Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Strange Mission

Kalic turned the Star Crest with surprising speed as he ran another two lines of fire through the enemy forces. The pilot definitely seemed to be helping with the attack; thinning out enemy forces for the ground troops to have a good chance. The pilot pulled around again, but his droid soon started yelling at him.

“(What’s that pilot doing?!)” Kalic looked up to “see” a fighter darting straight up. He quickly began calling though the comma.

“Daws to whoever’s in that fighter, where in the galaxy are you going!?” No answer. Greeeaat. Well, he best stay on task. He strafed again, but as he turned for the next strike, the Miraluka realized a frigate had entered the fray. A voice then came over the comms. “Attention Fel Empire this is ES-06 I have brought some backup, Z1 FIRE!” The pilot quickly pulled out of his strafing run, and called out to the ES. “ES-06 that’s some amazing backup!”


Seeing the missiles launch they hit and caused the walls to crumble although this measure was extreme and he almost harmed some of his allies on accident he was in full-blown war mode, his blood was pumping and his anger even more so " Ok ESU new plan the missiles are too dangerous, Z1 use the targeting computer FIRE ALL 10 QUAD TURBO LASER CANNONS " the droid did as asked as he fired down on the castle no explosive damage but the amount of fire that would come down on them would do damage and help push further inside. Hovering over the entrance to the castle as weapons of all kinds were thrown at the Frigate " Z1 turn on the Deflector shields " this would prevent any damage to the Frigate which if it crashed the explosives onboard would surely level this whole island and castle killing anything they would need to avoid this at all times good for them throwing melee weapons would do nothing against the shields or heavy armor.

[member="Regent William Harris I"] | [member="Kalic Daws"] | [member="Samantha Jade"] | [member="Paris"] |
Location: Marederian Castle, gates

Harris through his hands upwards as a massive clump of the wall crashed down towards him. He screamed in horror as the clump slowed, still slowly falling towards him. Harris felt agenizing pain in his arms as the wall floated to a stop, Harris slowly stood, keeping the object suspended above his head with the force.
Harris yelled as he reversed the momentum of the wall and surrounding debris, throwing it like a catapult into the surviving area of the gate. Harris stepped out of the crater and turned to face the army of allies. He put his arm by his side, and faced his hand to the crater, his sword flew from the crater to his hand, landing in his hand delicately before being raised above his head with a mighty yell.
The men screamed and cheered in agreeance as Harris turned towards the wall and began to run over the rubble towards gates of Marder. The men stormed through the massive, crumbling entrance of the walls. Harris and his men haulted as the screams of citizens became audible, they looked out at warriors and citizens fleeing, as fire overcame the buildings and a thick black smoke rose into the air. The city was taken, but at what cost?
Harris called forwards his personal men, Along with two of his guards who had been, up until this point, been hidden in the crowd. The men delivered Harris his grey cloak, and he put it over his new uniform. He and his two guards, followed by a small portion of the army marched on the palace, his men marching slowly past the fleeing enemies running the opposite direction. Some elements of the Fel navy began to land on the castle as his capital ship broke through the clouds, revealing itself. The landing teams were mostly garrison and medical to assist in this humanitarian catastrophe. Harris gazed upwards, then quickly shot his attention back forwards. For the second time this month, Harris began to march up the stairs to dethrone another ruler. As Harris reached the door, He and his men had to push it forward, full strength, to even crack it open due to the monumental damage. As the door opened, court ministers and maids fled. Harris stepped aside, and as the people all made it out, he stepped through. He, his two guards, and about 100 men marched into the dimly throne room. The walls were trashed, the windows broke, and the only light was from the rising sun gleaming through the new holes.
"I'm sorry King, you have been defeated."
A rather feeble man sat upon the throne, tears in eyes, deeply saddened.
"I understand."
The man stood from the throne and put out his hands for Harris' guards to arrest him. Harris motion and the men did as commanded, forcing the king out of the throne room. Harris shook his head. What his father had always told him was right. War is Hell...
Kalic looked from above as the people of the primitive kingdom began to flee. It was an odd sight from the air. It really began to hit him with just what he was a part of. He watched from the sky as Harris's men stormed the castle. Well... he never thought he'd see that. The pilot continued to vulture overhead until he saw the navy vessels began to land. The Miraluka soon called out to the other two pilots. "ES-71, ES-09. I'm headed to the surface." The Star Crest then screeched as it was brought down towards the deck, slowing as its landing gear deployed. The craft touched down with it's screeching halted, and the man pulled his helmet off and jumped out of the craft, soon followed by his G3-D9.
Objective 3: Assist in the development of this dump
Allies: N/A
Opposition: N/A
Post #3

