Derisive Umbaran

When someone aggravates a member of the Tion Hegemony, the Tionese Whiteguard will probably deal with that someone. If someone aggravates the entire Tion Hegemony, then the Tionese Blackguard are summoned to eradicate the issue. The Tionese Blackguard are a small, unmatched force of men and women with the objectives of executing the will of the Tion Cluster at any and all cost. They answer only to the uppermost echelons of Tionese authority, and their origins are almost as shadowy as their true masters.
Upon her mysterious death, a powerful Sith Lord privately willed her private army to one of the benefactors of the Tion Hegemony. Not one to keep an entire organic army at his beck and call, Gerion Ardik re-purposed the Bladeborn into another arm of the Tion Hegemony. They became known as the Tionese Blackguard, a secretive organization of the Force Users now dedicated to the unholy cause of Tionese economic Imperialism.
During the One Sith's occupation of Coruscant, a wily bureaucrat began to gather up destitute refugees, rehabilitate them, and then ship them off as part of a campaign to ensure the development of the less-populous worlds owned by the One Sith. During the probing of Coruscant's under levels, many Force Sensitives were rounded up. Rather than ship them to the One Sith academy, the bureaucrat elected to give them to his once-pupil, a fellow Umbaran, so that she could use them for her own purposes.
From these rehabilitated refugees came the Bladeborn, an elite fighting force dedicated unflinchingly to their mistress. Upon her death, these Bladeborn were willed to the bureaucrat, who by then had become deeply entrenched in the Tion Hegemony. Realizing he had little use for an army of Bladeborn, he had them all swear allegiance to the Hegemony and instead become the Tionese Blackguard.
To this end, the Bladeborn are made up of a wide variety of humans, near-humans, and alien species that at least posses a humanoid frame. They are all Force Sensitives, possessed of an unflinching steel demeanor and suicidal loyalty. All of which have names, origins, and histories relating to Coruscant that they remember, but do not care to re-obtain. They were once drug addicts, criminals, and lepers. But thanks to the bureaucrat and the Sith, they became something more.
Something better.
For demographics, roughly 75% of the Blackguard are Apprentice-level Force Users. 20% are of Low-Level Knight Status, while the remaining 5% are adept Knights.
Unlike the Whiteguard, the Blackguard are not considered for any cybernetic augmentation. Cybernetics have a nasty tendency to delude one's connection to the Force, which the Blackguard rely heavily upon. Instead, the Blackguard are given their own unique set of armor. Lightweight, yet practical in defense from small arms fire.
For armaments, the Blackguard rely primarily on melee weapons. This mostly includes vibroswords, but the ones considered at least a rank of Knight often carry Lightsabers with a grey crystal included. Although they are preferential to melee combat, Blackguard are also given a wrist-mounted blaster with both lethal and stun settings.
Like the Whiteguard, the armor of the Blackguard is modeled after the Stormtroopers of a bygone era, albeit with significant changes. Thankfully, it retains a much more effective field record than others.
The Blackguard can only be regularly found at Fort Xim, though their presence there is a closely guarded secret and only a fraction of their true number are present. Otherwise, the Blackguard can mostly be found in groups ranging from one to five (and no greater), usually in the company of someone of ungodly power and influence within the Tion Cluster. This generally amounts to heads of state and the owners of galaxy-spanning corporations.
There are no other Blackguard installations, outposts, or citadels. The Blackguard are of too small a number to warrant such an arrangement. Instead, due to their relatively small number, they are mostly found throughout the Tion Cluster sprinkled in exceptionally small numbers. If ever more than five are encountered, you are either trespassing at Fort Xim or interrupting a meeting of the Hegemony.