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Private The Wisdom of a Knight

New Kalandra, Kintan

To say he took lessons on war seriously was an understatement. The King recalled his own failures with a grave seriousness as he found in the Galaxy a new, greater emphasis on the horrific practice. Even the word rebellion had been unthinkable during his reign; for one, his armies would have put any rabble with such intent to heel immediately.

And in those days, there were not countless worlds to consider. His eyes flickered over the debris and ruin of New Kalandra that had not quite finished its restoration. A passing conversation revealed the terms Jedi and Sith far more emphatically than he'd heard in the farther reaches of the Rim.

It seemed like these groups were pivotal in Galactic affairs, but Enlil had only met politicians, bounty hunters, and freedom fighters to date. He came to Kintan seeking understanding on the realities of modern warfare, and perhaps the wisdom of the Jedi at its source.

He had heard they held some presence on this side of the Galaxy.

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn Arenais

New Kalandra, Kintan.
Enlil Enlil


Today's assignment was less like one of Caedyn's typical missions as opposed to playing Ambassador for the Order of the Silver Jedi, heading to the World of Kintan to meet with an emmisery affiliated with the Outer Planets Alliance and a potential new friend and connection whom had taken explicit interest in their state of affairs and views towards the other Galactic Powers present across the map.

Making the journey on one of his solo days where his Padawan Kyra would be attending her regular lessons and classes, socializing with her friends with a bit of luck; Caedyn would otherwise see this particular meeting through of his own volition representing the Assembly as their official spokesman. Certainly a first for his time with the Order. Enroute to the world of Kintan, he wondered if this was similar to what his father had experienced on his way up the chain of hierarchy within the Order.

With the Repertoire landing within the public spaceport of New Kalandra, Caedyn would make his way towards the designated location for their rendezvous, not quite certain as to the type of character who would be awaiting him, nor the expectations they would hold over the Jedi Knight, one younger than most taking part in this sort of thing (or atleast from what he guessed).

Entering into the premises, Caedyn moved to approach Enlil stopping a short distance from the man and bowing in formal greeting. "Enlil?" he asked, seeking clarification before introducing himself, "My name's Caedyn Arenais, I believe you're expecting me".

He had given only his name, and not his status. There was no world on any map with the name his had held. There were no historical records of a man who stood against the Rakata in defense of his people. To this man, Enlil was nothing more than he presented himself as. So, when he got only the formal bow of greeting, he had no expectation of anything more.

He offered a slight bow of his own in return.

It was sobering to look at life though the lens of a common man. It stripped him of the duties he once held and made him feel meager, as though he had that much less left to offer. But- he'd been out there, in that ragtag conglomerate of free worlds. He'd seen the need for someone who understood what true justice was in this Galaxy. He had not yet given up.

"I was," he replied. "I have come to these worlds seeking to learn more of the Jedi, and the Sith. Where I come from..." he could not lead with when he came from. Most of the Galaxy would never believe him. Most of the Galaxy would think him mentally ill. "...these titles, these ideas did not exist. But, since I have come here, all I have learned of them is war."

He looked out the window and his fingers pressed to the transparisteel. "It has been a cold reception, until now."

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn Arenais

"That's no small matter you're asking of" Caedyn responded with a hesitant smile.

To learn of the Jedi and the Sith? The responses one might get in return could be vastly different dependent on whom he would ask. Some Jedi in the Galaxy were steadfast in their belief that all who practiced the Dark Side deserved to be apprehended, while there were others alike Caedyn whom preferred to judge upon a mans actions and behavior rather than his choice of lifestyle...

Caedyn took in a silent breath, reserving his thoughts for the sake of giving the meeting the proper credence it demanded. "The Jedi and the Sith have a long-lived history, centuries of war as you mentioned...-A lot of history has been lost over time, but before the Jedi and the Sith there was the Je'daii Order from which both sides originate from in some form or another".

"Most today are only connected via their similar following of the Force, but what started the fued was a civil war between those whom favored the light and those who favored the dark" today, whether Jedi or Sith, both sides fought for what they believed was justified from their own perspectives..Yet the fact was that to this day, there had never been peace between either side since that first civil dispute.