"I don't seem to be 'catching your drift' as the kids say these days" chuckling lightheartedly and eyeing up one of his attendants, whom was paying absolutely zero attention to the Lord. His eyes glanced down to the mug of mead, now empty after just a minute of it being present on the table. For a few seconds, he stared in amazement of his drinking capabilities, before looking up again to see Paris rattling on about something.

"-... simple. If you were to say, secure additional zoning permissio-..." blanking out once more. While his eyes wanted to dance around the room, looking for something, anything to drag him away from this tedious business meeting, he couldn't. While he couldn't comprehend what she was communicating, his face seemed to convey that he pondered every word with meticulousness. A few minutes passed and this continued; before he finally stirred from his state of mental stasis and was brought back into the room. Conveniently, at that very point, Paris was just about wrapping up the 10 minute explanation of the company's plans to help revitalize the area. "for the mere price of 1,000,000 credits." smiling after repeating the agreed upon price.

The Lord's eyes widened as the alcohol began to wear off. Left agape, he looked down onto the contract page and saw exactly that. One with 6 zeroes after that. He could have swore that he didn't actually just agree to give away the equivalent of 5 years of his salary to some mediocre-looking woman with an unheard of brand. But he did.
Kalic walked around the derlect castle, seeing the carnage that was wreaked by the fighters and frigate. The Miraluka began to look around for [member="Regent William Harris I"], hoping to get an idea of what to do next. He watched as the relief vessels flew down, and watched as troopers led who appeared to be a ruler away. Jee let out a few electronic whistles as her head dome twisted left and right. Kalic looked back and stopped. “I know,” he began. “Looks so war torn for somewhere so primitive.” He then eyed the ground for moment before speaking again. “It almost seems unfair: To fight from the air and with blasters against people who are this low tech.” Jee let out another whistle as they walked through what use to be doors.

Once inside, Daws looked for that hint of the Force that he noticed on Harris earlier. The castle’s interior was quite beautiful. In fact, the pilot had never seen any place like this. Once he finally saw Harris, Kalic walked up to the Regent, waiting for any business to finish, and spoke. “Well boss, guess that’s one down.” Kalic notably sounded a bit unsure with his words, but he still continued. “So. What’s the next mission? Hit one of the other kingdoms?”
Objectives: Unclear
Location: Marder Castle

