Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG The Warm Brain Passes, Time For RP

Living In Color
Codex Judge
Yay no more covid! So congrats to me on that.

But also yeah I'm gonna click that reset button on basically all my rps (there's a couple I plan to finish, I'll let ya wonder which) and start anew with threads. So yeah. The list o' folks I'm using:

Iris: This lass. All scarred up and doing Padawan things again. What are those things? Good question let's make something up.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble : Oh a Jedi Master now. He's got an apptentice with my Irl wife's Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam (show em some love) but I'm always down to train another. Hit me up if ya want to mess with him or be his padawan or idk what else just hit me.

June Pepperpetal June Pepperpetal : Fae time prank time. I suck ooc at making pranks I've realized so yea now they do too. Wanna thread with em and see how bad? Feel free. And maybe I'll develop more of their personality.

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt : You ever wanna rp with a mando elf? Neither have I but hey he exists. Oh and as a Cyborg no less. Rp is a crazy place mang. He has no memory of who he was and an itch to go do mando thins so yea that's an option.

Firrerreo Firrerreo : I do Sith things now! Ferrerreo is my attempt at writing bad guys and yeee sometimes it just doesn't work but hey, live and learn. Want a bad guy to do bad things in your threads or something? Sure, we can start there.

@otheralts: I have em, you can see em in the connected account lists. Give me a pitch for any that might seem interesting if the above don't and I'll probably bring em out. Just y'know, I don't have em listed cause they ain't on the brain so don't expect much.

Okay go.

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