Lenix Ornil

Image Source: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080114154433/starwars/nl/images/8/8d/GR-75_1.jpg
Affiliation: Open Market (Military Oriented)
Manufacturer: Galofree Yards Inc.
Model: GR-75 Transporter (Custom Variant)
Modularity: No
Production: Variant
Material: Durasteel
Classification: Transporter
Length: 90 Meters
Width: 22 Meters
Height: 16 Meters
Armament: 10/20
Hangar: 2 Starfighters
Special Features: Cargo Space taken out and replaced with a large internal hangar, for salvage equipment and large salvaged parts, diagnostics and most repairs crewed by salvaged droids (though actions are slower than with a sentient crew) Upgraded sub light engines and a class 0.9 Hyperdrive (both highly unreliable and subject to maintenance), 2 medium strength Tractor beams for collecting salvage (The owner being a Squib, the tractor beams are finely made and precise)
Maneuverability Rating: 12/20
- Faster than most stock ships in its class
- Large cargo space, and custom hangar allows for hefty load space
- Modestly armed for it's class
- Cumbersome at maneuvering
- Automated crew can make certain actions sluggish compared to human control
- Hyperdrive and custom sublight engines high maintenance
Description: [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]The ship was Lenix's second after the CR90 Corvette [/SIZE]The Interceptor [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]and was purchased for it's superior cargo and salvage capabilities. The Squib had to put a lot of work into making her systems up to scratch but once the custom sub-light drives and Class 0.9 hyperdrive were fitted, the once sluggish freighter now could break the sound barrier! Leading to her name the [/SIZE]Thunderflash[SIZE=11.9999990463257px]. Fitted with a custom hangar to accommodate speeders and his salvaging equipment, the ship is the first step into the big leagues![/SIZE]
Development Thread:N/A
Intent: A better ship for salvage use than his old ship, and something less expensive to repair
Who Can Use This: Specific variant- Lenix Ornil
Primary Source: N/A