Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Testing of a new Apprentice

Mike V’Trechen requested his new apprentice to meet him at the hanger. It was time that his apprentice learns terror and fear. Yes, Mike had to vanquish his own fears, but his apprentice had to learn how weak his apprentice really is.

Mike had planned a good trial. He had found an abandoned oil platform on Bespin. Earlier, Mike had sent out a ship that brought a TX-1 robot there. He knew that it might be a little dangerous for his new apprentice, but it was time to see what his apprentice can do. Mike fell onto a chair and waited for his new apprentice to arrive.


Lord of Machines
Laziryth ,after his first meeting with Mike, waited in his home on Bespin for his new master's orders. After a week of waiting he received a message from Mike to meet him in the hanger of the Red Dragon HQ. Hastefully, Laziryth made his way to the HQ to meet his new found teacher.

The Shuttle ride was quiet and long. Laziryth wondered exactly what kind of trial his master has planned for him. He feared that he be a waste of time to his master..He feared failure..

The shuttle finally touched down in the hanger of the Red Dragon HQ as Laziryth exits the shuttle. He sees his master walking up to him slowly and kneeling..

"What is thy bidding my master..?"
Mike was happy to see his new apprentice. He had waited for a hour and a half for him to arrive. Mike was very excited, but first testing had to be done.

“Rise!” said Mike. “I need you to go to this abandon oil platform. You need to destroy a rouge TX-1 robot. This shuttle will take you there. Go!”

Laziryth Laziryth


Lord of Machines
Laziryth nodded and turned to enter the shuttle. He sat and thought of how he could attempt to combat this threat with his lack of weapons. He thought the best way would be to use his physical strength, being a cyborg, he was physically powerful.

The shuttle arrived at the platform and Laziryth rushed out confident with a little bit of fear. He examined the platform postured to fight but saw nothing.. He walked out to the center of the platform examining it carefully, his cybernetics helping him see through the planets gases.

He turned back toward the shuttle to see the droid coming from behind the landed shuttle... His trial was about to begin.
Mike went back to his office. He activated a droid to fly to the abandoned facility. Mike relaxed in his chair. He could not wait for all the action that is about to go down. He saw the robot and his apprentice and cannot wait for it to all go down.

Laziryth Laziryth


Lord of Machines
Laziryth would stare down the robot as it paced toward him. Laziryth noticed the blaster on its hip and as he noticed the TX-1 drew it. The TX would shot one shot as Laziryth slid under it now sprinting at the droid.

The collision was loud as the sounds of metal on metal echoed across the platform. The blaster would fly from the TX-1 and slide several feet from the two. Laziryth would throw two punches each landing on either side of its metal head. The TX-1 then would throw the near 300 pound Laziryth off of him and rise to his feet. Laziryth soon followed and noticed the blaster laying only feet away. The TX-1 saw it as well as they both ran to it attempting to gain the upper hand. Laziryth would reach it first but before he could turn he would be hit by the machine in the back sending him to the floor in pain. Laziryth, still with the blaster in hand, would roll on to his back and fire one shot hitting the TX-1 in the chest.

The droid then would drop to one knee visible in pain as Laziryth rised to his feet. He then would grab the wounded droid by the head and twist snapping the droids head nearly off its shoulders as it drops to the floor for good.

Laziryth now exhausted and battered would turn to the shuttle and begin to board it to return.. On his way he would begin to see visions..but of what? Laziryth would begin to see flashes of fighting. Sparks and war screams of pain and loss. Laziryth would cover his eyes trying to free himself from the visions. What could they mean? Why was he seeing these things? Who was he fighting and why?
Mike watched the fight with great interest. He saw his new apprentice just stood there like a block of carbonite. Mike did not know what was going on, but it came to pass. He saw his new apprentice walk back to his ship. Mike stopped viewing the video feed and put it on his desk. He wondered what was going on.

Mike walked back to the hangar. He saw the shuttle coming down, so he stopped. It looked like his apprentice could handle himself. Mike decided that the new apprentice past the test. The world has now formed. Mike waits on his apprentice to come out.

Laziryth Laziryth


Lord of Machines
The shuttle that carried the now battered and hallucinating Laziryth would land in the hanger. Emerging victorious Laziryth would slowly march from the ship to face his master. Laziryth wondered if he had done good enough, but none the less he was about to find out.

"I have eliminated the rogue TX-1 as you have asked" Laziryth states waiting for his masters response.
Mike was happy, but he noticed a pause. He was a skilled observer. Mike knew that something was amiss. He walked towards his apprentice. He knew that this apprentice was worthy of his time.

“Hello apprentice,” said Mike. “You are now my new apprentice. I saw how hesitated you were. I am just happy that you have returned safely. I watched it all through a drone. I saw that at one point, you stopped and stood still. Do you want to talk about that?”

Laziryth Laziryth


Lord of Machines
Laziryth was concerned and impressed at the same time at his masters observation.

"Yes something is bothering me..I saw something...Maybe it was the gases..maybe the droid just knocked me silly..but I saw chaos, death, war and someone was with me..I couldn't quite make out who it was.." Laziryth finished staring at the ground holding his injured torso trying to
decipher the meaning of his vision.

"Do you know what this may have been?" Laziryth awaits his masters wisdom."
Mike looked concerned. He thought that this was probably a vision. Mike did not know if this was from the future or past. He did not look at his apprentice. Mike did not want to show that he was concerned. Mike did not really know what to say. He did know of a friend that might could help.

“Apprentice,” said Mike. “I have some connections. I do not know what really happened to you. I can, however, contact some people that might have a answer. I will see you tomorrow. We are going to have a wedding. Maybe, after the wedding, we could do some training. If you are going to be my apprentice, I expect you to learn how to defend and attack. You defeated a TX-1 robot. This was just a warmup. You cannot beat a Jedi or Sith with your fighting.”

Mike extended his arm. He waited to shake Lazirynth’s hand. Mike left the hanger. He had some stuff to do like contacting his allies. This vision really concerned him. Did Lazirynth had a vision about The Red Dragon’s death?

Laziryth Laziryth

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