Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"Listen Lady." Alric told his wife, waggling a finger at her. "You choose to do work instead of spending time with this little squish face."

Alric reached over the table and squished Myra's face, the little girl instantly breaking out into a mix between a giggle and a snort, her tiny hands swatting at Alric to get him to stop. "You have to do dishes. It's the rules of the house."

He made a tsk noise.

"Didn't you read them?" There was of course no rules, not for them anyway.

Myra had a few, she was sick, but that didn't mean that she would get away with everything. Danger and Alric had discussed this a little bit, and they both agreed that they would raise Myra well, both agreed that she would survive and that meant she wouldn't turn into a brat.

Thus; rules.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Oh, is that how you are playing this? Danger narrowed her eyes, catching the mischievous glint within the Tetan's own. Her expression seemed to say, Well played. They were trying to instill good manners and responsibility upon the youngling; and it started with Alric and Danger.

"Alright... But you best eat that plate clean!" she added, making a face towards Myra. She gave another giggle and attacked the last few bites of her pancake. Turning towards Alric, she let her fingers slip over his, interlocking them within the valleys of his own.

"We'll discuss rules of the house later." she added in a low voice, a knowing smile curving over her lips. Just like that, another beep came from her datapad. One more message. This time it had to do with the energy output readings from the Dark Energy Harvester.

"To think that this is everywhere," Danger managed to say, giving a slight cant of her head.

"It will be a new form of green energy for sure if we can continue to develop it."

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Alric scooped up his plate from the table, giving Danger's hand a squeeze before slowly getting up. He placed a kiss on her cheek, walking the plate over towards the sink and depositing it in place so that Danger wouldn't have to do more clean up later.

"Well, green that we know." Alric said with a smile. "I was reading this holo-net article."

That would instantly tell Danger that he was about to start messing with her. "It theorized that Dark Energy actually came from an alternate reality, and every time you tapped into it you were actually destroying an entire universe."

Myra stopped eating suddenly, giving Danger the biggest eyes anyone had ever seen.

Before Danger could answer Alric walked up behind her, hands slowly slipping over her as he smiled down at Myra.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

That startled Danger. Her face scrunched up in surprise only to smooth over in disbelief. Was he still teasing her? He had the tendency to. The way the corner of his mouth twitched told her the truth of the matter.

The ol' fool!

"My, my. Is that so?" one dark brow rose high. Time to humor him. "Is this one singular alternate universe or one of many?"

"And is this universe called, Otherspace?" she was teasing him. While Otherspace did exist, it was still relatively unexplored. However, Danger had cashed in mining resources from it due to her close ties to the former Rave Merrill. Business continued through Iron Crown Enterprises and Aurora Industries.

"I think he's trying to fib, Myra." she turned to the little girl.

"What do you think? Is he fibbing about Dark Energy?"

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

He shrugged.

"I read an article." Generally you shouldn't believe everything that you learned on the holo-net in the first place, that was just bad practice. Most of the sources there were either uncredited or incapable of telling the truth in the first place. It was a good lesson for Myra really, always get two sources on everything and then find out exactly where those two sources had come from in the first place. It was an important part of life.

He reached down and kissed Danger's neck, checking his chrono a second later.

"I think we should get going." It was almost nine now, Danger's meetings began in half an hour. "The Park will be open."

Or should be. "If we get to the Hangar in an hour we can look for an hour then spent three hours in the park."

Artemis station was so massive that one actually had to take travel times into the equation, especially considering that you couldn't really take a speeder through the length of it. Instead you took rail cars that fed from one end of the station to the other in massive spiderweb networks. Of course for now those would be mostly empty, what with the station still being under construction.

A good thing for Myra.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Danger quickly patted his cheek; then promptly smacked at his butt when he turned. Mister Tuggle immediately rose on his feet, fluffy white tail wagging. He trotted behind Myra and Alric, as if expecting to join them. The poor Tuggle would find out that for now, he would have to stay.

