Zenva Vrotoa
The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
The Vrotoa Sports Hall and Casino
Main casino
A source of income and potential enforcer recruiting for The Red Ravens criminal syndicate and Zenva Vrotoa's personal forces. Private office for Zenva on The Ravens "home world."
Gladiator arena / Casino
Planet, Antecendent. Located on the outskirts of the "Little Coruscant" district.
Zenva Vrotoa, The Red Ravens
The Vrotoa Sports Hall is considered small when compared to the massive skyscrapers that populate the Little Coruscant district with only 40 floors of the structure being above ground level.
The main floor or ground floor is primarily dedicated to the main lobby and an art gallery. The gallery houses relics, equipment and art work from throughout galactic history all following a simple theme; War and the endless struggle between Predator and Prey.
The second floor is dedicated to a restaurant and guest lounge. Featuring a bar, smoking room, small dance club and convention hall.
The main casino takes up the third and forth floor however, there is no actual divide between the floors. Consisting of one massive room, the main casino boasts an impressive array of gambling choices. From 1000 slot machines to 400 gaming tables. The main attraction being the upper tier, a series of platforms, walk ways and balconies; which hosts viewing and gambling areas for pod races and sporting events from across the galaxy.
Floors 5 through 35 are dedicated to guest accommodation in the form of an upper class hotel.
Floors 36 to 38 consists of "the high rollers" suites. Multiple rooms to each guest with jacuzzi tubs, private dining rooms, and balconies to look out over the city. The works. A small gym open to VIPs and high rollers only. A small lounge with a bar, billiard tables and various other complimentary accommodations.
The President level-
Floor 39 is made up of four distinct apartments. Apartment 1 is reserved exclusively for the use of Cryax Bane. While the decor of the apartment is similar to that of the other three, the apartment itself is larger. Hosting its own bar, kitchen and private wait staff intended to suit the tastes of the Ravens president. Apartments two, three and four are all of a similar floor plan and are reserved exclusively for use of VIPs from the Red Ravens criminal syndicate.
The Nerve Center-
Floor 40. Security control and casino monitoring. Zenva Vrotoa's private office. A medical center. An armory for the facility personal. Back up generator for the building, equipt with E.M.P. shielding.
The roof of the hotel is equipt with a landing pad 35 meters wide. Allowing a wide variety of transport shuttles to land. In the event Zenva Vrotoa is in the facility her personal Lambda-class shuttle will occupy this landing pad.
Access to the top two floors and roof are strictly reserved for members of The Red Ravens criminal syndicate.
The Pit-
Beneath the hotel and casino is the true attraction of The Vrotoa Sports Hall. A massive coliseum built around a 30 meter wide and 15 meter deep pit, for martial combat in all its forms. From boxing events, both gloved and bare knuckle, mixed martial arts, sword combat and even imported creatures pitted against man and beast alike. The arena itself seats a whopping 45,000 public seats and another 5000 people in private pavilions scattered about the arena. These pavilions have their own holo-projectors offering its occupants a great view of the event thus a greater experience. Beyond that the pavilion is little more than a roped off section of seats with it's own dedicated waiter/waitress.
VIP boxes-
Twelve VIP boxes line the top of The Pit. Each one is made from reinforced durasteel with the exception of the wall facing into The Pit. This is made of one way transparisteel, allowing the occupants to view the event while providing privacy and safety from both onlookers and any creatures fighting in the event. Each VIP box is equipped with an emergency turbo lift that will transport the guests to either the roof landing pad or to the underground enterance used for by handlers to bring in the exotic beasts. A private turbo lift brings VIPs from ground level to a private hallway which connects to all the VIP boxes.
Three entrances to the facility. The front door is equipped with an array of weapons scanners and under constant guard by both Ravens enforcers and Vrotoa clan warriors.
The roof access is intended for emergency escape, as such the only way to gain entry via this point is with Zenva Vrotoa's pass code and voice signature. Furthermore there are two concealed KDD-2055 Short Range Turbo Lazers situated on the roof to prevent enemy craft from landing.
Underground facility access point. A series of check points provide security and allow the processing of imports consisting of an outer set of blast doors, a processing check point, inner blast doors and finally the containment area for the creatures. Security here is extremely heavy.
Zenva Vrotoa is a creature born to conflict, bred and trained since childhood to be a warrior. The creation of her own private battle field was only natural for her. The coliseum gives her the privilege of watching and participating in martial competition when ever the mood strikes her with minimal risk to herself or her clan.
Financial backing from The Red Ravens has allowed her to create her own playground for war. An ingrained need to impress those around her lead to the inclusion of a hotel and casino. A nod to the Dragon Palace Casino which is located in the same district.
While the true goal of the Sports Hall is for Zenva's own enjoyment of blood sport, she was not forgetful of the fact that The Red Ravens made this possible. A large majority of profits are funneled directly back to the organization. While those that show true promise in the arena are often offered jobs working for The Ravens or even Zenva herself.
