Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private There’s a Song About This

This telepathy shit is pissing me off.

He doesn't have any other way of speaking to you, son. Be patient.

Yeah, yeah.

Kyric climbed back to his feet and turned to the pair. He leaned against the table, arms crossed over his chest.

"I'm new to Coruscant. Haven't been anywhere other than Denon my entire life, so you'll have to point me somewhere else," he looked past them to the frightened kitchen staff behind the counter. From what he could tell, they were done for the day. A reasonable choice given the hostile work environment. The arrival of Jedi probably didn't help either.

Why are you still here? They clearly aren't interested in whatever it is you're trying to do. We should be training.

He winced.

"I, uh- I really like pizza. Is there anywhere we can get pizza?" Kyric tried to smile.

Pizza isn't going to help you find your father.

"Yeah, I fucking know that," he mumbled, clenching and unclenching his hands. He looked away from them both, his gaze drawn to the passing masses beyond the diner windows.

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<Iris, you almost killed it,> Kai pointed out, his brow furrowing. <You didn’t need to do that. That’s why Kyric stopped you.> Did she not remember what happened? Or was she in denial?

Kyric suggested pizza. Kai nodded, knowing a place. Kyric was muttering to himself, cursing under his breath toward an unseen entity.

After the police arrived, the three weirdos left the diner and made their way to a pizza place, one which was not infested with Sithspawn. Kai got a pizza topped with more meat than there was crust to put it on, and as they sat down to eat, found that he could no longer stand the awkward silence that had descended in the wake of the incident.

<Look,> he began. <I get that we’re used to having to kill any Sithspawn we come across, and it can be hard to tell whether it’s justified or not, but Iris, what happened back there? Did you just blank out?>

While he didn't voice it yet, he was taken aback by Kyric's behavior as well. He was used to other Jedi treating Sithspawn with a certain amount of... carelessness. Most assumed they were just evil mindless monsters in need of extermination, not even bothering trying to reason with them. Yet Kyric had stopped Iris from killing one, and as sad as it was, Kai had to question whether it was really just strict adherence to the Jedi Code behind his mercy.



He was right. Worse, this wasn't the first time she'd almost killed someone like this. Letting the Force take over, submerging into the chaotic flow of colors. She didn't answer Kai. What could she say at this point? Thankfully they left the diner. Even if ther were quiet, it was better then dwelling on the subject.

And she could just stare off at the colors as they passed through the city.

Pizza was a great choice. The introduction of food had her realize just how hungry she was. She'd just gotten through her first piece of a cheese pizza when Kai's voice echoed in her mind. Kyric's too, presumably. She continued eating, just sending out her own thoughts rather than take a moment to stop chewing.

<I just.. Let the Force take control. I didn't want to kill him.> At least that part was true. Even now she felt the subtle pangs of regreat for a reality that was almost true. Her gaze drifted over to Kyric before she bowed her head. She didn't stop eating, but still.

<Thank you. For stopping me.>
Pizza time. Pizza time. It's motherfuckin' pizza time.

Kyric ordered his usual. Extra cheese, three cheese blend, bacon, and pepperoni. A greasy masterpiece introduced to him by Ripley during one of his father's many business trips. When it finally arrived at the table, he slid the cheesy mess onto a plate in front of him and grabbed a napkin.

Iris' words stopped him from chowing down immediately. He looked her way and perked a brow.

So she is not in control of her actions? That's dangerous, Kyric. You know she shouldn't be left to wander the city like this. Imagine what would happen if some random purse-snatcher grabbed her bag. Let the Force take control? They gonna lose an arm too?

His gaze dropped to the oozing slice in his hand. Bits of cheese plopped down on the plate, chunks of bacon chasing it shortly after that. Unsure of what to do, he set his lunch down and sat back against the booth. This entire scenario was ludicrous. How did he end up here? Enjoying a regular day out with people his age shouldn't be so damn difficult.

You're not a typical kid. Stop thinking like one.

Her thanks shook him from his revere before he could chastise himself internally. He looked her way and shook his head.

"No worries, man. It's what I do."

It didn’t take a psychologist to figure out why Kai would make a big deal out of this. He’d dealt with his fair share of Jedi who had nearly murdered him by just “going with the flow” and attacking anything remotely Dark on sight.

But they clearly weren’t getting anywhere, and Kyric didn’t need to deal with their baggage. Kai tore into his pizza ravenously, letting the conversation at the table shift away from what had happened at the diner. They could make small talk, get to know each other, and when Kyric was gone Kai could try to figure things out with Iris later.

<So Kyric, what brings you to Coruscant?> Probably the Jedi, but might as well ask.



That seemed to be the end of that conversation. And Iris wasn't going to complain. She closed her eyes, instead focusing on the pizza she was eating. Greasy, but good. The Padawan was honestly fine with a new silence, her gaze now drifting between Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri and Kyric Kyric to observe their colors. Compare them, really. Ever since the pirates she'd been curious just what the ring Kai had changed. She knew it hid something away, just, she didn't get a long look at what he looked like in the colors without it.

All she could tell was they were pretty different. Different emotions, different colors.

