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The Will of the Force Expungable Class Command Ship

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Okay this is something big and it is a faction wide thing. All hands on deck and that sort of thing. The old checklist was becoming out of date with several things. Namely that we don't want or need a flagship. If we had started to try and create one it was pointed out several factions might suddenly find the silver jedi interesting and appear to do nothing more then attack us, other groups we call friend might suddenly turn on us due to ooc influence.

So it has been scrapped and this new idea thanks to [member="Camellia Swift"] and Rendili came about... that fits perfectly with what the ship was going to be. A powerful command ship that is stationary with a defense fleet and a lot of defensive armaments, major systems and power requirements. She has also helped us create the Honorable Class Starfighters a gift to the Silver jedi and a Heralds Event Reward possibly.

For that there is a checklist and chance for everyone to contribute. I want padawans and their masters making stories on worlds to gather some materials, use the faction threads we have planned, use solo threads, use private threads. All that add to the ship and faction, all that adds to your character can serve and benefit this purpose.

Here is the ship, code named the Will of the Force because I can't think of any names so far and it is looking for input from other members, ideas, concepts, suggestions give it all. Then I will work it into the submission and we will try and make a great Flagship of the silver jedi.

I am going to be jumping in to try and move the already set up and going dev threads along. So the tech can be submitted to the factory and get it approved. Then we'll begin working on the important things like other dev thread, the ships reactor and bringing it all together.

Things that need to be done/secured

Bringing it all together
Experimental Reactor
Reactors and isotope harvested
Reactors completed and experimented, armor prototypes completed
Armor Prototypes
Snub fighters weapons and shield tested
Honorable Class Starfighters
Will of the Force Reactor completed
Molecular Converter -
Artifacts Vault
Advanced Astrometrics Lab -
Solid State Hologram Training Suite
Meditation chamber
Molecular Shielding
Advanced Communications
Advanced Sensors
Solar Ionization Cannon
Nightshadow Hull
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Updated and thanks to [member="Camellia Swift"]'s advice we are going to hopefully have a beast of a ship able to coordinate across silver jedi space and oversee what we need. There are a few things still needed but anyone who is looking to help come on in and join.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Serena Bouie"] your help would be welcomed, we have the vault created already. The meditation chamber we are still working on, another researcher helping search for things would be welcomed.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Serena Bouie"] possibly, there is a lot of history on Shri-Tal and in those mines. we found a clue nd discovered the Blade of beginnings (well I did but it is a secret)

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