listened to his master and nodded, "Uhm, okay I have to listen to you, that is easy." But in his mind he already thought about the rule she did not tell, "At least, she didn't tell me about not running off, whe...", It seemed as if she was reading his mind. His feet planted next to each other onto the floor. His palms of his hand smacked into his face as he rubbed it for a moment, "Ugh, I should not think too much", then he said with a sudden disappointing tone as if his prankster days were over, "I understand...Miss Jedi.", he thought that he should rather behave for now with his words, otherwise he might already get in a different kind of trouble.

He placed his hands into his pockets and started to follow her, "Uhm, yea...", he said thinking after that it was kind of stupid from him telling, "I think I should just tell the entire story?"

A moment later he started to tell her, "Around three weeks ago, I have been looking around the Jedi Temple in order to look for new kind of droids...In the end I got asked to help out two padawans. They didn't seem to know I was no Jedi Initiate or Padawan...The Twilek though there was creature lurking in the forest. I only followed them for the metals." He said ruffling his hands together, "It would be to create my super droid!" But then his head lowered, "We saw no animals and we didn't even find a single metal.." But then he rose up back again, "Oohwell, at least it was fun."

[member="Phylis Alince"]
As the end of the curious story, the first question which came to Phylis was not about the break in or anything similar, but rather the scholar in her demanded an answer.
“What sort of metal were you hoping to find in a forest?” she asked, puzzled.

“Hmm, well, thank you for telling me. And call me Master. Not that I like lording it over my students, you understand, but because it’s a means of deferring to me in an acceptable way.” That little piece of etiquette out of the way, she pondered his next words.

“What is a super droid, what would it do that a normal droid could not?”

Kyla Foy

When he heard her way of asking in the way of being demanding, she quickly got his attention, "What sort of metal, I was looking for? Well, I am okay with any metal for now, but I hoped to find a metal, that is very light and yet can keep its shape to very hard hits. It should also be able to not heat up too quickly!", He wasn't that smart yet knowing the names of metals right out of his head. The droid, he wanted to make was his very own structure and he had yet to find the suitable metal for his droid.

"Oooh, I understand m..." He opened his mouth for a moment struggling to say it for his own behavior issues, "Master."

The question of the superdroid was questioned and he was highly energetic to tell her, "It would be quicker and smarter than any droid ever made before! It can do highly difficult tasks." He was starting to jump on his spot as he got so happy telling about it, "Trust me, nobody had ever made a droid like that!~ It will never fail its task", They were basically the perfect robotic soldiers that would be able to do fighting as well as, leading a group and helping with medical issues at the same time.

[member="Phylis Alince"]
Phylis looked a tad dubious at his ambitious claims. However, she eventually shrugged.
“Well, it’s good to aim high. Hmm, as for the metal, there are several I can think of which fit that description. Not usually found in forests though. In time though I can take you down to one of the vaults in the Temple which has items of all different materials. We can get a gauge on your chosen type then.”
As a Master, Phylis was pretty open minded with how her Padawans wanted to learn. So long as they listened to her on the key points and didn’t dabble in the Dark Side, more power to them! There was also the fact that she tended to forget about her Padawans for sometimes hours at a time when she was engrossed in a project.

Putting a hand on the boy’s shoulder, she led him out of the alley and along the road. They headed back towards the Temple. It would be very interesting how the self-proclaimed Technology God and the absent-minded librarian got along. Probably it’d involve both of them doing their own things until they remembered the other existed!

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