<So Kyric, what brings you to Coruscant?>

Her gaze now lingered on the newest addition. She was curious all the same, and, well. At least she didn't need to keep thinking about what happened.
"Lots of things," Kyric said. "I recently scored an internship with the Alliance Marshals, so work is one, I guess," he reached for his drink and pulled it closer. The built-up condensation kept the glass moist, but it didn't bother him. He absentmindedly ran his thumb up and down the wet surface while speaking.

"They're paying for a portion of my education at GCU. I qualified for an accelerated course study, so I'm gonna knock out my degree in a couple years, then officially become the marshal rep for Denon. Criminology is pretty cool. Keeps me busy."

He pulled his jacket aside and revealed a badge pinned to the inside. It wasn't nearly as impressive as what full-fledge marshals carry. And the inclusion of the word "Junior" made it far less imposing, but the kiffar wore it with pride.

"I wanna make a real difference back home. The small kind, person to person, place to place. Jedi tend to focus on the big picture. Makes it hard for them to really care about the little guy," Kyric shrugged. "So, I'll do it."

<The Alliance Marshals?>

Kai didn’t know much about the Marshals. He’d encountered a few people who claimed to belong to their group, including some that had Jedi training. They seemed more like rangers or cops than warrior monks, though.

He was also a bit surprised to learn that Kyric was going to university, if only because he didn’t know anyone else who was in college or planned to go. Unless his small circle of friends actually were all going to college, and he’d just never asked.

The sentiment about helping the little guy, though, that did resonate. It showed in his eyes, an understanding dawning there.

<It sometimes feels like the Jedi exist mainly to combat the problems they created. I just want to help people.>



Iris stayed pretty quiet, glancing between Kyric Kyric and Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri as the two spoke. She had nothing to add, no perspective to give. She didn't know what the Marshals were, though she did know about Denon. Valery Noble Valery Noble was hiding there. Though the more they spoke, the more her brow furrowed. She finished off a bite before speaking up. ".. Jedi don't help people?"

Now she was just confused. The way the two spoke was as if Jedi were too busy fighting wars to help people. That wasn't true, right?
This was getting deep.

"Uh," Kyric scratched his cheek. "I think you're being a bit pessimistic, Kai. People like to place blame on the Jedi cause it's easy. Jedi definitely help people," he glanced over at Iris as he said that before looking back to Kai. "There are bad people out there who are gonna do bad things one way or another. Remove the Jedi from the equation; some other force for good will have to stand against what's bad out there. The Jedi are equipped to do it, so they do. Doesn't mean they're perfect. Hell, all of 'em have so much to learn about doing the right thing. But that's trial and error. No one's perfect."

He lifted his drink to his lips and sucked down half the glass.

"Jedi help people the way they know how. Broad strokes. Fight the bigger fights, stop the big bad, try to make peace," he set the glass down. "Only, there's never gonna be peace. Someone's always gonna have to fight. That's why I wanna be a marshal. My fight is on the streets back home, tracking down the monsters who push drugs on street corners. I'm more for the little things. The details."

"But if I learned anything from my dad," Kyric looked Kai dead in the eye as he spoke. "It's that everyone deserves a second chance," he motioned subtly to Iris with his eyes. "Right?"

"... Jedi don't help people?"
"I think you're being a bit pessimistic, Kai. People like to place blame on the Jedi cause it's easy. Jedi definitely help people."

It seemed Kai’s words, while brief, were just enough to get his two companions talking. Even the normally withdrawn Iris had spoken up, and that was saying something. Literally.

<You said the Jedi can be too “big picture”. I agree with that. We fight in wars against the Sith, which helps people, yes, but only up to a point. People’s lives are destroyed by all this destructive conflict, and once we’ve beaten the Sith—or they’ve beaten us—we leave and head to the next battle, leaving ruins in our wake, over and over again...> He shook his head, losing that peculiar train of thought. <But that’s not what you were saying. You’re talking about helping the little guy at home, right?>

"Jedi help people the way they know how. Broad strokes. Fight the bigger fights, stop the big bad, try to make peace. Only, there's never gonna be peace. Someone's always gonna have to fight. That's why I wanna be a marshal. My fight is on the streets back home, tracking down the monsters who push drugs on street corners. I'm more for the little things. The details."

Kai found himself agreeing. It was strange—he had wanted to be a Jedi, because Dag was a Jedi, and Kai wanted to be like Dag. But he was slowly beginning to realize that Dag wasn’t like most Jedi. He went to war, but he wasn’t devoted to the eternal battle against the Sith the way he was to cleaning up the streets of Denon.

When he had touched Dag’s mind on Dahrtag, Kai had absorbed that drive, but among the Jedi he had no outlet for it. Jedi weren't supposed to police the galaxy, and he was adamant about not becoming a vigilante. If he was going to fight crime, he’d be a duly deputized agent of the law. Maybe becoming a Marshal was the answer…

Kyric’s eyes were boring into his. Kai blinked, his brow furrowing, but then Kyric’s gaze shifted to Iris. The image of the beast lying unconscious on the floor of the diner flickered through Kai’s mind. Killing it wouldn’t be giving it a second chance, that was for sure.





