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Approved Lore The Vondiranach Family

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  • Organization Name: The Vondiranach Family
  • Classification: Family
  • Loyalties: Loyalties are inter-family as well as to the Hawk, Hinata, and Siegfried families.
  • Organization Symbol: See above.
  • Description: This is the Vondiranach family as spawned from the Maxi and Zerxes generation, and extending out numerous generations.
  • Headquarters: Not applicable. See Realm below.
  • Realm: Brokellia, Eshan, Oaken Dawn, Dathomir, Concord Dawn
  • Domain: The family has royal jurisdiction on Eshan by virtue of Spencer Jacobs being the Queen.
  • Notable Assets: The palace of the Queen on Eshan, and various otheother homes scattered throughout the galaxy.
  • Hierarchy: Hierarchy in the family is purely based on age.
  • Membership: The number continually increases and decreases as time goes on. Actively there are roughly ten to fifteen.
  • Influence: Varies. In the Sister Worlds of the Echani the family has substantial influence as Spencer Jacobs is the Queen of Eshan, and all descendants of Kamon are at least partially Echani. Among the Witches of Dathomir they have some small influence because of who Spencer and Aston's mother is. In the galaxy as a whole the name commands minor respect because of the actions of the family over the years, but also infamy in some systems.
  • Climate: It's complicated. There is a lot of animosity among the younger generations towards Kamon, largely as a result of absenteeism. A few of his kids have displayed animosity towards each other while others appear to get along. The extended family is largely on the outside looking in, but still respected. Generation 4 and beyong seem to get along well with most everyone in the family.
  • Reputation: Neutral. Realistically, how people view the family depends on their interaction with the family. In certain locations they have renown. In other locations they may be barely known or unknown all together. Sith tend to view the family unfavorably, and Jedi tend to be indifferent. They are by no means galactically renowned, but the name is out there.
  • Rules: There are no true family rules. No restrictions on marriage or requirement for it and producing offspring. It's a family, and while there may be household rules unique to the individual, or encompassed within the confines of a people group, they are not typical of all Vondiranach's.
  • Doctrines: There is no centralized doctrine except in the belief that family is everything. It is a tenet that is taught from one generation to the next, that each always seek to take care of family when necessary. As history shows, some aren't the best of parents, but still that tenet remains. It is entirely frowned upon for there to be any form of blood feud within the family. These have very rarely happened historically.
  • Goals: The protection of family at the cost of the self, and support of the various worlds the family calls home.

Generation 1(Deceased): Maxi Vondiranach and Naomi Hinata-Vondiranach

Generation 2: Kalia Vondiranach, Corbin Vondiranach, Kamon Vondiranach

Generation 3 (Kalia and Johnathan Walsh): Sophia Walsh, Oliver Walsh, and Laura Walsh

Generation 3 (Kamon and Petra'dri Cavataio): Meteora Cavataio

Generation 4 (Meteora and Theo Vessia): Squeak Vessia

Generation 5 (Squeak and Marus Thyne): Kamon Vessia [Family history is somewhat lost here until Thomas Vessia comes into the picture.]

Generation Unknown (Thomas Vessia and Mary): Manu Vessia, Dharma Vessia, Amari Vessia

Generation Unknown + 1 (Dharma and Shinju Ayasha): Minerva Vessia and Bundori Vessia

Generation Unknown (Unknown Parental Lineage): Keiko Cavataio

Generation 3 (Kamon and Satara Hawk): Spencer Jacobs and Aston Jacobs

Generation 4 (Spencer and Ashin Varanin): Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs

Generation 3 (Kamon and Violette Ryder-Siegfried): Barrien Siegfried

Generation 3 (Kamon and Vhonte Rook ): Quell Rook

Generation 1(Deceased): Zerxes Vondiranach and Unknown Wife

Generation 2: Xaedrin Vondiranach

The Vondiranach family originated on Eshan. They were not one of the primary families to dominate the world, but were noted for their combat prowess and investigative practices. Over the years, several members of the family began to move away from Eshan, expanding their influence. Both Maxi and his brother Zerxes would end up doing such. Zerxes settled in an unknown location and spawned one child, Xaedrin, whereas Maxi settled on then Corellia sometime prior to the Clone Wars breaking out. He did not serve in the clone wars, and instead enlisted in CorSec, serving as one of its investigators.

At the same time, a woman of Corellian descent, Naomi Hinata, met Maxi. The two of them fell in love, and had three children: twins Kalia and Corbin, and younger Kamon. Unbeknownst to Maxi or the kids, the Hinata family, many years before Naomi was born, had meddled with their genetics using the Force. A powerful force using family, they had acquired the knowledge necessary to create a form of immortality. An imperfect form, but a form nonetheless. They had effectively made it so that as long as they weren't killed by a family member, or had their bodies completely eradicated by something such as nuclear fire or a sun bath, they would ultimately return to life. Most, over the years, have sought death, with none known to have lived longer than a thousand years.

The three siblings were separated when Kamon was roughly six years old, as their family was murdered by a gang seeking vengeance on Maxi. The three siblings ended up split up in the ensuing struggle, all believing their parents were dead. Their mother did survive, though many years later she also sought death, by flying her ship into a star. The three ended up growing up separate lives, and Kalia would eventually marry a man named Johnathan Walsh, a then Admiral in the Republic, and the two had three children.

Kamon would appear, disappear, and reappear throughout the timeline of the galaxy, often spending stints frozen in carbonite. On one such appearance he met a young Cavataio woman, Petra'dri. The two fell in love and had a daughter, Meteora, who sparked a line of Vondiranach-Vessia hybrids who survive to this day. Later down the line, he met and trained Satara Hawk. While he was in love with her, he made no advances on that feeling as a result of the fact that she was already claimed by another. He did, however, convince her to have a children with him through unnatural means as he, at the time without memory of Meteora, believed he would never have children as he was destined to die soon. Satara agreed and Spencer and Aston came of that. Ultimately he did die, but this is when he learned of his family's curse, which started his spiral into depression.

During the time after his death, he visited several worlds, including Oaken Dawn and Concord Dawn. On both worlds he had flings that weren't ever met to last, and both spawned offspring, Barrien Siegfried and Quell Rook. When he finally returned to the galaxy at large, Spencer and Aston, the only children he knew he had, were nearing adulthood and both resented him. This was especially so when he did not approve of Spencer marrying Ashin Varanin. This union would spark the creation of his granddaughter, Ibaris.

During the struggle for power in the lapse of the Echani Compact, a government Kamon had seen fit to support, Spencer Jacobs was installed as the Queen of Eshan, taking over control of the world and elevating the Vondiranach family to a place of power it had never before enjoyed. The future of the family has progressed into the hands of generation's three and four, with generation two taking its leave of the galaxy as generation one already has. The Vessia, by virtue of being spawned further in the past, have progressed down to an unknown generation number because of records lost in the darkness, but they continue the line as well.
[member="Kamon Vondiranach"]

For the most part this is fine, but after briefly discussing it with Spencer I'd like to you to tweak the wording here a bit:

Domain: The family controls Eshan by virtue of Spencer Jacobs being the Queen.
Change control to something like royal jurisdiction and I will be able to stamp this.
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