Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The World Around (Animal Friendship Class)

The Outer Rim was a dangerous place, even for a Force sensitive. Even more so for a Force sensitive that has issues staying in one place long enough for a more comprehensive training program. However, in the spirit of togetherness, Jared Starchaser had made a call out to the Judges of the Outer Rim, and any who wanted to assist the beings on the Outer Rim, he had a few skills he wanted to share, and one of them would befit those who found themselves away from technology for an extended period of time. Being out in the Unknown Regions, an unnamed moon, jungle and home to a great little farming community that was able to find a kolto additive that helped with speeding up of healing of wounds.

Jared was here to keep an eye on it, but also, the world itself had a weirdness in the Force. Many Force sensitive monsters, not the whole of any one species, but every so often, one or two would become more active in the Force and create a threat to the local settlements. Jared had been using the Kolto to help with some of his wounds and was starting to feel an odd connection to the world. He was venturing around lately to make sure no one was coming in to mess with the planet, but mostly he was keeping to himself and ensuring that the Force was kept in check here.

He was the gardener, they monsters were weeds.

But there were a number of them that were friendly, and through the Force, Jared started to form bonds with a few. Some would come to his aid, and lately a jungle cat, not too far from the Corellian Sand Cats or Slice Hounds, has taken to camping with him. The animal was definitely something that Jared was going to take with him if he ever had to trek out for a quest off this world.

But until then? He offered the call out. A class to help master this beast control and friendship for Judges and other adventurers.
"This better be worth it..." Naten mumbled to himself as he flew his ship towards the given coordinate that his client had offered. His last mission has taken place in the dark and dirty pits of the Coruscant Under World, and even though he had a very good turn out with his mission there, Naten could admit to himself that, that last mission would probably be the last time he'll ever set foot in that hole. Lucky for him his last client was kind enough to reward him with heeps of credits and even better, another quest but this time it's located in the Outer Rim; one of his favorite places in the Galaxy. His client offered him to help assist a man who went by the name of Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser - or at least something like that - with whatever project he had in mind. To Naten, this all meant that the guy he was going to help probably just need an extra blaster, weather it was true or not, it didn't bother the mercenary at all; he was just glad to be away from the Inner Rim as he was approaching the Outer Rim.

He then sent a message to the guy notifying he was on his way.
Nei had been in port resting. One of the monsters that Jared might have called a friend had laid even the mighty Maui'i low, and he had been recuperating from the ordeal. Been working as a hired guard for a few homesteads, in that they fed and let him be, and the giant of a man had ensured that everything short of the last comer had went away tail tucked and their workers were safe.

Grumbling in an outwardly fuming manner, the man suited up in bare metal Mandalorian armor, though it was certainly not of standard look with the many feather and bone fetishes attached to it, and the helmet at his hip more than on his head. A large club of wood and bronzium rested on his shoulder as he strode with ground eating steps to the location a fellow had told him about in a tavern once he heard he had been mauled by local fauna.

Maybe this Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser would have a good idea or two.
It had been a strange time for Leea, these past few weeks. Although there had been no fighting and, indeed, life had been peaceful beyond anything she could have imagined, the Mirialan had been made to face the reality of her condition. She was touched by the Force. Through this tenuous connection, she found herself able to find so much calm as had eluded her for years in combat. Despite this, the implications were cause for fear. She was no Jedi, not one of the mystical wielders of inhuman powers, bastions of light or darkness. She was still grasping at the extent of her particular ability, yet she tried to restrain it to simple meditation. Her Master had cautioned her against trying to quickly and outstripping her growth. Learning more than one is prepared for was an all too common path to failure and destruction. Leea remained thusly cautious and ever vigilant.

She had caught a call while on a mission with her employer, a transmission that offered to help her develop a skill she could use in the greater galaxy. It was a skill that had some use for her employment. Perhaps on a deeper level, it might also prove to herself that she did have some control over this connection to the otherworldly Force. Requesting leave, the neophyte had travelled to the distant world on her own.

Leea arrived on the world in the downwash of a small hired shuttle. The droid pilot beeped out a series of questions, translated on a viewscreen beside the Mirialan's seat. "Yes, this is the world. I am pretty sure..." Closing her eyes she allowed herself to slip into deeper thought. She forced her mind to lose focus on all around her and concentrate on nothing. It was a task difficult to accomplish for one still learning, yet she managed to reach deep enough to feel the world around her.

