Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Species The Xanti

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The Xanti

The Sangheili from Halopedia

  • Name: Xanti

  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Xantos (Custom, to be created)
  • Language: Xantes
  • Average height of adults: 2.25m - 2.63m
  • Skin color: Grey, Navy, Tan
  • Hair color: None
  • Breathes: Type I

  • Strengths:
    Physically Capable: A natural feat of the Xanti is their strength and muscular growth. They boast high metabolisms and their muscles throughout their bodies develop at almost twice the rate of an average human who exercises regularly.
  • Kindred: The Xanti are a clan-oriented and honorable species. They're easily trusting among those of their own kind and will sacrifice themselves so than their comrades will live on.
  • Ingenuity: Due to early discovery by the rest of the galaxy, the Xanti quickly became adepts at using and developing technology and adapting to advanced military tactics and doctrines.

  • Imposing: Because of their massive frames and muscular growth, they give off an intimidating presence and air of authority that doesn't exactly suit well when meeting other species or civilizations across the galaxy. Their large figures also offer larger targets for opposing forces to fire upon.
  • Isolation: As a result of their tendencies to promote brotherhood amongst themselves, they look upon outsiders and other species with distaste. This lead to the majority of the Xanti being extremely arrogant and prideful.
  • Zealots: When it comes to religion, they're all borderline insane zealots who would throw themselves out of an airlock if their priests or religious officials told them. Given this, they're extremely bashful at "correcting" beings who don't follow their religious motives.
  • Force Rarity: Though their numbers may be considerably high, the Xanti are not known for their notable figures being Force sensitive. It's extremely rare for a Xanti to be able to wield the Force and would still even have a difficult time mastering it and its abilities.

  • Distinctions: They boast a wide frame with built muscles and a slight arch in their spine near the top when they reach adulthood. They're reptilian in nature with leathery skin, reverse-jointed legs, and sharp claws and teeth. Their hands have two fingers and two thumbs. The most distinct part of them is their jaw, which is comprised of four separate mandibles.
  • Average Lifespan: 70-87 Standard Years
  • Races: There are no sub-races in the Xanti. However those of higher status wear different colored bodyarmor.
  • Diet: The Xanti are omnivorous. Their main diet usually consists almost entirely of meat, however grains and starches follow up with vegetables and fruits ranging last. Their immune systems are on par with the average human and can be poisoned with similar toxins.
  • Communication: Orally and Written

  • Culture: Many would say that the Xanti rival the Mandalorians in the honor and family respect category. Actually, they exceed them. The Xanti follow a strict feudal-type government that's based around a military-industrial society. Upon discovery by the rest of the galaxy, it's been bred into the Xanti that they must cleanse those unworthy to live, deeming them as such if they lack courage, fierceness, tenacity, honor, and intelligence.

Xanti consider most species to be inferior to them, both culturally and in fighting skill. Being promoted in the Xantian Military is strictly by merit. A Xantian soldier must succeed in combat to advance in the ranks with success being measured in combat skills. Xanti near the top of the ladder could have personally slaughtered hundreds - even thousands - of individuals to reach that status. The Xanti code of honor is very strict, placing an emphasis on combat skill, loyalty to the clan/family, and the glory of death in battle.

As far as religion goes, the Xanti worship the Moross Gods of the Pantheon. After the introduction of Moross beliefs in their society by Cryn Vanatos, the High King, they quickly developed a close relationship with these Gods and began to assist them and worship them for as long as they lived. The Xanti live in a Theocratic-Feudal society in which the High King and the religious officials hold much authority, often higher than that of wealthy landowners and similar authority-holding figures.

  • Technology level: Prior to discovery, the Xanti were a fairly primitive race, their technology levels ranging slightly lower than the rest of the galaxy. Following the discovery era, they've been introduced to advanced technology to come up on scale at above the average tech level in the galaxy.
  • General behavior: The Xanti are a saurian species of proud, honorable, and fierce warriors and intelligent strategists. Since they follow a feudal system and place glory in combat high on their "To do" lists, they've been honed down to proud and strong warrior peoples. Honor and respect are defining words of their strict society, families and clans being held extremely close to the hearts of the Xanti people. They honor and respect authority from their Keep Fathers and Mothers, upholding olden traditions and being extremely devoted when it comes

  • History: In the beginning, the world was dark and void of life. The years passed on and on with eventual life spreading across the lands, skies and seas. Birds and avian species took flight, amphibians and fish swam, and the Xanti were left to govern the wild beasts of the land. The early days were plain and simple, the plainfolk beings immediately taking to agriculture and governmental structuring on a small scale.

Though the Xanti peoples stayed strong throughout the harsh climate of Xantos, they were otherwise weak when compared to the rest of the solar people. The Xanti began to grow closer to each other, aiding and assisting their elders and young to combat against the putrid outsiders and their rank ideals. War soon followed with the stark contrast in beliefs between the Xanti and the outsiders. These new and fleshy beings were much smaller than the Xanti and fought using dishonorable tactics, luring traps and leaving bait. It all seemed as though the Xanti peoples would lose their independence, weakening and losing spirit after each passing lost battle.

Everything was lost, almost. Until a single hero Cryn Vanatos rallied his people under the might of the Gods. The Gods which Cryn had discovered under the teachings of one of the outsiders and found himself enlightened. He had discovered the joy and enlightenment under the Gods of Moross, devoting himself to Ithari, the God of War and leaders. With the renowned strength of the Gods on their side and the technological advancements blessed upon them, they struck back against the outsiders and crushed them all with such holy might.

What followed was to be expected. The Xanti experienced a lengthened period of prosperity and happiness under their newfound Gods and devoted themselves to their service and the "cleansing" of unworthy beings of the galaxy.

  • Notable Player-Characters: Lek Vanatos (To be created)
  • Intent: To provide the Moross Crusade with a strong, capable, and intelligent species to be used in the progression and development of their faction and the galaxy. This submission will also offer SWRP players a unique experience to roleplay as a fun and interesting species and further the lore of SWRP: Chaos.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Excuse us for the long wait, things have been quite hectic.

On to the judgement then, in the diet section you mention that the Xanti are herbivores. But then you add that their diet consists almost entirely out of meat, with small amounts of vegetables and fruits.

I am guessing you made a small mistake there, omnivores or facultative carnivores would be more appropriate.

For easy reference, here is the exact passage I am talking about.

  • Diet: The Xanti are herbivorous. Their main diet usually consists almost entirely of meat, however grains and starches follow up with vegetables and fruits ranging last. Their immune systems are on par with the average human and can be poisoned with similar toxins.

@[member="Darth Arcis"]
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