Enlil Enlil
The young man spoke and it came to sound like a religious schism more than anything. When he used the term "the Force," the King titled his head only very slightly. He hadn't heard that word thrown around yet. "A man is judged on the weight of his actions," he found himself musing aloud. "Dark, Light, these terms sound much like good and evil. This conflict sounds as though it were born of puritanical dissonance."

Enlil sighed. If that were indeed the case, zealotry and theocracy had won out over reason and practicality. There was much to consider, but when it came to these groups, he immediately understood the dangerous that surrounded them.

"These groups- are they controlled by any form of government? Or are they powers unto themselves?"

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn Arenais

"The majority of Jedi seek to comply with leading Governments and Societal influences" Caedyn answered honestly, "Their goal is to protect the people from not just the Sith but all forms of oppression. Criminality, natural disasters, poverty and humanitarian needs for example. Their service comes at a price however, and they rely on donations and charity from supporting organizations to further empower them to do what they can for the good of the Galaxy" he explained. However, good and evil, right and wrong, these things could largely come down to points of view and Caedyn gained the distinct impression that this other would also understand the concept.

"The Jedi do their best to live in the highest moral standing that they can maintain, however they're as flawed as every other sentient citizen out in the Galaxy. Compare them to a democratic government, there are positive and negatives when trying to achieve what we believe is the best we can provide for others...-Plenty of non-force users are skeptical of us for the power we practice" The Force was a difficult concept to grasp for those who could not weild it like the Jedi were capable of. Non-Force Users were naturally wary of such things, for they were far more vulnerable to those whom would exploit such powers. And thus bringing Caedyn to the subject of the Sith.

"On the other-hand you have the Sith Empire who do not seek to practice self discipline in the sense that the Jedi try to live by. They are strongly fueled by their emotions and often driven by self-desires and pursuits of gain. At the head of the Empire is the Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor of the Northern Territories. They have caused a vast amount of destruction, death and suffering upon worlds both inside and outside of their territories, and remain the Jedi's longest standing rivals, and the Galaxy's greatest adversaries".

Enlil Enlil
The gauntlet enveloping his left hand rose and fell slightly, only once. A forceful metallic wallop resonated from the point of impact, and the sting against his flesh ached. Still, the stoicism of the King's face remained.

On the topic of Jedi, he began to shape an opinion. Caedyn Arenais was a most honest man to speak with. He had the distinct impression someone else may have attempted to skew facts in order to favor or damn the Jedi. Especially if there were those in such stark contrast on two sides of a conflict.

"And so, while the Jedi strive to live in compliance with law and order, as is the nature of humanity, there are exceptions to every rule, and rogues within the Jedi Order."

He could read between the lines enough to understand that when Caedyn said "most Jedi" did something, he was leaving the truth for Enlil to fill in. "Honesty is a virtue man does not value nearly enough, Caedyn Arenais. I appreciate the integrity of your counsel."

Again came mention of this 'Force,' and with it, Caedyn addressed accountability to those unable to wield it. He could only assume it to be some form of Magic. And so, were the Jedi and the Sith some new, dogmatic form of Magickers?

His expression darkened a bit when the word Empire fell from the man's lips, however. He had heard the word only once, and it still struck him foreign. Malignant. Invective.

The Sith styled themselves conquerors and rulers of vast species and cultures beyond their understanding. In the very word Empire, Enlil felt the fangs of the Rakata sink deep into his flesh once more.

He sobered and grounded himself in the knowledge that while Caedyn strived to be fair, his allegiances still fell in line with the Jedi, and those who aligned similarly.

"Willingness to indulge the whims of others is tantamount to accessory in their actions, at times," Enlil responded sternly. There came a point when a King could do no more, and for the good of his people, chose to cede rather than allow harm to come to them. "The Jedi are surrounded by enemies, and so they fight; but in fighting the Sith, they play into the same cyclical pattern. Yet, it is well and good that they do not seek to claim the right to rule."

Caedyn Arenais
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Caedyn Arenais

"You're welcome" Caedyn replied to Enlil Enlil with a brief smile, soon adding "Though I have to admit, I find myself curious as to why you're so interested and what your background is...". Enlil had suggested that it would be a complicated story and one difficult to fathom, though Caedyn Arenais had witnessed a great deal and his Master before him was adept in the art of Flow-Walking, thus Caedyn understood the Force to be a pool of endless possibilities beyond sentient comprehension.