As she did so, it seemed the world reached out. It's so strong here. How could I not feel it? The whole world seemed alive with the Force, screaming its presence to her. Perhaps it was not the whole world, though Leea would not have been able to identify much without far more practice. Eyes opening, she confirmed, "This is the planet, definitely. Hold here until I get back."

The droid twittered away, and Leea craned her neck to read the screen as she prepared to leave, stretching her legs after sitting still for so long. "No, I shouldn't die while away, but how about if I don't come back in a month you leave, maybe even a week. How's that."

A confirmation tone from the astromech brought a grin to the young woman's face as she finally stepped out onto the world. She had chosen a clearing near to the coordinates in the message, although Leea had decided to land with a bit of buffer space, just in case things went sideways as they tended to when she went out on her own. The pilot had not found much in the way of a regular spaceport and had recommended landing slightly away from the major encampments anyways, just to keep a lower profile. While the Mirialan had found the measure strange and seemingly unnecessary, Leea was not one to question a professional within their own field. She had noticed a couple of strange readings on the scanners, although the droid had failed to mention it to her. She assumed it was local wildlife, but perhaps it was something more.

Setting out, the learner sought out the place where the transmission had suggested a meetup.

Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser Naten Harel Naten Harel Nei Nei
The Journeyman of the Force was actually a bit surprised that a few people had joined him out here. He was far off enough where most wouldn’t bother to make the trip, there were probably, a few other teachers of this skill in the center of the galaxy, but well, Jared had a unique way of doing it. Like his family, a unique way of doing a lot of things when it came to the galaxy at large. He had his own little partner with him, and the world was teaming with life. It wasn’t that he was going to teach people to bond with just one animal, but how to borrow an animal when the going got touch.

It was something an ancient Jedi by the name of Bridger was able to do, and out here, it helped. Machines could break down and while Jared was a fair mechanic, and he had his durasteel horse, the swoop bike he used to travel a planet, as well as his Starcutter. From the latter he set up the homing beacon, to assist those would were coming in finding him.

And he sat, and waited, meditated, seeing what was around, and trying to coax any wildlife that didn’t come normally to this area to wander over.

Nei Nei Naten Harel Naten Harel Leea Pandac Leea Pandac
After landing his ship in a small clearing of the jungle, Naten took a quick glance at his gauntlet which was equipped with a tracking device, scanning the area for any beacons. Once he picked up a signal that was coming from the north, a small holo image of map with a tiny red dot representing the beacon Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser had popped up from Naten's gauntlet directing the mercenaries journey.

"At least it's not far," Naten muttered to himself before heading out to his destination.
At first she had been confident in her directional decisions. It seemed fairly straightforward but soon she began to doubt herself. Rather than turn back, she was fortunate enough to notice the use of a homing beacon which Leea hoped would be the Jedi open to training. What else would it be on this planet though? Doesn't seem to have much in the way of technology out here. She could tell it wouldn't be a long hike, at least it did not seem to be an especially distant location and so long as she was undisturbed during her travel it should be fairly short.

The slight forestation reminded the Mirialan of battlegrounds in the past. Unconsciously, she stopped every few meters and listened closely to the environment. Catching herself during one of these moments she wondered, What exactly am I listening for? Shouldn't be any guerillas out here... Maybe there are? Local wildlife didn't seem too bad, then again there were some funny readings... She forced such thoughts from her mind as Leea attempted to focus on the present. More important than what might be in the area was the fact that she had to reach the teacher before too long. Without an entire awareness of the time table for this Jedi or his plans, she was concerned she might have landed a bit too far away. The trainee soon took a forced march with the occasional job when the terrain allowed it.

Though occasionally she heard noises, a rustle in the underbrush or cracking of branches, Leea forced herself to continue on. At last, she found her way into a clearing and noted another person. She raised a hand in greeting, although her other remained close to the pistol she had on her hip. She was not entirely certain if this was the right place and she had not done enough research to know if the locals were hostile to off-worlders.

Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser Naten Harel Naten Harel Nei Nei

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