Harris watched the men arrest the compliant King, he dozed off, thinking of the massacre that had just occ-
"Well boss, guess that one's down." Harris was startled, as he hadn't noticed [member="Kalic Daws"] walk in. He started off again, "So what's our next mission? Hit one of the other kingdoms?"
"Yes, well... You will have to join forces with our men, be prepared to crush the enemies who still stand against us, and don't kill them all. Kill half of a kings army, and he will bow to you. These kings are all about power, and we just proved to the most of them that we have it. We were at the disadvantage, and we wiped them out. Our best bet now is to continue east by transport to attack the Kingdom of Turken. The Turks are strong, and they will be a tough enemy to our allies, but not to us. I am sending in two detachments of stormtroopers via landing craft to assault the main castle, while the two armies will participate in more ceremonial combat outside the gates. This time we will try not to blow up half the damm city. I expect you are capable of such."
Kalic nodded in agreeance to Harris, they were seeing eye to eye at last.
"I have important matters to attend to in my quarters on the ship, but I will join you before long. This time I want you on the ground. I refuse to use air superiority amongst the civilian populace again."
Two stormtroopers marched through the door of the throne room. They wore grey armor with a gold stripe, with cloaks and the sign of the Empire, with Harris' modification on their shoulders. They approached Harris and Harris knew what this was all about.
"If you wouldn't mind Kalic, I have important matters to attend to. I will join you shortly."
"No problem at all Sir."
Kalic left the room and the two strange looking troopers finally saluted and began.
"We have at long last found the homeworld of the saber crystals, Our ship can get us their within the hour, and we can be back soon. No one will know we'd had left."
"Alrighty, well lets move quickly."
As Harris started after the Guardsmen, the light rippled in front of him and two beings, dressed in elegant armor, fizzled into existence in front of him. They let out a series of clicks and inorganic noise at Harris.
"No, you two stay here, I'm in good company with the Guardsmen, They were hiding in the shadows long before you were."
The two beings warped and twisted before forming into two regular troopers. They saluted and began to walk away, newly appearing blasters drawn.
Harris walked out of the castle, into the moonlit night and followed the two troopers with heavy cloaks to a small vessels just outside of the city. He boarded and sat down in a seat in the back of the vessel. As they lifted off, a beeping came from the cockpit and the men pushed a few buttons, over the radio a female voice questioned, "The Regent?"
The vessel shot off into space, as it reached orbit, it began to buckle and shake. The hyperdrive was charging.
"Alright men, next stop Ilum."
Kalic listened carefully to [member="Regent William Harris I"]. Apparently the next target was somewhere called Turken. He honestly thought it sound like some kind of food, but that may have just been him. The Regent then noted that a whole army didn’t have to be defeated, only half. This made Daws just a bit curious. He knew nothing of this world’s culture, but he noticed some trends. They seemed honorable, like most Mandalorians. Or, well, true Mandalorians. Maybe not the same honor system, but still something he needed to remember. He also noted the use of assault craft. He knew the The crafts well. His mercenary squadron had been hired to fight a group that was using them. Easy to down if you lacked air superiority. Heck, you didn’t even need that. An interceptor could boom-and-zoom them with much effort. But they had the technological advantage here. It didn’t really matter all that much.

When Harris asked the pilot if he could avoid leveling half the city, the Miraluka nodded. He had avoided striking civilians before, at least as best he could. He could do it again. But Harris surprised the pilot by wanting him on the ground. The pilot was confused for a second, until the Regent explained his reluctance. Kalic had some worry on his face. He was a pilot, not an trooper. Yes, he was a decent shot with his T-21, but.... There was no use arguing. He gave his CO a “Yes sir” before some odd troopers. He didn’t see like most beings, but he had some odd perception of color. They appeared to be some sort of high ranking guard. After they approached, Harris stated he had business to attend too. "No problem at all Sir,” the man responded before leaving the castle himself.

He made his way to the Star Crest to fetch his heavy rifle and his helmet. He looked over at Jee pointing to the ship. “Stay with the Star Crest Jee. Don’t want to leave it unwatched. Someone may take her for a ride, or try to scrap her. Just be sure that doesn’t happen, ok.”

“(Ok, fine! I’ll stay.)”

Kalic just shook his head and slid on his helmet before walking towards the place the assault crafts sat. One of the troopers shot him a glance, to which Kalic simply replied, “Orders.”
Lori was on her first little humanitarian mission. She had been spending her time, since leaving her Mandalorian guardians, travelling the Galaxy in her little training fighter the Grey Sparrow.

Word had spread of the Fel Empire spreading their influence to the Tantorus system. It was sort of like what her Mom did, and given that she hadn't come across a Sith world before, she wanted to do a bit of exploring. And help out of course!

Securing a ride with one of the humanitarian transports, Lori looked out the viewport in slight awe as the ship broke the atmosphere and began to drop it's altitude to one of the villages below. Food, water, medicine, all of that stuff was tucked away in crates on board. There were toys too. Lori was determined to make the young ones feel better by playing with them if she could.

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