Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There is no failure in the force, there is only the force itself. (Training for Jareth)

Tarika Sadow

Future Mandolorian
Watching him she could tell he was struggling within himself, he needed to find unity and connect the pieces of his mind together inorder to truly ward out the dangers of his own troubled mind.

As you can see your mind, or you self-consciousness is a maze, you must find a safe route through and unlock the potential within yourself to find the power in which you seek she instructed as she stood there watching and waiting.

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
*Jareth delved further in concentration. This power that is the force did not come so easily... He remembered the moment when he first used it, not too long ago, in an outburst of pain. The darkness began to creep out of the shadows of his mind, his thoughts turned to the anger, the pain, the grief of the past. The darkness began to clash with the light within his heart, within his mind. His own consciousness seemed to be battling itself. As these memories began to flood in the force began to flow within his body, strong, yet erratic. He had powerful latent ability but at what cost? and for that matter how would he harness this while it destroyed him on the inside...*

[member="Tarika Sadow"]

Tarika Sadow

Future Mandolorian
(OOC ah I see... you choose dark side lol)

watching him and seeing him writhe she smirked and then spoke again You see the potential is there, you just need to find a way to survive its influence and take that power for yourself, harness it... feed it, as it feeds you. she said and remained watching.
[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
(OOC: actually, part of his character is that he is in flux, but he only has grasped the dark side of the force before so its a natural tendency at the moment)

*Jareth saw the darkness, it had in fact partially consumed him, and yet it was separate entirely. The light too was separate from him, and before him stood two figures with hands reaching out. He was becoming empowered by raw emotion as he reached his hand to touch the dark figure. His fingertip met the dark figure and dark energy flowed through him, yet it did not become one with him. It was still separate, just lending it's power, but he was influenced by that power nonetheless. Jareth opened his eyes.*

[member="Tarika Sadow"]
OOC: until further notice, this post will be the conclusion to this little story arc for at least so long as [member="Tarika Sadow"] is still MIA. Once i can get back in touch I will change this, but until then consider the following to be Jareth canon.

*Jareth trained for weeks on the barren surface of the Zabrak homeworld, gaining strength from the location of his training even as his training allowed him to reach further into his potential with the force. At first he struggled to do even basic tasks until, with Tarika's assistance, he was able to access a part of the potential from within him. There was only one problem: the potential he unlocked tainted him with the dark-side of the force. Somehow, his own ability to use the force was separated into entities within his being, one being of the dark, and the other of the light. The light side was more difficult to access because he had never used it before; however, the dark side of the force had been unleashed once before in his past and memories of that moment allowed him to unlock the dark side within him. After a short while the dark jedi, Tarika, sent him on his way to delve deeper into the force for she had only promised him very basic training.*

Jareth learns:
Telekinesis (Apprentice level)
Force push/pull (Apprentice level)

(Currently has only a very shaky understanding of the two. Also, no lightsaber or lightsaber training as of yet)

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