Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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They Fall, We Rise


Power was a funny thing.

In Pureblood society it was often weighed and matched against your raw skill and power. The strong ruled, the weak fell like flies. It was the way of their people, how things had worked for millenia. Vitiate had ruled because he had been the strongest, Naga Sadow had ruled because no one could best him. Sith knelt to the strong, that had always been true, and it was still true.

A small smile perked on his lips as he watched the first Massassi fall to his knee.

They knew what had happened here, or at least they thought they knew. They saw their former Master's body, they saw the dead Councilor, and they knew what it meant. Vrak watched them fall one by one, slowly kneeling before him in submission.

Baltha had fallen.

Siedra was next.

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