Development thread: Will provide if required.
The Vrotoa Sports Hall and Casino
Main casino
A source of income and potential enforcer recruiting for The Red Ravens criminal syndicate and Zenva Vrotoa's personal forces. Private office for Zenva on The Ravens "home world."
Gladiator arena / Casino
Planet, Antecendent. Located on the outskirts of the "Little Coruscant" district.
Zenva Vrotoa, The Red Ravens
The Vrotoa Sports Hall is considered small when compared to the massive skyscrapers that populate the Little Coruscant district with only 40 floors of the structure being above ground level.
The main floor or ground floor is primarily dedicated to the main lobby and an art gallery. The gallery houses relics, equipment and art work from throughout galactic history all following a simple theme; War and the endless struggle between Predator and Prey.
The second floor is dedicated to a restaurant and guest lounge. Featuring a bar, smoking room, small dance club and convention hall.
The main casino takes up the third and forth floor however, there is no actual divide between the floors. Consisting of one massive room, the main casino boasts an impressive array of gambling choices. From 1000 slot machines to 400 gaming tables. The main attraction being the upper tier, a series of platforms, walk ways and balconies; which hosts viewing and gambling areas for pod races and sporting events from across the galaxy.
Floors 5 through 35 are dedicated to guest accommodation in the form of an upper class hotel.
Floors 36 to 38 consists of "the high rollers" suites. Multiple rooms to each guest with jacuzzi tubs, private dining rooms, and balconies to look out over the city. The works. A small gym open to VIPs and high rollers only. A small lounge with a bar, billiard tables and various other complimentary accommodations.
The President level-
Floor 39 is made up of four distinct apartments. Apartment 1 is reserved exclusively for the use of Cryax Bane. While the decor of the apartment is similar to that of the other three, the apartment itself is larger. Hosting its own bar, kitchen and private wait staff intended to suit the tastes of the Ravens president. Apartments two, three and four are all of a similar floor plan and are reserved exclusively for use of VIPs from the Red Ravens criminal syndicate.
The Nerve Center-
Floor 40. Security control and casino monitoring. Zenva Vrotoa's private office. A medical center. An armory for the facility personal. Back up generator for the building, equipt with E.M.P. shielding.
The roof of the hotel is equipt with a landing pad 35 meters wide. Allowing a wide variety of transport shuttles to land. In the event Zenva Vrotoa is in the facility her personal Lambda-class shuttle will occupy this landing pad.
Access to the top two floors and roof are strictly reserved for members of The Red Ravens criminal syndicate.
The Pit-
Beneath the hotel and casino is the true attraction of The Vrotoa Sports Hall. A massive coliseum built around a 30 meter wide and 15 meter deep pit, for martial combat in all its forms. From boxing events, both gloved and bare knuckle, mixed martial arts, sword combat and even imported creatures pitted against man and beast alike. The arena itself seats a whopping 45,000 public seats and another 5000 people in private pavilions scattered about the arena. These pavilions have their own holo-projectors offering its occupants a great view of the event thus a greater experience. Beyond that the pavilion is little more than a roped off section of seats with it's own dedicated waiter/waitress.
VIP boxes-
Twelve VIP boxes line the top of The Pit. Each one is made from reinforced durasteel with the exception of the wall facing into The Pit. This is made of one way transparisteel, allowing the occupants to view the event while providing privacy and safety from both onlookers and any creatures fighting in the event. Each VIP box is equipped with an emergency turbo lift that will transport the guests to either the roof landing pad or to the underground enterance used for by handlers to bring in the exotic beasts. A private turbo lift brings VIPs from ground level to a private hallway which connects to all the VIP boxes.
Three entrances to the facility. The front door is equipped with an array of weapons scanners and under constant guard by both Ravens enforcers and Vrotoa clan warriors.
The roof access is intended for emergency escape, as such the only way to gain entry via this point is with Zenva Vrotoa's pass code and voice signature. Furthermore there are two concealed KDD-2055 Short Range Turbo Lazers situated on the roof to prevent enemy craft from landing.
Underground facility access point. A series of check points provide security and allow the processing of imports consisting of an outer set of blast doors, a processing check point, inner blast doors and finally the containment area for the creatures. Security here is extremely heavy.
Zenva Vrotoa is a creature born to conflict, bred and trained since childhood to be a warrior. The creation of her own private battle field was only natural for her. The coliseum gives her the privilege of watching and participating in martial competition when ever the mood strikes her with minimal risk to herself or her clan.
Financial backing from The Red Ravens has allowed her to create her own playground for war. An ingrained need to impress those around her lead to the inclusion of a hotel and casino. A nod to the Dragon Palace Casino which is located in the same district.
While the true goal of the Sports Hall is for Zenva's own enjoyment of blood sport, she was not forgetful of the fact that The Red Ravens made this possible. A large majority of profits are funneled directly back to the organization. While those that show true promise in the arena are often offered jobs working for The Ravens or even Zenva herself.
Development thread: Will provide if required.