Father of Titans
The Wanderer

- Full name: No real name
- Preferred Name: Wanderer
- Alias: None
- Titles:
- Species: Human Replica Droid
- Homeworld: Not Known
- Faction(s): Independent
- Rank(s): Exile
- Class: Sniper, Tactical Soldier,
- Master(s): None
- Padawan(s): None
- Force Sensitive: Unknown, however, force sensitives will find that they can feel her in the force as she can be found "living"
- Force Alignment: True Neutral
- Gender: No Gender, Female Tendencies
- Age: Old
- Height: Six foot even
- Weight: Two Hundred and ten pounds
- Complexion: White
- Eye Color: Blue
- Hair Color: No visible hair
- Distinguishing Marks:
- Voice Sample: EXO Stranger - Destiny
- Appearance Description:
- Marital Status: None
- Sexual Conduct: No organs, but finds fascinations with both sexes and how they work.
- Languages: Galactic Basic, Unknown how many.
- Occupation: Sniper, Soldier, Hunter, Assassin
- Residence: Unknown
- Guns: The Wanderer seems to be able to use guns to a highly proficient level. It’s unknown how many guns she can use, or how many types of guns she can effectually handle. It’s supposed that she can use anything with a barrel.
- Stealth: Surprisingly for a droid, she is very silent and tends to not make any sound unless necessary. She is really the true meaning of “Seen and not heard”
- Robotic: With the ability to spin her hands, torso, head, and arms in 360 degrees, this allows her to have an all-encompassing range of motion. Meaning she can get you from just about any angle possible.
- Melee: Hand to hand combat, Knife fighting, and some short sword uses allow her to protect herself against would be Jedi, Sith, Force users in general, and the occasional thug. However, she is programed to know fighting styles, and therefore does not know the true use and applications of the forms. Meaning that if someone has more experience than her in hand to hand combat, or simply has fought in battles more than she has, she can slip up.
- Body: As she is an HDR, She feels no pain, nor remorse. Meaning if her limb is cut off, it can be put back on, or replaced very easily, and does not cause her pain in battle. As well, she is not one to be scared of killing others. In fact, she seems to like doing it.
- Emotional: Wanderer feels no emotions. Meaning she feels no empathy. She has the “programing” or “mindset” of only the strong will survive. The weak die when it is their turn.
- Body: While the Wanderer may be a droid, she can still be killed by cutting off parts of her. She can still be destroyed, and damaged. Just because she has a metal body, does not mean she can’t be killed like everyone else.
- Only the Strong: She believes and is programed to be strong. To survive an encounter with just about anything that comes her way. As such, she will feel anything about ending the life of one who is close to death. They are weak, therefore they die.
- Hackable: Yes, she can be hacked. While she can be hacked, that does not mean it won’t be hard. She has surprisingly state of the art firewalls to prevent it from happening. Seeing as how she is not connected on any grid or any type of wireless communication, she can only be tapped into manually.
- Humans: She is disgusted with most humans. The people who are fat and fill themselves with a substance called food, and lie, cheat, steal, Murder for no reason. She thinks very poorly of most organic species alive. The only ones she believes should be living are the natural living animals as they too work and think about “The strong survive.”
Not much is known about the Wanderer. Only that she is rarely seen by humans, droids, and others alike. She is mostly unknown. Calling her a Stranger, The Exiled, The Wanderer. All of these titles and names are given to her as she is seen carrying weapons, and is always cloaked. Reports of her being seen are soon lost as she is almost never seen on the planet again. Some reports say that she has been living since well before the time of the Gulag Plague. Yet she has done nothing but wander, and move from place to place. Serving an unknown master. It is from this that she continues her work.
Loathing for the day when the Chaos of the world will break through.
And soon, her story will begin to unravel.....
((OOC Information: This character's bio will change a lot in the coming months I will be playing her. In truth, there will be many changes to her that will be worked on constantly. So keep up to date if you want to know more. As well, if you would like to help in this process, just PM me and we can talk. Thanks. ))