"If you need me just call me." Danger added, picking up her cup of caf to take another sip. Setting it down, she elaborated. "I don't mind a holo picture or two to see what you are up to."

Danger gave a wink to the little girl. "Just to see if you two are out of trouble." Rising to her feet, the woman took her empty plate towards the sink.

"At the most I have the meeting and then a review with Mara Tibx Research and Development." that was the business working along with PharmaTech on this particular endeavour. Green energy a vital commodity for both branches under the conglomerate.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"Okay Honey." Alric said as he slowly got everything ready, helping Myra with her shoes and pushing Mr. Tuggles face away so he didn't sniff at everything.

He watched Myra tie her shoe, then turned back to Danger.

"I would also appreciate some pictures." He told her with a smile. "Just to make sure you're not in trouble."

Alric gave his wife a very small, very suggestive smile, then moved right along. "We'll be at the park at two thirty. That will give you enough time to get to your meetings and pick up Mr. Tuggles. We'll buy the food on the way."

The little ball of fluff looked up at Alric with suspicion, beginning to suspect that he was not coming along.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

"Alright." Moving close to the Tetan, the redhead leaned in close to press a kiss upon his bearded cheek. Myra was next, although the kiss landed on her forehead.

"Make sure this one washes her hands." it was a small joke. Myra was very meticulous about keeping clean. Maybe it was just due to her experience on Dromund Kaas. Whatever it might be, although there were times the youngling could get quite dirty, she always managed to wash up well.

"Did you want me to check on anything for Vanir or Arkuhn Medical while I'm here?" Vanir was at the heart of this construction for the space station. Much like the Foundry, it had taken the experience and knowledge it learned from the massive shipyard's construction and applied it here.

Where as Arceneau Trade's subsidiaries provided materials, resources, the Dark Energy harvester and Quintessence reactor. Honestly, the entire space station was one massive prototype. If they could succeed in this...

Well the possibilities could only continue to grow.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"No that's alright." He told her. "Rigor is handling all that."

The droid had so far done a phenomenal job with the company. Profits were up, construction projects were up, everything was...up. Alric was more than pleased with what the droid had done so far, a bit confused at times, but still pleased. The most noticeable thing had been moving Vanir out of the construction of starships. Ever since Rigor had taken over there hadn't been a single starship built by Vanir itself, odd considering they owned the largest private shipyards in the galaxy.

Perhaps the droid saw profit elsewhere. Either way Alric didn't really care the company was running well and his image was maintained. "Everything seems to be on track."

Arkuhn was different, but...well that could he handled another time.

"Arkuhn we'll do together." He told Danger. "When this one is asleep."

He gave Myra a gentle tap on the head, the little girl glancing up and giving her father a dirty look.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Seeing the secret expression on Alric's face, the slight sobering of the eyes prompted a slow nod from Danger.

"Alright now, go wash your hands." the redhead would remind the youngling. While the dirty look faded, the youngling was quick to stick out her pink tongue in mild rebellion. Danger laughed.

Myra went to wash her hands, the Tuggle following after her. Wrapping her arms around Alric's waist, Danger allowed herself to lean against him.

"Mmm, I don't know about you," she began, letting her hand slid over the small of his back.

"But I am starting to feel rather old." there was still so much to be done while they were here. The reports on the Dark Energy Harvester, the reactor, how they made it viable enough to use without it blowing up. The tales she read on the brief mention made it clear; Quintessence at its height had been able to destroy entire star systems. That wasn't what Danger was aiming for. No, she wanted to help people. Not destroy them.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"Me?" His arms slowly slid around her. The truth was, yes, he felt the same way. Age was beginning to weigh on him. The years had been kind to him in some ways, not so much in others. Danger liked to tell him that he was still handsome, enough for her anyway, but at times he felt like he was falling apart. His knee was a constant problem, his eyesight wasn't so good anymore, and in general some mornings he just...ached.

There was no question that the years were getting to him.

