Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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They Call It Spice

"Can you contact him again? Perhaps this is a better time." Ultimatum guessed that the conversation was going well. There was no shooting or evident fighting. It was likely that it would be safer to enter now.

"I will try, though his previous reply seemed strenuous. Perhaps telepathic communication is difficult for him."

"The situation had been stressful."

"It had, yes."

Again Upari sent his thoughts out to [member="Cedric Grayson"] through the Force. "Force user, has the situation been resolved to satisfaction?"

The Shard was still uncertain as to how to address the sentient, and how to best word his statements. It was usually Ultimatum who did the talking for the two of them, while Upari listened. If he needed to speak it was sent to Ultimatum who formulated the sentence and then spoke for Upari.

''Well, that's noble of you, Cedric. Walking in as a knight like that, trying to convince a random smuggler to turn her back on her employers...'' she exclaimed after a short and quiet moment of consideration. ''... But we've met like ten miutes ago - what do you realy know about me? The Rebel Alliance?'' she chuckled. ''Don't you think I'd already had chosen sides if I wanted to go into the war?''

Great wars, big politics and even bigger problems was nothing she had on her mind. Sure, being a smuggler certainly had its risks but she had since long learned to cope with them. Some contracts were more or less forced, some were willingly taken.

Suddenly, she had a blaster to her back and an arm around her neck. The rodian, coming to his feet after the jedi mindtrick, was not as level-headed and now he feared she would turn on the cartel that they had contracted them. Somehow, she had felt he wasn't to be trusted. Most of the scoundrels and smugglers in the cartels wasn't. Her hazel green-yellowish eyes turned to glow more to the yellow side. They exchanged some words in huttese. Words that would have not been appropriate in basic.

Filled with rage she swiftly took a moment when the rodian was off-guard against her, when he shifted from poking her in the back with the blaster to instead directing it on Cedric. The rodians aggresive and threatening move was answered with a sharp elbow in the stomach, getting him to lose the grip around her and folding himself over in paint. She turned around and aimed a round kick to his head which hit like a brick and got the alien to fall over.

Instinctively drawing her blaster and pointing it at the knocked out rodian smuggler. Adrenaline was pumping...

''Don't!'' she shouted when the rodian made a unwise move with his blaster. A double-shot and red bolts from the KYD-21 blaster hit the aliens chest and he went limp.

Now, this were not how the day was supposed to turn out!

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