"I truly wish we didn't have to engage in violence" He spoke further, "But the Sith bring some brutally effective tactics in their conquest of World's and so if we do not act, then we would only be encouraging the fallout. However they're not alone, as there's also numerous large political powers across the Galactic Charts at the moment, all with their own motives and means of reinforcing their goals" the Jedi Knight explained. Caedyn had personally seen what happened to the Je'daii where they tried to keep themselves distanced from the stage of warfare and political espionage. Peace had lasted for a time but eventually they dispersed and were forgotten by most, Caedyn being one of the few exceptions.

"The Order of the Silver Jedi do stand vigil over a large territory containing many sectors and worlds, however these worlds remain independently governed and add to the Order's charitable growth and sustenance in return" he answered the notion of Jedi being in a position of leadership; "We value democracy above all else and only seek to protect and keep the peace...-But that's a goal easier to claim than it is to achieve".
"These words, Jedi, Sith, are foreign to me," Enlil admitted. "Where I come from, we refer to the strange gifts given to certain chosen beings as magic. I have heard this word Force, and I can only assume that you are referring to a similar phenomenon." The King paused to consider how much he should say, and what the implications might be if he told the entire truth to the man.

Then, he laughed aloud.

"To think a day would come when I hesitated to tell the entire truth. Be that as it may, I know better than to speak falsehoods. These things engender distrust, and make only enemies. A man who reviles you for your honesty is not worthy to be called friend."

Enlil turned to face Caedyn full on. "Once, I was a King. But my people are no more, and the civilization I ruled a memory only to me." He placed his arms across his chest and sighed. "I too saw the horrors of war, faced with a brutal enemy who sought to take everything from my people, and from the very land itself. It is best avoided, but in reality, often inevitable."

He considered the territories and protectorate of the Jedi, and the words independently governed. The word democracy especially confused him. Such a concept had not even begun to form in the minds of humanity when he ruled.

"To think, empires spanning the cosmos are commonplace, and such diversity exists as to birth not one, but many." He tilted his head back wistfully as he spoke, more to himself than to Caedyn now. "These powers," he began. "Are they more vile than the Rakata?"

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn Arenais

"The Rakata?" Caedyn asked rhetorically. Veiere Arenais would have been able to tell this King of Memories that the Rakata were an ancient race lost to the eons of years passed by, there seemed very little history at all of them today, and Caedyn himself had never heard of their kind. "I can't honestly say I've heard of them..." he admitted.

"However, from what I've witnessed of the Galaxy around us, I can say that even those government powers that seek to do right by others, refer to military force when things don't go to their liking" he explained, thinking back over powers like the Galactic Republic, the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Commenor Systems Alliance, just to name a few.

"I truly do not know if the Galaxy will see real peace without there being a great war to end all wars, with only one victor coming out on top. The problem there however, putting aside the obvious violence and disastrous loss of life, is also the fact that there likely aren't any candidates with the right moral virtue to lead society away from this warfare state we've built up for ourselves" and by 'we', Caedyn meant the Galaxy as a whole The kind of leadership and responsibility however wasn't that which the Jedi were qualified for, no matter how good their intentions. The Jedi Code taught selflessness and service, never dictatorship or the control over another's free will and rights of life..

"While I seek to fight to protect and serve the innocent, I also cannot help but acknowledge the fact that I do not see anything changing without something catastrophic turning the tides of fate that bind us all" he sighed, shaking his head and glancing off elsewhere in thoughtful silence that followed.

Enlil Enlil
Enlil found himself standing next to a window after a time, deeply delved into his own thoughts. The young Arenais brought forth. Troubling revelations about the times they were living in, and on top of that, he had never heard of the Rakata. Had it been so long, had things changed so much that even the most horrible of evils Enlil had witnessed was forgotten?

He leaned back against the wall and stared blankly over the floor between them. His gaze was distant, his jaw set. Even those who swore themselves to protect others, and lived lives of service had declined so far as to see no bright future.

Was this the same Galaxy he was born into?

Was this the inevitable fate of all things?

"It is impossible for a single man to shepherd all of humanity when it spans countless systems," Enlil said at last. "A King may be fit to rule a single Kingdom, if he is blessed with wisdom. But no two Kings are the same; and so too with Kingdoms. What is good for a certain people may be damning for others. This is why things like Empires, fail."