There was so much more to think about than she expected. The little guy. Big picture. Iris sighed, turning his gaze back to her pizza as she chewed her next bite. Her gaze stayed down, though. Yeah. Everyone deserved a second chance. "Right." Didn't matter that Kyric Kyric was talking to Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri . Well, Iris didn't notice that part. All she knew was Kyric was asking a question.
<You said the Jedi can be too “big picture”. I agree with that. We fight in wars against the Sith, which helps people, yes, but only up to a point. People’s lives are destroyed by all this destructive conflict, and once we’ve beaten the Sith—or they’ve beaten us—we leave and head to the next battle, leaving ruins in our wake, over and over again...> He shook his head, losing that peculiar train of thought. <But that’s not what you were saying. You’re talking about helping the little guy at home, right?>

"Yeah, that I am," Kyric said. "I don't think it's reasonable to expect any one group to do it all. Right now, it seems like the galaxy needs the Jedi to be warriors more than they need them to be peacekeepers. People like me can be a peacekeeper. An entire planet can't monopolize an organization like the NJO when there are millions, sometimes billions, and even trillions who should be able to do bear a bit of that burden and do their part."

It was fair to say Kyric spoke from a position of privilege compared to some. Denon knew the wrath of the One Sith, then the Sith Empire, decades before, but they eventually moved on. Criminals ran the streets in their place. And those criminals couldn't hold a candle to the machinations of the average Sith Lords. Some planets needed a greater focus. More time and resources devoted to its rebuilding. Resources an organization like the New Jedi Order did not have.

"I know groups like the GA and SJC try to help those places. It's not like these planets are left in a state of complete chaos and lawlessness," he closed his eyes and scrunched up his nose. "I dunno. The galaxy is a big place. Too big for anyone to solve all its problems, with or without allies."

He took a bite of his pizza. It wasn't quite as warm and oozing as it was when it first arrived, but he wouldn't complain. Pizza is pizza.

"What are you guys doing here anyway? Coruscant kinda sucks, and being a Jedi is more trouble than it's worth. Why not do something else?"

<Dagon Kaze brought me to the Temple after he rescued me from slavers.> A smooth lie, one that Kai was used to telling. <Before that, I was on my own. A feral child. I guess for me the Jedi Order’s the best thing I’ve ever known.>

The Jedi Order, whose Knights had tried to kill him on sight, Masters had refused to train him, and competitive Padawans dished out petty cruelties against him. Meanwhile the Sith went on committing atrocities, while the Jedi bickered amongst themselves and couldn’t agree on how to run things… no, he couldn’t think that way. It wasn’t all bad.

Staring down at the table, he traced the amber swirls of the wood grain with a finger. <I do want to be a Jedi. Even if my idea of the Jedi doesn’t always match other people’s ideas.> He splayed his hand in a shrugging gesture, light reflecting off the amethyst gem on the ring he wore. <It’s good that we aren’t all the same, isn’t it?>



"If I wasn't a Jedi, I'd never see anything." An odd statement, but it was reality for Iris. Until she was found she was in a world of color. Beautiful, but all consuming. Even now it was all consuming, but she was learning out to see through the haze. She chewed another bite, smiling faintly.

This was the only life for her, of that she had no doubt.
That seems kinda cryptic, doesn't it? What's going on with her?

I think she's just a weirdo.

Kyric stared at Iris down while she munched on food. He considered her words, now curious about the truth behind them. One could walk other paths that didn't require her to sell her soul for power. Was she aware of such things? He assumed not given her spacey demeanor.

"There's uhhhhhh-" Kyric sniffed. "Y'know, there are other disciplines you could study that'll help you see? Jedi are neat, but they have a lot of responsibilities that'll see you in more situations like the diner. I dunno. Do the thing you wanna do, I guess. I'm just hopin' you weren't tricked into thinkin' this was your only choice. There are others."

Alright, good deed number two. Nice.

"So, Kai, slavers? What was that like?" Kyric pressed the sithspawn with a smile.


Kai was less used to having to elaborate on the lie, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t prepared. He’d restructured the truth, taking the real story and twisting it just enough...

<There was a vampire warlord who used to rule over the planet Dahrtag. Her name was Amelia Ardahl. I was living in the woods, surviving by killing cattle. She posted a bounty on me, claiming I was a dangerous monster on the loose attacking farmers. Dagon Kaze was one of the hunters who showed up to offer their services. They recaptured me and brought me to her, but Dag knew something was up. He got nosy and found out she wanted me as a slave soldier. So he helped bust me out of there.

<That was the first time anyone ever did something to help me without expecting anything in return. There was no reason for it, no score to settle, nothing to be gained—in fact, she hurt him pretty badly for trying.> One corner of his mouth quirked up. <I saved him from her, so I guess we’re even. But he would’ve done it anyway, because it was the right thing to do. And I'm glad.>



Iris blinked. Had she said something wrong? Why was Kyric Kyric trying to tell her she didn't need to be a Jedi? The girl just tilted her head, clearly perplexed by whatever brought that on. But rather than answer, her attention was pulled to Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri . So that's how he met Dagon and got free? She took another bite, just listening along for the story.

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