Most days he simply ignored it, pressing on ahead and pushing forward. Not just because he had to, not just because he needed to for his daughter and wifes sake, but just because he wanted to. Alric didn't want to grow old, he didn't want to admit defeat. There was still so much to do, so much to see. He wasn't about to stop.

His hands slowly slipped lower, fingers quickly sliding over Danger's rump. He gave her a firm squeeze, half lifting her off her toes. "Nah."

A broad grin spread across his face.

"I still feel like I'm twenty two." There was a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Danger gave a little wiggle and a press, enjoying the attention. Resting her chin against his chest, the woman drew her gaze up at him. "Mhm... is that what you are saying now a days?' another soft chuckle made her shoulders gently shake.

"Well, I reckon you have your youthful vigor." a small wink was cast at his direction. Things had taken a turn for the slow and quiet ever since both of them took a few steps back from the business. Myra getting sick changed that a bit. One might say they were busier than ever, either traveling or doing one thing or another. They both had their ways of dealing with the stress and Myra's sickness. Danger's just happened to be with what made her company convincingly the largest one in the galaxy.

"So that's a point or two." a small pat of his bum and Danger began to pull away from his embrace. They both had things that needed doing. This Dark Energy Project was going to require her to be a least coherent. Aeri would have more of course to tell her.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Before she could draw herself away completely, Alric pulled her back. His hands tightened for a second, sweeping Danger up and off her feet for just a moment as he pressed her against himself. His fingers curled for a second longer as his lips pressed against hers in a deep kiss. "Don't you forget it."

Alric breathed against her lips with a smile on his own.

Slowly he released her rear, letting her fall back to her tip toes before coming to settle on the flat of her feet.

He knew that his wife was anxious, worried about the future, he was too, but he had to maintain confidence. He had to be the front of the ship, the piece that broke through the ice and carved their way forward. Alric knew that when it came time Danger would support him just as much, but for now he was here for her, if only to bring her back to reality for a few seconds now and then,

Or to rock her world.

Either one.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Just like that, the former Titan managed to make the Queen of Trade's knees melt. She clung to him, letting her weight settle within his embrace. A small linger to that foundation that had become oh so precious to her. So many years she'd spent alone. Makai and Judah had filled that empty space, allowed her to feel connected to a family again. Alric and Myra had only completed it. To think that years back this would have been nothing but a dream.

"I doubt you'll let me." came her whisper, nuzzling close to the Tetan before pulling away once more. The tiny excited click clack of black claws announced Mister Tuggles was drawing near.

"Don't have too much fun without me." Danger said in a mock tease. A tiny press of her finger pad lightly booped the tip of Myra's nose.

"And maybe we'll be able to go visit Makai soon enough."

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Alric let Danger slip from his grasp, glancing at her for a moment before returning his attention to his daughter. "Come on honey."

He waggled his fingers.

Myra wandered over to Alric and took his hand, wrapping her tiny fingers around his own. They would be doing a lot of walking and standing today, so just in case he grabbed the unadorned wooden cane from the corner of the hallway and gave a quick goodbye wave to Danger.

"Bye, Beautiful." He said as they stepped into the airlock. "See you in a bit."

He smiled, and then closed the door behind them.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Danger's hand rose to give them a little wave. They would be alright, of course, but worry always lingered in her mind. Especially around that little girl with the large gray eyes. The woman bit her lip. A moment of consideration to collect her thoughts was spared. Alright, she told herself, shoulders straightening.

"Time for work."

A quick glance back at the dining room table, however, froze that thought. Well, after dishes. Of course, it would be just like Aeri to comm her at that exact same time.

The incoming ring caught the woman's attention. Moving back to the table, she gently tapped the surface of the display to patch the call through. A quick swish and flick and she activated one of the hovering holo arrays so that it would display Aeri's holographic image.

"You are certainly persistent." Danger mused quietly, teasing the Zeltron as she set about picking up the dishes.

"Well, I was trying to save you from the domestication you clearly have sank into. Are you doing dishes?" Aeri seemed aghast.

"What did you need Aeri?" Danger reminded her.