He looked now to Caedyn, and his gaze focused. "To find peace, delusions of ultimate power and vast influence must be quelled. And Justice must be served. Chaos must come to order."

The prospect of Intergalactic war was so sour, so utterly catastrophic that Enlil became visibly disgusted by it. Still, he composed himself. "Take heart, Jedi Arenais. You have shown me that there is still cause for hope in this grim Galaxy."

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn reluctantly smiled in hearing Enlil Enlil 's remark of hope in response to his words and company, it was a small comfort knowing how bad things were out there, that even the simplest of measures such as spending time with someone in good honest conversation was enough to make their day brighter.

"My Parents were once King and Queen of a world known as Commenor, and from there, their influence spread out across numerous worlds and they built up an Empire of sorts all of their own design. They valued peace and diplomacy with others and for many years they had what seemed like no enemies. There were no wars for the longest time before the Sith Emperor brought his legions and invaded our world, occupying it for over a year and enslaving our people to mine the planet's minerals for their gain".

The time had been crushing towards the House Arenais, yet worse were the lives lost, eight million in the blink of an eye as an entire city (the second largest on Commenor) was obliterated in an orbital strike from the Empire's largest of Starships. The once peaceful Nation had been crippled that day and while they were eventually liberated roughly a year later, the damage had already been done and his parents would never be the same since.

"I apologize if I sound discouraged in my duty to honor the Galaxy, but I've seen much and there are aspects on both sides that I question at times" he made a hand gesture at the notion of 'both sides', not liking to use such black and white terms however it seemed best for someone the likes of Enlil who hadn't yet seen the full picture with his own eyes and experienced the on-going fight with his heart since long back in his own former lifetime.

"I do all that I can to bring good to the lives of others, and I'm training an Apprentice of my own who will one day carry on my work after my time is over, but even for she, I hesitate in knowing what she will face ahead of us. There's no greater challenge than fighting against an oppressive tyrannical machine that seems to have infinite resources and no sign of weakness".
The dispossessed King rested on arm on top of the other and stroked his chin. "So you know something of the burden of a man born to royalty," he noted in a low voice. "That explains much about your proclivity to remain neutral where possible."

He seemed amused when Caedyn mentioned discouragement, and even more so when on the topic of questioning both sides. "So should it be," Enlil snapped his fingers and pointed to the other man. "It is your willingness to question that makes you reliable and trustworthy. A man who simply accepts because of favorable circumstance does not give fair and just counsel. Certainly, there have been good things to come of the Sith Empire as well as bad? And so too of the Jedi- at times, they have bankrupted themselves morally in pursuit of a perceived greater good?"

It was important to look at the Galaxy through an unclouded lens, and he appreciated the perspective of Caedyn Arenais more now than before.

"My only counsel would be that your enemy is not Tyranny itself, or the Sith Empire. Injustice and disorder are my greatest rivals in this life." He explained. "At times, my actions are viewed as evil. Other times, I have been called a benevolent man. I seek not to be seen as good or evil, but as impartial and fair."

Caedyn Arenais

"Someone once told me that good and evil were simply differing points of view between parties" Caedyn replied thoughtfully, thinking of the former Je'daii and the first civil war. "I'm sure the Sith feel justified in their pursuits to some extent because of the knowledge that they weren't the first to draw blood..." he spoke, apprehension in his tone as he voiced the prospect; "With enough incentive, anyone can justify their actions through their own eyes", and what's worse was that this was a current issue among the Jedi of today, in Caedyn's perspective. There were Jedi out there that sought to take the fight to others, going out of their way to provoke bloodshed and justifying it by claiming it was for the greater good. Jedi weren't meant to create violence however, it went against everything the Jedi Code encompassed.

"I'm not so sure I have any enemies" Caedyn spoke up once more, realizing he had fallen silent in his thoughts; "There are certainly those I have been forced to confront, but I can't think of anyone I can honestly claim to hate, or dislike them that much to want to bring them harm". His Father's murder soon came to mind, and in that moment Caedyn realized that, while he was still slowly mourning his Father's loss, he didn't feel any hate towards the one whom took Veiere's life. Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis had killed him, yet Caedyn knew next to nothing about the Sith Lord outside of his affiliation to the Dark Lord himself. Was he angry over his Fathers murder? Yes, of course, but not at the expense of his integrity. He had not sought revenge, nor did he hold any wish to do so.