"Just wanted to go over a few notes before we went to the meeting proper. You know how those scientists are if you go in without getting a full picture; everything seems some complicated equation."

"Alright so what do you have for me?"

"We'll start with how we managed to narrow down where we discovered remnants of the late First Order." not the current one, but the one who had been at the heart of the construction of Starkillerbase.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Alric would start off exactly where he had told Danger they would go.

The Hangars.

The completed ones were unfortunately located on the other side of the station. The place where they had set their own ship down was really more a docking tube rather than a hangar bay, something they had done on purpose in case they needed to get out of the system quickly. A silly thing maybe, but a precaution. "Come on honey."

Alric said as he guided Myra forward.

"It's a long walk." He looked down at her. "You're gonna have to walk."

He smiled. "Getting too old to be carried!"

His daughter gave him a nod, a fierce one at that, as if to show her determination.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

With the dishes put away in the sonic washer, Danger was able to focus on what Aeri had to say.

"So the information from the Black Codex took you to the Unknown Regions?" a small washcloth dried her hands after washing them. Placing the fabric to the side, Danger took her empty cup of caf and proceeded to pour herself another.

"Well, the Gulag Virus didn't help in retaining information. But at least the Black Codex gave us a start. " the Zeltron began. " Nearly nine hundred years ago after the Battle of Yavin, the Empire's legacy managed to survive in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. It was here where former members of the Imperial Military plotted their return to power."

"Well they were always rather efficent fellows..." Danger mused, selecting her sugar level for the caf.

"Their cause grew in support through some Imperial sympathizers who briefly inhabited a wing of Republic politics before they abandoned the nascent democracy to join the Imperial-based movement in the Unknown Regions. A the time, they'd been inspired by the fascist ideals of the Empire, and this movement ultimately resulted in the formation of the First Order."

"It is strange to think that a group that formally called itself the First Order shares a name with one currently in power near those Unknown regions." Danger wasn't keen on politics, she enjoyed her neutral ground.

"Yeah well, in the decades that followed the Empire's defeat, the First Order gradually built its strength through the secret mobilization of new fleets and armies in violation of the Galactic Concordance and Republic law. "

"Why am I not surprised?"

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Alric and Myra made their way down the hall quite quickly the little girl leading him by the hand as though she knew where they were going. Every now and again she would glance up at a sign or something else nearby, look back up at Alric, and then he would point the correct way. They did this several times, stopping at one cross section or another before finding their correct way. More than once a worker woman would stop and watch, then emit a vocal 'awww' as Alric and Myra continued their trip.

"To the left honey." Alric said as Myra went half to the right.

The girl twisted, then turned down the hall. "Yep."

He said with a smile. Eventually they reached the trams that rant he length of the station, Alric and Myra coming to a stop at the very edge. The Titan reached down and scooped the little girl up, lifting her and letting her hit the button to call the tram.

The clock above them immediately flashed.

"Five minute wait." Myra gave Alric a look that clearly stated 'I can read the clock now, dad'. The Titan didn't say anything only placed his daughter back on the ground and gave her the smallest of smiles.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

"So then what happened?" Danger inquired, slowly stirring the sugar in her caf. It was a Star Caf blend of vine coffee. It had a nice mellow taste Danger had grown fond of with age.

"Well, what you can expect what any efficient Imperial remnant to do; grow." Aeri explained, further elaborating, " For the three decades after Endor, the First Order would largely escape galactic attention, with many in the New Republic Senate believing that it posed no real threat to the galaxy at large."

"Fools." Danger murmured, bringing her cup of caf to her lips to take a sip.

"Chancellor Lanever Villecham argued there was no need for concern as long as the First Order adhered to the dictates of the Galactic Concordance. Despite this, the Order blatantly defied the accords by ushering in the mass mobilization of superior stormtrooper forces, along with violating Republic bans on the sale of weaponry to the First Order and its rules governing capital ships."

Danger gave a nod and Aeri gave a pause.

"But the most important detail is that all while the so called Starkiller operation would search for a suitable planet. for implementation."

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