"There is so much conflict out there, even among allies today. Judgement and resentment between neighboring Governments and Nations. If I'm to be seen as anything, I hope it's to be fair as well, but also just".

Enlil Enlil
"Too often, man becomes preoccupied with justifying himself. The notion of feeling your actions are right is easy to conflate with justice, and so, once they've made peace with their decisions, they lose sight of what is and what is not truly right." Enlil sighed. There was so much of that in how men carried themselves. Self-destination was a concept as old as time itself, yet men handed the responsibility to make their own choices seldom enjoyed the consequences that followed.

It was the nature of the beast, of humanity, to set aside the parts of his journey he did not prefer and only guide himself toward pleasures. Given a choice between duty and joviality, seldom was a man born who choice former over latter.

"Violence exacted for its own sake reaps no reward." He cupped his chin contemplatively for a moment as the man reflected on enemies and his lack of hatred. There was some purity in that notion. "A man who stands for something will inevitably find others standing in his way. Enemies are the byproduct of supporting your cause. But, being a man's enemy and being his killer are not the same.

You need not take a life simply because you disagree. War is brutal, bitter, but above all- it is the failure of Justice to prevail. War is the chaos when all reason has been exhausted."

And so, the duty of the King was heavy. Or it had been, in his time.

"If you ask yourself, 'do my actions serve the greater good,' you will find that most often that tends to mean 'the greater good as it pertains to myself.' Once a man has let go of the notions of self and accepted his actions have consequences that go beyond, then, he begins to broach the true nature of Justice."

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn Arenais

For a man who looked as young as Enlil Enlil did, roughly close to Caedyn's age if not slightly older, the Jedi Knight found him to be very well educated and enlightened in the conversation they shared. "As long as there remains the difference between accepting the consequences for your actions, and becoming complacent with them" Caedyn nodded his agreement coinciding with the added sentiment. It was a dangerous path to believe that the consequences of ones actions are inevitable, for some might see this as a sense of justifying their lack of regard for others. 'What will be, will be'.

"As a Jedi Knight I am forced to accept the possibility of confrontation every time that I step outside of our Temple on Kashyyyk" Caedyn elaborated, "There's always going to be someone who disagree's with us, or holds judgement against us for the things we can do, and what we stand for. As you said" he gestured to Enlil himself in emphasis. "That doesn't mean I'll go looking for it however, nor will I forsake my sense of judgement and consideration for others in the belief that it will happen regardless of what we do".

"The greater good that I speak of is largely focused upon others outside of the Jedi Order. Those who aren't in command of Armies, aren't able to use the Force, don't have a say in these battles that go on across the Galaxy and are so often victimized by them" Caedyn explained.

"Of course, you're right to say that I stand from a perspective of the Silver Jedi, trained by the Je'daii before them and do not hold the understanding or ideologies of Sith or many others. It is however my genuine desire to see civility become the common practice in the Galaxy, to see peoples get along with one another and for there to be so much less hatred out there...".
"Would that such notions were more than noble aspirations," Enlil lamented for a moment as he reflected on the Jedi's words. So it was that he came to understand a single Jedi among many. Caedyn Arenais was a man with prejudices much like his own. Striving toward a balance and a status quo where all men were equal under the law, and treated one another as such.

Perhaps there was a rough naivete to the man's ideals, but for the King, it was better to chase after lofty notions than to settle for a wartorn civilization rife with conflict and hate. After all, what did they give their lives in service to if not that hope?

"When dealing with those who do not agree, it is prudent first to understand them, not to silence them. I am an outsider in this modern age, and still do not understand all the subtleties and powers at play; but by speaking with you here and now, I believe I have come to better understand what it is the Jedi are."

He gestured toward Caedyn now. "It is my hope that I never have a reason to stand against a Jedi. Your cause seems well and good, or perhaps you are simply a good man. Regardless," his gaze shifted back to the machines that toiled below, plodding away as they reshaped a broken city.

"I too hope we might see a time when peace prevails." The King reached now for a goblet that was hastily delivered and lifted it to his lips. The deep vintage within soothed him as he sniffed, then sipped it.

Enlil gestured toward a second goblet, next to where the first had rested. "Do you indulge?"

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